# finkl
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Learning Haskell by reimplementing its algebraic structures and classic
primitives in Python. Perhaps even usefully so!
## Install
pip install finkl
## Abstract Base Classes
Where it makes sense -- and even where it doesn't -- Haskell's algebraic
typeclasses are implemented as Python abstract base classes (i.e., class
**Note** Type annotations are used throughout, but bear in mind that
Python does not enforce these nor does its type system lend itself to
Haskell's parametric polymorphism, so the correct type may not even be
expressible. Also, I'm only human...
### `finkl.abc`
Convenience imports at the package root:
* `Eq`
* `Functor`
* `Applicative`
* `Monoid`
* `Monad`
### `finkl.abc.eq`
#### `Eq`
Abstract base class for equality checking.
##### `__eq__`
Method implementation required: Python dunder method to implement
equality checking. Equivalent to Haskell's:
(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> bool
##### `__neq__`
Default implementation is the logical inverse of `__eq__`. Equivalent to
(/=) :: Eq a => a -> a -> bool
### `finkl.abc.functor`
#### `Functor[a]`
Abstract base class for functors over type `a`.
##### `fmap`
Method implementation required: Functor mapping, which applies the given
function to itself and returns a functor. Equivalent to Haskell's:
fmap :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
#### `Applicative[a, b]`
Abstract base class for applicative functors; that is, functors of
functions from type `a` to `b`.
##### `pure`
Class method implementation required: Return the functor from the given
value. Equivalent to Haskell's:
pure :: Functor f => a -> f a
##### `applied_over`
Method implementation required: Return the functor created by appling
the applicative functor over the specified input functor. Equivalent to
(<*>) :: Functor f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
**Note** Python's matrix multiplication operator (`@`) is overloaded to
mimic Haskell's `(<*>)`.
### `finkl.abc.monoid`
#### `Monoid[m]`
Abstract base class for monoids over type `m`.
##### `mempty`
Class variable definition required: the monoid's identity element.
Equivalent to Haskell's:
mempty :: Monoid m => m
##### `mappend`
Method implementation required: The monoid's append function. Equivalent
to Haskell's:
mappend :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m
##### `mconcat`
Default implementation folds over the given monoid values, using
`mappend` and starting from the identity element (`mempty`). Equivalent
to Haskell's:
mconcat :: Monoid m => [m] -> m
### `finkl.abc.monad`
#### `Monad[a]`
Abstract base class for monads over type `a`.
##### `retn`
Class method implementation required: Return the monad from the given
value. Equivalent to Haskell's:
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
##### `bind`
Method implementation required: Monadic bind. Equivalent to Haskell's:
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
**Note** Python's greater or equal than operator (`>=`) is overloaded to
mimic Haskell's `(>>=)`. Using `bind` may be clearer due to the operator
precedence of `>=`, which may necessitate excessive parentheses.
##### `then`
Default implementation does a monadic bind that supplants the monad with
the new, given monad. Equivalent to Haskell's:
(>>) :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
**Note** Python's right shift operator (`>>`) is overloaded to mimic
Haskell's `(>>)`. Using `then` may be clearer due to the operator
precedence of `>>`, which may necessitate excessive parentheses.
##### `fail`
Default implementation raises an exception with the given string. It
*should* return a monad from the given string. Equivalent to Haskell's:
fail :: Monad m => String => m a
**Note** This function is used in Haskell's `do` notation, an analogue
of which is not currently implemented. As such, this is not an abstract
method and doesn't require an implementation.
## Implementations
### `finkl.util`
#### `identity`
Identity function. Equivalent to Haskell's:
id :: a -> a
#### `compose`
Function composition. Equivalent to Haskell's:
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
### `finkl.monad`
Convenience imports at the package root:
* `List`
* `Maybe`, `Just` and `Nothing`
* `Writer`
#### `finkl.monad.maybe`
#### `List[a]`
Lists, genericised over the given type.
* `Eq`
* `Functor`
* `Monad`
* `Monoid`
List(1, 2, 3).fmap(lambda x: x + 1)
List(1, 2, 3).bind(lambda x: List(x, -x))
List.mconcat(List(1), List(2), List(3)) == List(1, 2, 3)
##### `Maybe`, `Just` and `Nothing`
Python doesn't have sum types, so `Just` and `Nothing` are just wrappers
that instantiate an appropriate `Maybe` object. You probably don't need
to use `Maybe` directly; you'd only need it for explicit type checking,
or when using `pure`/`retn`.
* `Eq`
* `Applicative`
* `Monad`
**Note** The `Maybe` type is genericised over two type variables, as it
is an `Applicative`, which expects a function. This doesn't make a lot
of sense, but is required to satisfy Python's `Generic` interface.
not Just(123) == Nothing
Just(123).fmap(lambda x: x + 1)
Just(lambda x: x + 1).applied_over(Just(123))
Just(123).bind(lambda x: Just(x + 1))
#### `finkl.monad.writer`
##### `Writer`
The "Writer" monad, which takes some value and a monoidic context. The
`Writer` class shouldn't be instantiated directly, you should subclass
it and define a `writer` class variable, which defines the monoid.
You can extract the monad's value and writer state by using the
`run_writer` method, which returns a tuple of these properties,
respectively. Equivalent to Haskell's:
runWriter :: Writer w a -> (a, w)
* `Monad`
# Writer over integers and finkl.monad.List (which is also a monoid)
class Logger(Writer[int, List[str]]):
writer = List
def increment(x):
return Logger(x + 1, List(f"Incremented {x}"))
def double(x):
return Logger(x * 2, List(f"Doubled {x}"))
Logger(0).bind(increment) \
.bind(double) \
**Note** The `Writer`'s constructor takes two arguments: the required
value and an optional monoidic context. If the monoidic context is
omitted (default), then the monoid's identity (per `mempty`) will be
used as the context.
**Note** The `Writer` class is genericised over the value type and the
monoid type. Despite this, you still have to explicitly set the `writer`
class variable to equal the monoid type.
### `finkl.monoid`
All the following implementations implement:
* `Eq`
* `Monoid`
#### `Sum` and `Product`
Sum and product monoids over numeric types.
Sum.mconcat(Sum(1), Sum(2), Sum(3)) == Product.mconcat(Product(1), Product(2), Product(3))
#### `Any` and `All`
Disjunction and conjunction monoids over Booleans.
Any.mconcat(Any(False), Any(True), Any(False)) == Any(True)
All.mconcat(Any(True), Any(True), Any(False)) == Any(False)