# Flask Auto Router(自动注册路由)
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This is an auto-register routing plugin based on the 'Flask' framework, developed according to the 'flask_restful' specification, you only need to configure the view file, you can automatically register the routing system, if you encounter Debug or problems, please contact me through the above contact information
这是一个基于 `Flask`框架的自动注册路由插件,根据`flask_restful `规范开发的,你只需要配置视图文件,就可以自动注册路由系统,如果你在使用中遇到Debug或者问题,请通过上面的联系方式联系我
Required plugins 必要的插件
pip install -U flask
pip install -U flask-restful
## settings(配置)
`BASE_DIR`: Sets the root path for the search
from pathlib import Path
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
`AUTO_ROUTER_DIR`: A file filter that allows AutoRouter to search only a specified range of directories
文件过滤器,可以使AutoRouter 只搜索指定范围的目录
AUTO_ROUTER_DIR = ['view', 'view2']
Simple configuration is all that's needed, and you never have to configure a cumbersome routing system again
只需要简单的配置,从此再也不用配置繁琐的路由系统 ^.^
from flask import Flask
from flask_auto_router import AutoRouter
# 1.flask restful view object Auto register router plugins
# 1.flask restful 自动注册视图类路由插件
auto_router = AutoRouter()
# 2. File filter, which allows searching only a specified range of file directories
# Add this configuration to app.config
# 2.文件过滤器,只允许搜索指定范围的文件目录
# 将此配置加入到 app.config中即可
# Configuration is only allowed to specify the directory view class
# 只允许配置指定目录视图类
# AUTO_ROUTER_DIR = ['view', 'view2']
# 3. 配置需要自动路由的.py文件(注意带有相对路径)
app = Flask(__name__)
if __name__ in "__main__":
## View Object(视图类)
`__url__`: Custom Router 自定义子路由
`__endpoint__`: Jinja2 template reflection names Jinja2 模板反射名称
from flask_restful import Resource
class Home(Resource):
__url__ = '/'
__endpoint__ = 'home'
def get(self, **kwargs):
return "Hello World!"
访问地址: http://localhost:5000
from flask_restful import Resource
class User(Resource):
__url__ = '/'
__endpoint__ = 'user'
def get(self, **kwargs):
return "Hello User!"
# If the route method is not stated, the class name will be used as the route
# 如果没有申明路由方式,将会以类名作为路由
class Login(Resource):
def get(self, **kwargs):
return "Login in!"
user: http://localhost:5000/user
user: http://localhost:5000/login