# flydra_analysis - analysis component of flydra
# flydra - multi-camera tracking system
**⚠️⚠️Please consider our updated software, called [Braid](https://strawlab.org/braid).⚠️⚠️** Braid is a modern and maintained derivative of
flydra. Braid performs the same tasks as flydra, only better. Flydra is not very actively maintained and substantial updates
from the Straw Lab are not anticipated.
Flydra is a markerless, multi-camera tracking system capable of tracking the
three-dimensional position and body orientation of animals such as flies and
birds. The system operates with less than 40 ms latency and can track multiple
animals simultaneously. Fundamentally, the multi-target tracking algorithm is
based on an extended Kalman filter and the nearest neighbour standard filter
data association algorithm.
## Discussion
For questions or discussion, please use [the "multicams" Google
## Installation
For installation, we recommend using [our Ansible
playbooks](https://github.com/strawlab/strawlab-ansible-roles.git). In particular,
the `ros-kinetic-flydra` role or the `ros-kinetic-freemovr` install on
Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic, either flydra alone or within a [full FreemoVR
## History
This software was originally develped by Andrew Straw in the Dickinson Lab at
Caltech from 2004-2010. Ongoing development continued, coordinated by the Straw
Lab, from 2010. The software was open sourced in 2017.
## Funding
We gratefully acknowledge support from from the Packard Foundation, AFOSR
(FA9550-06-1-0079), ARO (DAAD 19-03-D-0004), NIH (R01 DA022777), NSF (0923802),
and Caltech to Michael H. Dickinson, and AFOSR (FA9550-10-1-0086), ERC (Starting
Grant 281884 FlyVisualCircuits), WWTF (CS11-029), Boehringer Ingelheim, Research
Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), and the University of Freiburg to Andrew
D. Straw.
## Directory organization
* `docs` - documentation
* `flydra_analysis` - calibration and analysis routines
* `flydra_camnode` - camera node program
* `flydra_core` - realtime 3D tracking
* `packaging` - making Debian/Ubuntu packages
## Publications
Flydra is described in the following papers:
Straw AD✎, Branson K, Neumann TR, Dickinson MH. Multicamera Realtime 3D Tracking
of Multiple Flying Animals. *Journal of The Royal Society Interface* 8(11),
395-409 (2011)
Stowers JR*, Hofbauer M*, Bastien R, Griessner J⁑, Higgins P⁑, Farooqui S⁑,
Fischer RM, Nowikovsky K, Haubensak W, Couzin ID, Tessmar-Raible K✎, Straw AD✎.
Virtual Reality for Freely Moving Animals. Nature Methods (2017)
Please cite these if you use Flydra.
## License
With the exception of third party software, the software, documentation and
other resouces are licensed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0,
(./LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
* MIT license (./LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
## Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or
## Code of conduct
Anyone who interacts with flydra in any space including but not
limited to this GitHub repository is expected to follow our [code of