# flagrs
This is an experimental project parallel to my
[PyNTL](https://gitlab.com/franksh/pyntl) project where I attempt to reimplement
parts from my `flagmining` library as CPython extension code in Rust.
Is designed to be fast. Uses the `rug` library as a lightweight wrapper around
Due to some lacking functionality in `rust-cpython==0.6.0` it depends on my own
fork of said project, so you probably won't be able to compile it.
# ZZ : ℤ
## Normal Integer Operations
### `x+y -> n`, `x-y -> n`, `x*y -> n`
Normal addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
### `x//y -> q`, `x%y -> r`, `divmod(x,y) -> (q,r)`
Integers act Euclidean.
### `x**e`, `pow(x,e)`
Normal exponentiation. `e` must be a natural number (i.e. non-negative integer).
### `bool(x)`, `x.__bool__() -> bool`
Numbers are true if they're non-zero.
### `n.sqrt() -> (w,r)`
Floored integer square root with remainder. `w*w + r == n`.
### `n.root(d) -> (w,r)`
Floored integer `d`th root with remainder. `w**d + r == n`.
### `-x`
### `abs(x)`
Absolute value.
### `x.sign() -> s`
The sign (also called signum) of `x` (-1, 0, or 1).
## Bitwise Operations
### `x|y`, `x&y`, `x^y`
Bitwise OR, AND, and XOR.
### `~x`
Bitwise negation, acting as if the integer had infinite width. Equivalent to `-x-1`.
### `x<<i`, `x>>i`
Bit shifts (can be negative).
### `n.nbits() -> c`
Number of bits needed to represent the absolute value of `n`.
A synonym for `n.bit_length()` or `len(n)`.
### `n.weight() -> c`
Number of bits set in the absolute value of `n`.
### `n.truncate(bits, [signed=False])`
Truncate `n` to the given number of bits. Negative numbers are treated as if
they're in two's-complement form for the given bit width.
If `signed` is `True` the resulting bits will be re-interpreted as a signed
value and so the result might be negative.
### `n.next_bit() -> b`
Next power-of-two bigger than `n`.
### `list(n) -> [bool...]`.
Integers also function implicitly as a list of bits, from least significant to most significant.
``` python-console
>>> list(ZZ(256+16+1))
[True, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, True]
### `n[i] -> bool`
Checks bit `i` (0-indexed).
### `n[i:j] -> v`
Returns a number with the bits set in the slice.
Morally equivalent to `(n>>i) % (1<<j-i)` but supports full slice syntax, including negative numbers.
TODO: `rust-cpython` doesn't have PySlice objects!
## Representation
### `str(x) -> str`, `x.__repr__()`
Number in base-10 as a text string.
### `x.nbytes() -> l`
Number of bytes needed to represent the number. For positive numbers this is
equivalent to `(x.nbits() + 7)//8`. Negative numbers might require an extra
bit (see `x.bytes()`).
### `x.bytes([order='big']) -> bytes`
Interprets the number as base-256 and returns the digits as a bytestring.
Negative numbers are treated as if they're in two's complement representation
of the minimum bit width that will successfully represent them, so `-128`
gives `b'\x80'` and `-129` gives `b'\xff\x7f'`.
### `x.digits(base) -> [d...]`
Yields a list of digits in base `base`. The base can be negative, but must have a magnitude of 2 or more.
## Modular Arithmetic
### `n.inv_mod(m) -> r`
Returns $1/n \pmod m$.
### `pow(x,e,m)`
Exponentiation under a modulus. `e` can be negative if `gcd(x,m) == 1`.
### `a.kronecker(n) -> k`
Kronecker symbol $$(\frac{a}{n})$$. For primes it corresponds to the Legendre symbol.
### `m.M -> <ZMod type>`
Access to the modular numbers using the given number as modulus. See below for `ZMod`.
``` python-console
>>> F = ZZ(13).M
>>> F(3) * 5
## Factors
### `n.gcd(m...) -> g`
Returns the GCD of `n` with all arguments.
### `n.egcd(m) -> (g,x,y)`
Extended GCD yielding BeÌzout coefficients. `x*n + m*y == g`.
### `n.lcm(m...) -> m`
Returns the LCM of `n` with all arguments.
### `n.is_prime([reps=25]) -> bool`
Trivial divisors, then Baille-PSW, then $(reps-24)$ rounds of Miller-Rabin.
### `n.next_prime() -> p`
Returns the next prime larger than `n`.
### `n.make_odd() -> (q,e)`
Returns the odd part and exponent of 2 in `n`. `2**e * q == n`
### `n.small_factors([upto=0x100000]) -> (q,[(p,e)...])`
Factors out all primes smaller than `upto`.
Returns the remaining factor `q` and a list of primes and their multiplicity.
### `x.factor_pollard(upto)`
### `x.factor_fermat(s, e)`
# ZMod : ℤ_n
Represents the residue ring (or field) of integers under a given modulus. The
normal arithmetic works as expected. In cases where a field is required for the
operation to be well-defined, the code will simply assume the user knows what
they're doing and operate under the assumption that it is (i.e. that the modulus
is prime).
### `x/y -> z`
Normal division works as expected:
``` python-console
>>> F = ZMod(17)
>>> F(5)/2
>>> F(11)*2
### `x**e -> y`
Exponentiation also works as expected:
``` python-console
>>> ZMod(17179)(2)**0xdeadcafe
### `p.EC(a,b) -> <EC type>`
Access to the additive group of an Elliptic Curve using this modulus.
# EC : Ellipic Curves