# Fincheck
### Utilities to work with financial security identifiers, accounts, and checkdigit algorithms
Provides the following:
1. Check digit algorithms for CUSIPs, ISINs, SEDOLs, and ABA numbers, as well as Luhn's algorithm
2. Extraction methods for finding cusips, isins, sedols, and aba numbers within text
3. Validation methods to check whether a string is a cusip, isin, sedol, or aba number
4. Descriptive object classes for CUSIPs and ISINs
To install, simply use pip:
pip install fincheck
Validation Example Usage:
>>> from fincheck.validate import *
>>> is_isin("BD0716DELI01")
>>> is_cusip("30303M102")
>>> is_cusip("30303M103") #change last digit -- should be False
>>> #data contains a CUSIP, some noise, and an ABA number.
>>> print(data)
['023135106', '002105155', '011103093']
>>> #They're hard to differentiate, but fincheck has no problem doing that.
>>> for item in data:
... print(f"{item} -> Cusip: {is_cusip(item)} | ABA: {is_aba(item)}")
023135106 -> Cusip: True | ABA: False
002105155 -> Cusip: False | ABA: False
011103093 -> Cusip: False | ABA: True
Extraction Example Usage:
>>> from fincheck.extract import *
>>> s = "This string contains a cusip, incorrect cusip, isin, aba number, \
and a sedol M0392N101 M0392N100 US9129091081 122235821 2007849 so \
we can demo the extraction methods of fincheck."
>>> get_cusips(s)
>>> get_isins(s)
>>> get_abas(s)
>>> get_sedols(s)
>>> find_securities(s)
{'CUSIP': ['M0392N101'], 'ISIN': ['US9129091081'], 'SEDOL': ['2007849']}
>>> s = "This is another test string with a CUSIP, some noise, and an ABA number. \
Notice how they are hard to tell apart, but fincheck has no problem \
classifying them. 023135106 002105155 011103093 -- The similarity between \
these shows why check digit algorithms are needed when finding these \
types of identifiers. Regex patterns alone do not suffice."
>>> get_cusips(s)
>>> get_abas(s)
>>> find_securities(s)
{'CUSIP': ['023135106'], 'ISIN': [], 'SEDOL': []}
Check Digit Calculation Example:
>>> from fincheck.checksum import *
>>> true_isin = "US0231351067"
>>> incomplete_isin = true_isin[:-1] #US023135106
>>> isin_check_digit(incomplete_isin)
>>> true_cusip = "931142103"
>>> incomplete_cusip = true_cusip[:-1] #93114210
>>> cusip_check_digit(incomplete_cusip)
>>> true_sedol = "B7TL820"
>>> incomplete_sedol = true_sedol[:-1] #B7TL82
>>> sedol_check_digit(incomplete_sedol)
CUSIP Object Example Usage:
>>> from fincheck.data import Cusip
>>> x = Cusip("98986X109")
>>> x.is_valid
>>> x.ticker_
>>> x.name_
>>> x.type_
>>> x.issue_
>>> x.issue_type_
>>> x.issuer_
>>> x.id_
>>> x.to_isin(country="US")
>>> from fincheck.validate import is_isin
>>> is_isin(x.to_isin(country="US"))
ISIN Object Example Usage:
>>> from fincheck.data import Isin
>>> x = Isin("US0378331005")
>>> x.country_name_
>>> x.country_code_
>>> x.ticker_
>>> x.to_cusip()
>>> x = Isin("GB0002634946")
>>> x.is_valid
>>> x.country_name_
>>> x.to_sedol()
>>> from fincheck.validate import is_sedol
>>> is_sedol(x.to_sedol())