# Flairaio
Asynchronous Python library for Flair's API using **OAuth 2.0 Authentication**.
This package provides an API client for the [Flair API](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/5353571/TzsbKTAG#intro)
to be used with **OAuth 2.0** credentials generated by Flair. For API access, please [contact Flair Support](https://support.flair.co/hc/en-us/requests/new)
with the email address associated with your registered Flair account.
## Installation
### PyPI
pip3 install flairaio
This package depends on [aiohttp](https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/) and requires `Python 3.7` or greater.
## Usage
### Creating Client
import asyncio
from flairaio import FlairClient
from aiohttp import ClientSession
async def main():
async with ClientSession() as session:
# Create a client using OAuth 2.0 client_id and client_secret
client = FlairClient('client_id', 'client_secret', session)
Examples within the examples section utilize the FlairClient instance created above
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
## Examples
### Retrieving objects of interest
<summary> <b>Users</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "Users" and "User" Data Classes
# Retrieve all users.
users = await client.get_users()
# Retrieve a specific user. Note: user_id is the specific user's ID as a string.
user = await client.get_user(user_id='1')
<summary> <b>Structures</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "Structures" and "Structure" Data Classes
# Retrieve all structures.
structures = await client.get_structures()
# Retrieve a specific structure. Note: structure_id is the specific structure's ID as a string.
structure = await client.get_structure(structure_id='1')
<summary> <b>Rooms</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "Rooms" and "Room" Data Classes
# Retrieve all rooms.
rooms = await client.get_rooms()
# Retrieve a specific room. Note: room_id is the specific room's ID as a string.
room = await client.get_room(room_id='1')
<summary> <b>Pucks</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "Pucks" and "Puck" Data Classes
# Retrieve all pucks.
pucks = await client.get_pucks()
# Retrieve a specific puck. Note: puck_id is the specific puck's ID as a string.
puck = await client.get_puck(puck_id='1')
<summary> <b>Vents</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "Vents" and "Vent" Data Classes
# Retrieve all vents.
vents = await client.get_vents()
# Retrieve a specific vent. Note: vent_id is the specific vent's ID as a string.
vent = await client.get_vent(vent_id='1')
<summary> <b>Thermostats</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "Thermostats" and "Thermostat" Data Classes
# Retrieve all thermostats.
thermostats = await client.get_thermostats()
# Retrieve a specific thermostat. Note: thermostat_id is the specific thermostat's ID as a string.
thermostat = await client.get_thermostat(thermostat_id='1')
<summary> <b>HVAC Units</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "HVACUnits" and "HVACUnit" Data Classes
# Retrieve all HVAC units.
hvac_units = await client.get_hvac_units()
# Retrieve a specific HVAC unit. Note: hvac_id is the specific HVAC unit's ID as a string.
hvac_unit = await client.get_hvac_unit(hvac_id='1')
<summary> <b>Zones</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "Zones" and "Zone" Data Classes
# Retrieve all zones.
zones = await client.get_zones()
# Retrieve a specific zone. Note: zone_id is the specific zone's ID as a string.
zone = await client.get_zone(zone_id='1')
<summary> <b>Getting all Flair Data</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# See model.py for details regarding "FlairData" Data Class
# The resulting FlairData instance will contain an instance of "Users" and an instance of "Structures" which
# contains instances of "Structure" created for every structure associated with your account. Within each Structure,
# you will find its id, attributes, relationships, as well as all rooms, pucks, vents, thermostats, HVAC units, and zones
# associated with said structure - each of these also contains their id, attributes, and relationships. As a bonus, the
# get_flair_data method also fetches the current reading endpoints for pucks and vents.
# Retrieve all flair data.
flair_data = await client.get_flair_data()
### Retrieving Related Items
#### *** See Related Endpoints for available related links.
<summary> <b>Getting related data</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# You need to create an instance of the object of interest prior to retrieving its related item(s).
# Create a Puck instance for a specific puck. Note: puck_id is the specific puck's ID as a string.
puck = await client.get_puck(puck_id='1')
# Retrieve "current-reading" for puck
current_reading = await client.get_related(flair_object=puck, related_type='current_reading')
### Creating
<summary> <b>Creating New Room</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# Content of attributes and relationships dictionaries will depend on what is being created.
# Create attributes dictionary for new room.
attributes = {
"name": "My New Flair Room"
# Creat new room "My New Flair Room"
await client.create(resource_type='rooms', attributes=attributes, relationships={})
### Deleting
<summary> <b>Deleting Room</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# Deleting a room with an id of '1234'
await client.delete(resource_type='rooms', item_id='1234')
### Updating
<summary> <b>Opening Vent</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
# Content of attributes and relationships dictionaries will depend on what is being updated.
# The example below is fully opening a specific Flair vent
# create attributes dictionary
attributes = {
"percent-open": 100
# Fully open the vent
await client.update(resource_type='vents', item_id='1', attributes=attributes, relationships={})
<summary> <b>Setting HVAC Unit Mode</b> (<i>click to expand</i>)</summary>
### Note:
#### * If structure is set to Manual mode: HVAC mode, temp, swing, and fan speed can only be set when the unit is powered on.
#### * If structure is set to Auto mode: Only swing and fan speed can be set.
#### * Fan speed: if structure is set to Manual mode, changing fan speed requires updating the attribute `"fan-speed"`. Changing fan speed with structure in Auto mode requires updating the attribute `"default-fan-speed"`.
#### * Swing: If structure is set to Manual mode, changing swing requires updating the attribute `"swing"`. Changing swing with structure in Auto mode requires updating the attribute `"swing-auto"`.
# Content of attributes and relationships dictionaries will depend on what is being updated.
# The example below is setting the HVAC Unit mode to Cool.
# create attributes dictionary
attributes = {
"mode": 'Cool'
# Update HVAC unit's mode to Cool
await client.update(resource_type='hvac-units', item_id='1', attributes=attributes, relationships={})
## Available Related Endpoints
<div align="center">
<th>Resource Type</th>
<th align="center">Related</th>
<td align="center">HVAC Unit</td>
<td align="center">Puck</td>
<td align="center">Room</td>
<td align="center">Structure</td>
<td align="center">Thermostat</td>
<td align="center">User</td>
<td align="center">Vent</td>
<td align="center">Zone</td>