# Flask-value-checker :mag_right:
Imaging web form checking, but now imagine that it was easy and comfy
## Example usage
from flask_value_checker import Invigilator
from flask import Flask, request
invigilator = Invigilator()
@app.route('/abc', methods=['POST'])
username : str/lenlim(5, 15)
password : str/lenlim(8, inf)
stayLoggedIn : str/accept(['on'])/optional
def abc():
stay_logged_in = request.form.get('stayLoggedIn', 'off')
return f'hi {request.form['username']}, stay logged in: {stay_logged_in}'
#### example default error
Note: this error can [be customized](#custom-error-showing)
"error": {
"message": "one or more fields we're either missing or malformed",
"fields": {
"email" : "missing parameter, parameter is required",
"firstName" : "string length must be between 5 and inf",
"age" : "parameter has to be of type 'int'"
## function docs :notebook_with_decorative_cover: :notebook: :closed_book: :blue_book:
<a name="custom-error-showing"></a>
### Invigilator(err_function=None)
- **Type** : `function` or `None`
- **Description** : the function that displays the final error to the webpage, must be written the the way a standard flask function is written, (although you may wanna check out [Flask.Response](https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/api/?highlight=response#flask.Response), and return that instead of a tuple like `(error, 400)`)
- **Example**
def custom_error_shower(errors):
return Response(
json.dumps({"errors": errors,}), status=400, mimetype="application/json"
### Invigilator.check(http_methods, checker_str)
##### http_methods:
- **Type** : `str` or `list of strs`
- **Description** : HTTP methods to check for,
**NOTE**: if the http method to check for is not present in methods, the decorated function will be called normally and no checks will be performed
- **Example** : `'GET'`, `'POST'`, `['GET', 'POST']`
## field name attribute docs
all top attributes (str, int, float) should not have any parameters,
**Note**: top attributes should be placed first, then its sub attributes
should be placed
### str
##### lenlim(min, max)
the minimum and maximum length the fields string can be
- **min** : `int` or the value `inf`, the minimum accepted string length
- **max** : `int` or the value `inf` (see [example-usage](#example-usage)), the maximum accepted string length
##### optional
is the attribute optional ?
##### accept(accepted_vals)
values that can be accepted when using the field name
- **accepted_vals**: `list of strings`, the acceptable values for the parameter
### int and float
**int** specifies that the number must be an integer,
**float** specifies that it can be decimal,
both attributes have the same sub-attributes
##### lim(min, max)
the limits that the numeric values can range between
- **min** : `float` or the value `inf`, the minimum accepted numeric value
- **max** : `float` or the value `inf` (see [bigger-full-example](#bigger-full-example)), the maximum accepted numeric value
##### optional
is the attribute optional ?
##### checker_str
- **Type** : `str`
- **Description** : the form attributes and their restrictions written in the prescribed format, [See Here](#writing-parameters)
## Guide :metal:
### Writing parameters:
- different parameters are separated by a newline
- the parameter and its rules are separated by an `:`
- rule conditions are separated by an `/`
- the first condition should be the type of the required value, `str`, `int` or `float`
- condition arguments are put in brackets `()`
###### example:
`score : float/lim(0, 11.5)/optional`
### bigger full example
firstName : str/lenlim(1, 15)
middleName : str/optional
lastName : str/optional
stayLoggedIn : str/accept(['on'])/optional
email : str
password : str/lenlim(8, inf)
phone : str/lenlim(8, 15)
# number will have to be an Int,
# but it'll have to be greater than
# 18, not including 18
age : int/lim(18.9, inf)
score : float/lim(0, 10) # can be a decimal value
def abc():
## Dev-docs
- codestyle : black
- documentation style : numpydoc
- HTTP-Returns extra to Numpydoc, that is similar to Return, but is represented as follows
on failure, the response will be similar to,
"error": {
"message": "one or more fields we're either missing or malformed",
"fields": {
"email" : "missing parameter, parameter is required",
"firstName" : "name has to be under 15 characters",
"age" : "parameter has to be of type 'int'"
or whatever the original function returns
<return code>
<return message>