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<h3 align="center"><b>FOLD</b><br></h3>
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Fast <b>Adaptive Time Series ML </b> Engine
<a href="https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/"><strong>Explore the docs »</strong></a>
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![Adaptive Models](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dream-faster/fold/main/docs/images/overview_diagrams/main_diagram.svg)
The<b> <a href="https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/concepts/adaptive-ml/">Adaptive ML Engine</a></b> that lets you <b>build</b>, <b>deploy and update</b> Models easily. An order of magnitude speed-up, combined with flexibility and rigour.</b>
![Fold works with many third party libraries](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dream-faster/fold/main/docs/images/overview_diagrams/third_party.svg)
## Main Features
![Fold's main features](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dream-faster/fold/main/docs/images/overview_diagrams/main_features.svg)
- 10x faster Adaptive Backtesting - [What does that mean?](https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/concepts/adaptive-ml/)
- Composite Models made Adaptive - [What does that mean?](https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/concepts/adaptive-ml/)
- Distributed computing - [Why is this important?](#Fold-is-different)
- Update deployed models (coming in May) - [Why is this important?](#Fold-is-different)
## Installation
- Prerequisites: `python >= 3.7` and `pip`
- Install from pypi:
pip install fold-core
## Quickstart
You can quickly train your chosen models and get predictions by running:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from statsforecast.models import ARIMA
from fold import ExpandingWindowSplitter, train_evaluate
from fold.composites import Ensemble
from fold.transformations import OnlyPredictions
from fold.utils.dataset import get_preprocessed_dataset
X, y = get_preprocessed_dataset(
"weather/historical_hourly_la", target_col="temperature", shorten=1000
pipeline = [
ARIMA(order=(1, 1, 0)),
splitter = ExpandingWindowSplitter(initial_train_window=0.2, step=0.2)
scorecard, prediction, trained_pipelines = train_evaluate(pipeline, X, y, splitter)
Thinking of using `fold`? We'd love to hear about your use case and help, [please book a free 30-min call with us](https://calendly.com/nowcasting/consultation)!
(If you install `krisi` by running `pip install krisi` you get an extended report back, rather than a single metric.)
## Fold is different
- Adaptive Models and Backtesting at lightning speed.<br/>
<span style="color:orange;">**→ fold allows to simulate and evaluate your models like they would have performed, in reality/when deployed, with clever use of paralellization and design.**</span>
- Create composite models: ensembles, hybrids, stacking pipelines, easily.<br/>
<span style="color:orange;">**→ Underutilized, but [the easiest, fastest way to increase performance of your Time Series models.](https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0169207022001480)**
- Built with Distributed Computing in mind.<br/>
<span style="color:orange;">**→ Deploy your research and development pipelines to a cluster with `ray`, and use `modin` to handle out-of-memory datasets (full support for modin is coming in April).**</span>
- Bridging the gap between Online and Mini-Batch learning.<br/>
<span style="color:orange;">**→ Mix and match `xgboost` with ARIMA, in a single pipeline. Boost your model's accuracy by updating them on every timestamp, if desired.**</span>
- Update your deployed models, easily, as new data flows in.<br/>
<span style="color:orange;">**→ Real world is not static. Let your models adapt, without the need to re-train from scratch.**</span>
## Examples, Walkthroughs and Blog Posts
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Dataset Type</th>
<th>Docs Link</th>
⚡️ Core Walkthrough
<a href='https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/walkthroughs/core_walkthrough/' target="_blank">Notebook</a>
<a href='https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1CVhxOmbHO9PvsdHfGvR91ilJUqEnUuy8?usp=sharing' target="_blank">Colab</a>
🚄 Speed Comparison of Fold to other libraries
<a href='https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/walkthroughs/benchmarking_sktime_fold/' target="_blank">
<a href='https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1iLXpty-j1kpDCzLM4fCsP3fLoS_DFN1C?usp=sharing' target="_blank">
📚 Example Collection
<td>Weather & Synthetic</td>
<a href='https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/generated/gallery/' target="_blank">
Collection Link
<td> - </td>
🖋️ Why we ended up building an Adaptive ML engine for Time Series
<td>Public Release Blog Post </td>
<a href='https://www.appliedexploration.com/p/back-to-the-future-with-time-series' target="_blank">
Blog post on Applied Exploration
<td> - </td>
## Core Features
- Supports both Regression and Classification tasks.
- Online and Mini-batch learning.
- Feature selection and other transformations on an expanding/rolling window basis
- Use any scikit-learn/tabular model natively!
- Use any univariate or sequence models (wrappers provided in [fold-wrappers](https://github.com/dream-faster/fold-wrappers)).
- Use any Deep Learning Time Series models (wrappers provided in [fold-wrappers](https://github.com/dream-faster/fold-wrappers)).
- Super easy syntax!
- Probabilistic foreacasts (currently, for Classification, full support coming in April).
- Hyperparemeter optimization / Model selection. (coming in early April!)
## What is Adaptive Backtesting?
![Adaptive Backtesting](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dream-faster/fold/main/docs/images/technical_diagrams/continous_validation.svg)
It's like classical Backtesting / Time Series Cross-Validation, plus: Inside a test window, and during deployment, fold provides a way for models to update their parameters or access the last value.
[Learn more](https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/concepts/adaptive-ml/)
## Our Open-core Time Series Toolkit
If you want to try them out, we'd love to hear about your use case and help, [please book a free 30-min call with us](https://calendly.com/nowcasting/consultation)!
[Explore our Commercial License options here](https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/product/pricing)
## Contribution
Join our <a style="margin:2px" href="https://discord.gg/EKJQgfuBpE"><img alt="Discord Community" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Discord-%235865F2.svg?logo=discord&logoColor=white"></a> for live discussion!
Submit an issue or reach out to us on info at dream-faster.ai for any inquiries.
## Licence & Usage
We want to **bring much-needed transparency, speed and rigour** to the process of creating Time Series ML pipelines, while also building a sustainable business, that can support the ecosystem in the long-term.
Fold's licence is inbetween [source-available](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source-available_software) and a traditional commercial software licence. It requires a paid licence for any commercial use, after the initial, 30 day trial period.
We also want to contribute to open research by giving free access to non-commercial, research use of `fold`.
[Read more](https://dream-faster.github.io/fold/product/license/)
## Limitations
- No intermittent time series support, very limited support for missing values.
- No hierarchical time series support.