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# Fink client
`fink-client` is a light package to manipulate catalogs and alerts issued from the [fink broker](https://github.com/astrolabsoftware/fink-broker) programmatically. It is used in the context of 2 major Fink services: Livestream and Data Transfer.
## Installation
`fink_client` requires a version of Python 3.9+.
### Install with pip
pip install fink-client --upgrade
### Use or develop in a controlled environment
git clone https://github.com/astrolabsoftware/fink-client.git
cd fink-client
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate fink-client
and then install it locally:
# install for development
pip install -e .
## Registration
In order to connect and poll alerts from Fink, you need to get your credentials:
1. Subscribe to one or more Fink streams by filling this [form](https://forms.gle/2td4jysT4e9pkf889).
2. After filling the form, we will send your credentials. Register them on your laptop by simply running:
fink_client_register -username <USERNAME> -group_id <GROUP_ID> ...
## Livestream usage
Once you have your credentials, you are ready to poll streams!
fink_consumer -h
usage: fink_consumer [-h] [--display] [-limit LIMIT] [--available_topics]
[--save] [-outdir OUTDIR] [-schema SCHEMA]
Kafka consumer to listen and archive Fink streams from the Livestream service
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--display If specified, print on screen information about incoming
-limit LIMIT If specified, download only `limit` alerts. Default is
--available_topics If specified, print on screen information about
available topics.
--save If specified, save alert data on disk (Avro). See also
-outdir OUTDIR Folder to store incoming alerts if --save is set. It
must exist.
-schema SCHEMA Avro schema to decode the incoming alerts. Default is
None (latest version downloaded from server)
You can also look at an alert on the disk:
fink_alert_viewer -h
usage: fink_alert_viewer [-h] [-filename FILENAME]
Display cutouts and lightcurve from a ZTF alert
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-filename FILENAME Path to an alert data file (avro format)
More information at [docs/livestream](https://fink-broker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/services/livestream).
## Data Transfer usage
If you requested data using the [Data Transfer service](https://fink-portal.org/download), you can easily poll your stream using:
usage: fink_datatransfer [-h] [-topic TOPIC] [-limit LIMIT] [-outdir OUTDIR] [-partitionby PARTITIONBY] [-batchsize BATCHSIZE] [-nconsumers NCONSUMERS] [-maxtimeout MAXTIMEOUT] [--restart_from_beginning] [--verbose]
Kafka consumer to listen and archive Fink streams from the data transfer service
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-topic TOPIC Topic name for the stream that contains the data.
-limit LIMIT If specified, download only `limit` alerts from the stream. Default is None, that is download all alerts.
-outdir OUTDIR Folder to store incoming alerts. It will be created if it does not exist.
-partitionby PARTITIONBY
Partition data by `time` (year=YYYY/month=MM/day=DD), or `finkclass` (finkclass=CLASS), or `tnsclass` (tnsclass=CLASS). `classId` is also available for ELASTiCC data. Default is time.
-batchsize BATCHSIZE Maximum number of alert within the `maxtimeout` (see conf). Default is 1000 alerts.
-nconsumers NCONSUMERS
Number of parallel consumer to use. Default is 1.
-maxtimeout MAXTIMEOUT
Overwrite the default timeout (in seconds) from user configuration. Default is None.
If specified, restart downloading from the 1st alert in the stream. Default is False.
--verbose If specified, print on screen information about the consuming.
More information at [docs/datatransfer](https://fink-broker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/services/data_transfer/).