A library for reading and writing Garmin FIT files.
## Background
> The Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer (FIT) protocol is designed specifically for the storing and sharing of data that originates from sport, fitness and health devices. The FIT protocol defines a set of data storage templates (FIT messages) that can be used to store information such as user profiles, activity data, courses, and workouts. It is specifically designed to be compact, interoperable and extensible.
[More info...](https://developer.garmin.com/fit/overview/)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade fit_tool
Command line interface
usage: fittool [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] [-l LOG] [-t TYPE] FILE
Tool for managing FIT files.
positional arguments:
FILE FIT file to process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose specify verbose output
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output filename.
-l LOG, --log LOG Log filename.
-t TYPE, --type TYPE Output format type. Options: csv, fit.
### Convert file to CSV
fittool oldstage.fit
Library Usage
### Reading a FIT file
The following code reads all the bytes from an activity FIT file and then decodes these bytes to create a FIT file
object. We then convert the FIT data to a human-readable CSV file.
from fit_tool.fit_file import FitFile
def main():
""" The following code reads all the bytes from a FIT formatted file and then decodes these bytes to
create a FIT file object. We then convert the FIT data to a human-readable CSV file.
path = '../tests/data/sdk/Activity.fit'
fit_file = FitFile.from_file(path)
out_path = '../tests/data/sdk/Activity.csv'
if __name__ == "__main__":
### Reading a FIT file and plotting some data
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from fit_tool.fit_file import FitFile
from fit_tool.profile.messages.record_message import RecordMessage
def main():
""" Analyze a FIT file
print(f'Loading activity file...')
app_fit = FitFile.from_file('./activity_20211102_133232.fit')
timestamp1 = []
power1 = []
distance1 = []
speed1 = []
cadence1 = []
for record in app_fit.records:
message = record.message
if isinstance(message, RecordMessage):
start_timestamp = timestamp1[0]
time1 = np.array(timestamp1)
power1 = np.array(power1)
speed1 = np.array(speed1)
cadence1 = np.array(cadence1)
time1 = (time1 - start_timestamp) / 1000.0 # seconds
# Plot the data
ax1 = plt.subplot(311)
ax1.plot(time1, power1, '-o', label='app [W]')
ax1.legend(loc="upper right")
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Power (W)')
plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1)
plt.plot(time1, speed1, '-o', label='app [m/s]')
plt.legend(loc="upper right")
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('speed (m/s)')
plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1)
plt.plot(time1, cadence1, '-o', label='app [rpm]')
plt.legend(loc="upper right")
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('cadence (rpm)')
if __name__ == "__main__":
### Writing a Workout
import datetime
from fit_tool.fit_file_builder import FitFileBuilder
from fit_tool.profile.messages.file_id_message import FileIdMessage
from fit_tool.profile.messages.workout_message import WorkoutMessage
from fit_tool.profile.messages.workout_step_message import WorkoutStepMessage
from fit_tool.profile.profile_type import Sport, Intensity, WorkoutStepDuration, WorkoutStepTarget, Manufacturer,
def main():
file_id_message = FileIdMessage()
file_id_message.type = FileType.WORKOUT
file_id_message.manufacturer = Manufacturer.DEVELOPMENT.value
file_id_message.product = 0
file_id_message.time_created = round(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000)
file_id_message.serial_number = 0x12345678
workout_steps = []
step = WorkoutStepMessage()
step.workout_step_name = 'Warm up 10min in Heart Rate Zone 1'
step.intensity = Intensity.WARMUP
step.duration_type = WorkoutStepDuration.TIME
step.duration_time = 600.0
step.target_type = WorkoutStepTarget.HEART_RATE
step.target_hr_zone = 1
step = WorkoutStepMessage()
step.workout_step_name = 'Bike 40min Power Zone 3'
step.intensity = Intensity.ACTIVE
step.duration_type = WorkoutStepDuration.TIME
step.duration_time = 24000.0
step.target_type = WorkoutStepTarget.POWER
step.target_power_zone = 3
step = WorkoutStepMessage()
step.workout_step_name = 'Cool Down Until Lap Button Pressed'
step.intensity = Intensity.COOLDOWN
step.duration_type = WorkoutStepDuration.OPEN
step.durationValue = 0
step.target_type = WorkoutStepTarget.OPEN
step.target_value = 0
workout_message = WorkoutMessage()
workout_message.workoutName = 'Tempo Bike'
workout_message.sport = Sport.CYCLING
workout_message.num_valid_steps = len(workout_steps)
