🍾 **Flask extension for JSON API**
> This project is created and maintained by ISCLUB studio. Use the MIT license on GITHUB and PYPI
## Introduction
**Flask-was** can better realize the separation of front and back ends. Quickly create data verification and check before the view function runs, generate data and return. You can also create user verification functions to data verification. Fast and elegant
## Install
Use pip to install or update:
``` bash
$ pip install -U flask-was
## Example
**A simple Signin**
``` python
from flask import Flask
from flask_was import Was, Checker, Column
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Was(app)
"name": Column(api.String, biggest_str=20, smallest_str=4),
"email": Column(api.EmailAddress, biggest_str=255, smallest_str=3),
"password": Column(api.String, biggest_str=20, smallest_str=4),
@app.route("/api/signin", methods=["POST"])
def api_signin(postdata):
if postdata[0]:
print("======== A new user coming ... ========")
print("Name: " + postdata[1]["name"])
print("Email: " + postdata[1]["email"])
return api.send(json={"messagess": "Signin was OK"}, status=200)
return api.send(
json={"messagess": "Have some error. Check you forms", "postdata": postdata},
**Post Request**:
``` python
import requests
## Documentation
Read the **documentation** to get started. The documentation is in the `/docs` folder. If this project is helpful to you, please click the **Star**
## Contribution Guide
If you find errors or have good suggestions, please refer to the following template to create **issues** and **pull requests**
- `Good ideas`
``` markdown
## Introduction
What can this idea do ...
## Code
The files I changed and what did I do ...
## Info
Version Information...
Python: 3.6.x
Flask: 1.1.x
Flask-Was: 0.1.x
- `Problems in use`
``` markdown
## Buiness
My business needs ...
## Code
Part of the code and full traceback ...
What does my code do ...
## Info
Version Information...
Python: 3.6.x
Flask: 1.1.x
Flask-Was: 0.1.x
If you make a useful contribution, you will be added to the **contributors.md**
## License