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Package to *sequentially* efficiently read large fits arrays in object by object
* Free software: MIT license
* *Sequentially* read in large fits files, within a given fixed memory limit
Quick usage
The following example shows an example of reading in a large fits
hdu within a memory limit of 2048MB, assuming light curves are
stored in rows:
.. code:: python
import numpy as np
import fitsio
import fitsiochunked as fc
with fitsio.FITS(filename) as infile:
hdu = infile['flux']
napertures = hdu.get_info()['ndim'][0]
mean_flux = np.zeros(napertures)
for chunk in fc.chunks(hdu, memory_limit_mb=2048):
# `chunk` is a namedtuple with `.data` and `.slice` properties
chunk_data = chunk.data
print('Data shape:', chunk_data.shape)
print('Data dtype:', chunk_data.dtype)
chunk_slice = chunk.slice
print('Chunk starting from aperture:', chunk_slice.start)
print('Chunk up to:', chunk_slice.stop)
chunk_mean = np.average(chunk_data, axis=1)
mean_flux[chunk_slice] = chunk_mean
The library copes with an aribtrary number of hdus:
.. code:: python
import numpy as np
import fitsio
import fitsiochunked as fc
with fitsio.FITS(filename) as infile:
hjd_hdu = infile['hjd']
flux_hdu = infile['flux']
fluxerr_hdu = infile['fluxerr']
napertures = flux_hdu.get_info()['ndim'][0]
mean_flux = np.zeros(napertures)
for chunks in fc.chunks(hjd_hdu, flux_hdu, fluxerr_hdu, memory_limit_mb=2048):
# chunks is a tuple of chunks
hjd_chunk, flux_chunk, fluxerr_chunk = chunks
# `chunk` is a namedtuple with `.data` and `.slice` properties
flux_chunk_data = flux_chunk.data
print('Data shape:', flux_chunk_data.shape)
print('Data dtype:', flux_chunk_data.dtype)
# and so on
Note: if multiple hdus are supplied, then the ``memory_limit_mb`` and
``chunksize`` arguments to ``chunks`` apply to **each** HDU i.e. three HDUs and
a memory limit of 2048MB will lead to 3x2048 = 6144MB of memory used.
Install with ``pip``:
.. code:: bash
pip install fitsiochunked
# or get the latest development version from github
pip install git+https://github.com/mindriot101/fitsiochunked
or download and run the setup file:
.. code:: bash
git clone https://github.com/mindriot101/fitsiochunked
cd fitsiochunked
python setup.py install
The high level interface is the ``chunks`` function, which builds a
``ChunkedAdapter`` object wrapping a ``fitsio.ImageHDU`` object.
The ``ChunkedAdapter`` wraps a ``fitsio`` HDU object. When constructed,
it becomes a callable which yields the image data in that hdu in chunks.
The chunksize can be set either with with the parameter
``chunksize`` which simply yields ``chunksize`` rows each time,
or with ``memory_limit_mb`` which *tries* (no promises!) to
automatically calculate the number of lightcurves that will fit into
``memory_limit_mb`` megabytes of memory.