# fireTS #
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[**Documentation**](https://firets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), [**FAQ**](https://github.com/jxx123/fireTS#faq)
- 5/31/2020 `forecast` method is AVAILABLE now in `NARX` models!!! (`DirectAutoRegressor` is not suitable to do forecast, so there is no forecast method for it.) Here is a quick start example. Check "examples/Basic usage of NARX and DirectAutoregressor.ipynb" for more details. [What is the difference between `predict` and `forecast`?](https://github.com/jxx123/fireTS#faq)
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from fireTS.models import NARX
x = np.random.randn(100, 1)
y = np.random.randn(100)
mdl = NARX(LinearRegression(), auto_order=2, exog_order=[2])
mdl.fit(x, y)
y_forecast = mdl.forecast(x, y, step=10, X_future=np.random.randn(9, 1))
# Introduction
`fireTS` is a sklean style package for multi-variate time-series prediction. Here is a simple code snippet to showcase the awesome features provided by `fireTS` package.
from fireTS.models import NARX, DirectAutoRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
import numpy as np
# Random training data
x = np.random.randn(100, 2)
y = np.random.randn(100)
# Build a non-linear autoregression model with exogenous inputs
# using Random Forest regression as the base model
mdl1 = NARX(
exog_order=[2, 2],
exog_delay=[1, 1])
mdl1.fit(x, y)
ypred1 = mdl1.predict(x, y, step=3)
# Build a general autoregression model and make multi-step prediction directly
# using XGBRegressor as the base model
mdl2 = DirectAutoRegressor(
exog_order=[2, 2],
exog_delay=[1, 1],
mdl2.fit(x, y)
ypred2 = mdl2.predict(x, y)
- `sklearn` style API. The package provides `fit` and `predict` methods, which is very similar to `sklearn` package.
- Plug-and-go. You are able to plug in any machine learning regression algorithms provided in `sklearn` package and build a time-series forecasting model.
- Create the lag features for you by specifying the autoregression order `auto_order`, the exogenous input order `exog_order`, and the exogenous input delay `exog_delay`.
- Support multi-step prediction. The package can make multi-step prediction in two different ways: recursive way and direct way. `NARX` model is to build a one-step-ahead-predictive model, and the model will be used recursively to make multi-step prediction (future exogenous input information is needed). `DirectAutoRegressor` makes multi-step prediction directly (no future exogenous input information is needed) by specifying the prediction step in the constructor.
- Support grid search to tune the hyper-parameters of the base model (cannot do grid search on the orders and delays of the time series model for now).
I developed this package when writing [this paper](http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2148/paper16.pdf). It is really handy to generate lag features and leverage various regression algorithms provided by sklearn to build non-linear multi-variate time series models. The API can also be used to build deep neural network models to make time-series prediction. [The paper](http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2148/paper16.pdf) used this package to build LSTM models and make multi-step predictions.
The documentation can be found [here](https://firets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). The documentation provides the mathematical equations of each model. It is highly recommended to read the documentation before using the model.
### Nonlinear AutoRegression with eXogenous (NARX) model
`fireTS.models.NARX` model is trying to train a one-step-ahead-prediction model
and make multi-step prediction recursively given the future exogenous inputs.
Given the output time series to predict `y(t)` and exogenous inputs `X(t)` The model will generate target and features as follows:
| Target | Features |
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| y(t + 1) | y(t), y(t - 1), ..., y(t - p + 1), X(t - d), X(t - d - 1), ..., X(t - d - q + 1) |
where p is the autogression order `auto_order`, q is the exogenous input order `exog_order`, d is the exogenous delay `exog_delay`.
NARX model can make any step ahead prediction given the future exogenous inputs. To make multi-step prediction, set the `step` in the `predict` method.
### Direct Autoregressor
`fireTS.models.DirectAutoRegressor` model is trying to train a
multi-step-head-prediction model directly. No future exogenous inputs are
required to make the multi-step prediction.