# We set autoDefine to true, so that the builder creates the required
# Definition Messages for us.
builder = FitFileBuilder(auto_define=True, min_string_size=50)
fit_file = builder.build()
out_path = '../tests/out/tempo_bike_workout.fit'
if __name__ == "__main__":
### Writing a Course
import datetime
import gpxpy
from geopy.distance import geodesic
from fit_tool.fit_file_builder import FitFileBuilder
from fit_tool.profile.messages.course_message import CourseMessage
from fit_tool.profile.messages.course_point_message import CoursePointMessage
from fit_tool.profile.messages.event_message import EventMessage
from fit_tool.profile.messages.file_id_message import FileIdMessage
from fit_tool.profile.messages.lap_message import LapMessage
from fit_tool.profile.messages.record_message import RecordMessage
from fit_tool.profile.profile_type import FileType, Manufacturer, Sport, Event, EventType, CoursePoint
def main():
# Set auto_define to true, so that the builder creates the required Definition Messages for us.
builder = FitFileBuilder(auto_define=True, min_string_size=50)
# Read position data from a GPX file
gpx_file = open('../tests/data/old_stage_left_hand_lee.gpx', 'r')
gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
message = FileIdMessage()
message.type = FileType.COURSE
message.manufacturer = Manufacturer.DEVELOPMENT.value
message.product = 0
message.timeCreated = round(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000)
message.serialNumber = 0x12345678
# Every FIT course file MUST contain a Course message
message = CourseMessage()
message.courseName = 'old stage'
message.sport = Sport.CYCLING
# Timer Events are REQUIRED for FIT course files
start_timestamp = round(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000)
message = EventMessage()
message.event = Event.TIMER
message.event_type = EventType.START
message.timestamp = start_timestamp
distance = 0.0
timestamp = start_timestamp
course_records = [] # track points
prev_coordinate = None
for track_point in gpx.tracks[0].segments[0].points:
current_coordinate = (track_point.latitude, track_point.longitude)
# calculate distance from previous coordinate and accumulate distance
if prev_coordinate:
delta = geodesic(prev_coordinate, current_coordinate).meters
delta = 0.0
distance += delta
message = RecordMessage()
message.position_lat = track_point.latitude
message.position_long = track_point.longitude
message.distance = distance
message.timestamp = timestamp
timestamp += 10000
prev_coordinate = current_coordinate
# Add start and end course points (i.e. way points)
message = CoursePointMessage()
message.timestamp = course_records[0].timestamp
message.position_lat = course_records[0].position_lat
message.position_long = course_records[0].position_long
message.type = CoursePoint.SEGMENT_START
message.course_point_name = 'start'
message = CoursePointMessage()
message.timestamp = course_records[-1].timestamp
message.position_lat = course_records[-1].position_lat
message.position_long = course_records[-1].position_long
message.type = CoursePoint.SEGMENT_END
message.course_point_name = 'end'
# stop event
message = EventMessage()
message.event = Event.TIMER
message.eventType = EventType.STOP_ALL
message.timestamp = timestamp
# Every FIT course file MUST contain a Lap message
elapsed_time = timestamp - start_timestamp
message = LapMessage()
message.timestamp = timestamp
message.start_time = start_timestamp
message.total_elapsed_time = elapsed_time
message.total_timer_time = elapsed_time
message.start_position_lat = course_records[0].position_lat
message.start_position_long = course_records[0].position_long
message.end_position_lat = course_records[-1].position_lat
message.endPositionLong = course_records[-1].position_long
message.total_distance = course_records[-1].distance
# Finally build the FIT file object and write it to a file
fit_file = builder.build()
out_path = '../tests/out/old_stage_course.fit'
csv_path = '../tests/out/old_stage_course.csv'
if __name__ == "__main__":