Given the output time series to predict `y(t)` and exogenous inputs `X(t)` The model will generate target and features as follows:
| Target | Features |
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| y(t + k) | y(t), y(t - 1), ..., y(t - p + 1), X(t - d), X(t - d - 1), ..., X(t - d - q + 1) |
where p is the autogression order `auto_order`, q is the exogenous input order `exog_order`, d is the exogenous delay `exog_delay`, k is the prediction step `pred_step`.
Direct autoregressor does not require future exogenous input information to make multi-step prediction. Its `predict` method cannot specify prediction step.
## Installation ##
**NOTE**: Only python3 is supported.
It is highly recommended to use `pip` to install `fireTS`, follow this
[link](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/) to install pip.
After pip is installed,
pip install fireTS
To get the latest development version,
git clone https://github.com/jxx123/fireTS.git
cd fireTS
pip install -e .
## Quick Start ##
- Use `RandomForestRegressor` as base model to build a `NARX` model
from fireTS.models import NARX
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
import numpy as np
x = np.random.randn(100, 1)
y = np.random.randn(100)
mdl = NARX(RandomForestRegressor(), auto_order=2, exog_order=[2], exog_delay=[1])
mdl.fit(x, y)
ypred = mdl.predict(x, y, step=3)
- Use `RandomForestRegressor` as base model to build a `DirectAutoRegressor` model
from fireTS.models import DirectAutoRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
import numpy as np
x = np.random.randn(100, 1)
y = np.random.randn(100)
mdl = DirectAutoRegressor(RandomForestRegressor(),
mdl.fit(x, y)
ypred = mdl.predict(x, y)
- Usage of grid search
from fireTS.models import NARX
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
import numpy as np
x = np.random.randn(100, 1)
y = np.random.randn(100)
# DirectAutoRegressor can do grid search as well
mdl = NARX(RandomForestRegressor(), auto_order=2, exog_order=[2], exog_delay=[1])
# Grid search
para_grid = {'n_estimators': [10, 30, 100]}
mdl.grid_search(x, y, para_grid, verbose=2)
# Best hyper-parameters are set after grid search, print the model to see the difference
# Fit the model and make the prediction
mdl.fit(x, y)
ypred = mdl.predict(x, y, step=3)
The examples folder provides more realistic examples. The [example1](https://github.com/jxx123/fireTS/blob/master/examples/Basic%20usage%20of%20NARX%20and%20DirectAutoregressor.ipynb) and [example2](https://github.com/jxx123/fireTS/blob/master/examples/Use%20Grid%20Search%20to%20tune%20the%20hyper-parameter%20of%20base%20model.ipynb) use the data simulated by [simglucose pakage](https://github.com/jxx123/simglucose) to fit time series model and make multi-step prediction.
## FAQ ##
- What is the difference between `predict` and `forecast`?
- For example, given a target time series `y(0), y(1), ..., y(9)` to predict and the exogenous input time series `x(0), x(1), ..., x(9)`, build a NARX model `NARX(RandomForestRegressor(), auto_order=1, exog_order=[1], exog_delay=[0])`. The model can be represented by a function `y(t + 1) = f(y(t), x(t)) + e(t)`.
- `predict(x, y, step=2)` outputs a time series that has the same length as original `y`, and it means the 2-step-ahead prediction at each step, i.e. `nan, nan, y_hat(2), y_hat(3), ..., y_hat(9)`. Note that `y_hat(2)` is the 2-step-ahead prediction standing at time 0. `y_hat(3)` is the 2-step-ahead prediction standing at time 1, and so on. Another **very important** note is that predicted value `y_hat(2) = f(y_hat(1), x(1)) = f(f(y(0), x(0)), x(1))`. The prediction uses a **perfect future information `x(1)`** (since you are currently at time 0).
- When `forecast(x, y, step=2)` was called, the output is of length 2, meaning the predicted y in the future 2 steps, i.e. `y_hat(10), y_hat(11)`. Here, both `y_hat(10), y_hat(11)` are the predicted values standing at time 9. However, `forecast` will **NOT** use any perfect future information of the exogenous input `x` by default. In fact, the default future exogenous inputs `x` are assume to be zeros across the whole prediction horizon. You can provide your own future exogenous input values through the optional argument `X_future` (call `forcast(x, y, step=2, X_future=your_X_future)`).