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# FHIR Python Analysis and Conversion Kit (FHIRPACK)
FHIRPACK (FHIR Python Analysis Conversion Kit) is a general purpose library that simplifies the access, analysis and representation of FHIR and EHR data using PANDAS, an ETL philosophy and a functional syntax. FHIRPACK was designed and developed at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine ([IKIM](https://mml.ikim.nrw/)) and the Database Systems Research Group of the University of Heidelberg ([HDDBS](https://dbs.ifi.uni-heidelberg.de/)).
The [FHIR](https://www.hl7.org/fhir/resourcelist.html) standard is a promising framework for interacting with healthcare data. However, expressive tools for efficient FHIR server interaction are few and are either too low level, and powerful, or too abstract, and lack features.
FHIRPACK provides an easy-to-use and intuitive API that enables effortless access to FHIR data. We strive for a balance between flexibility, usability and feature richness in order to make interacting with FHIR data less painful.
|| :link: |
|:rocket: **tutorial**| learn about FHIR, FHIRPACK and PANDAS with our [example Jupyter Notebooks](docs/examples)|
|:envelope: **email**| [jayson.salazar@uk-essen.de](mailto:jayson.salazar@uk-essen.de) or [salazar@informatik.uni-heidelberg.de](mailto:salazar@informatik.uni-heidelberg.de) |
|:loudspeaker: **talk**| join our [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/fhirpack/shared_invite/zt-16f0dt3rr-76L6OKQIMOFbG2IKYnVLqA) for the latest updates and discussions around FHIR, FHIRPACK and EHR in general|
|:bug: **issues**| bugs and feature requests go preferrably on [our main GitLab tracker](https://gitlab.ume.de/fhirpack/main) or here on GitHub |
|:wrench: **dev**| [learn more about contributing to FHIRPACK or extending its functionality](CONTRIBUTING.rst) |
|:books: **docs**| read our [documentation on Read the Docs](https://fhirpack.readthedocs.io)|
# Usage
## Installation
You can easily install the latest FHIRPACK release from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/fhirpack/) or the most current version by cloning this repository.
As usual with Python, we strongly recommend using virtual environments such as [pipenv](https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/#install-pipenv-today), [venv](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html#creating-virtual-environments) or [conda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html#regular-installation).
### Requirements
FHIRPACK requires Python 3.9 or greater as well as `libmagic` to work without problems. In case you're using an older Python version, you can use [asdf](https://asdf-vm.com/), [conda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html#regular-installation) or [pyenv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv) to have several Python versions coexist on your system. `libmagic` can be installed with `apt-get install libmagic-dev` on Ubuntu or `brew install libmagic` on MacOS.
### Using the Latest Release from PyPI
pip install fhirpack
alternatively use pipenv:
pipenv --python 3.9 install fhirpack
### Using the Latest Version a from Local Clone
git clone https://gitlab.com/fhirpack/main.git
mv main fhirpack
pip install -e fhirpack
alternatively use pipenv:
git clone https://gitlab.com/fhirpack/main.git
mv main fhirpack
pipenv install -e fhirpack
### Upgrading your Version of FHIRPACK
You can use `pip install --upgrade fhirpack` or if you're using pipenv `pipenv update fhirpack` to upgrade to the latest release of FHIRPACK once you've already installed it.
## Configuration
To set up a server configuration, create an `.env` file in the directory where you'll work with FHIRPACK and specify the settings as can be seen in [.env.example](.env.example).
Alternatively, copy, rename and modify `.env.example` according to your needs.
:warning: By Default, FHIRPACK connects to the public R4 FHIR test server from HAPIFHIR [http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4](http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4). We recommend using this setup to get familiar with the library.
## Simple Examples
FHIRPACK is based on the [ETL paradigm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extract,_transform,_load), and as all functions available to you can be classified as [Extractors](src/fhirpack/extraction), [Transformers](src/fhirpack/transformation) or [Loaders](src/fhirpack/load). In the following examples we quickly show how this works, but remember to have a look at our [examplary Jupyter Notebooks](docs/examples/usage.py) and the [API reference](https://fhirpack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
### 1. Get All Conditions for a Patient
In this example we extract all the conditions for a patient with the ID: `43fb1577-3455-41cf-9a07-c45aa5c0219e` from the public FHIR-server with the Base-URL: [http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4](http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4).
# import FHIRPACK
import fhirpack as fp
# instantiate a connected PACK for the specified FHIR API base
pack = fp.PACK("http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR5")
# retrieve a list of Patients of length one by ID
patient = pack.getPatients(["43fb1577-3455-41cf-9a07-c45aa5c0219e"])
# retrieve all respective conditions for said patients
condition = patient.getConditions().explode()
# gather and display the FHIR elements with the specified paths from the conditions
condition.gatherSimplePaths(["id", "code.coding.code", "code.coding.display", "onsetDateTime" ])
| |id |code.coding.code|code.coding.display |onsetDateTime|
|0 |`2a65f2a4-1a8d-46d9-a5f9-3af95a5d99bd` |`[267036007]` |`[Dyspnea (finding)]`|`2020-02-23T12:07:58-06:00`|
|1 |`c9f11f99-796c-4c34-9a8e-246f1faa0039` |`[840544004]` |`[Suspected COVID-19]`|`2020-02-23T12:07:58-06:00`|
|2 |`d5c30da3-546c-486c-bdb4-ff8f1b62a553` |`[386661006]` |`[Fever (finding)]`|`2020-02-23T12:07:58-06:00`|
|3 |`a9c2b72d-b6de-4544-95d8-16246786fb5b` |`[49727002] ` |`[Cough (finding)]`|`2020-02-23T12:07:58-06:00`|
|4 |`dd0b2c03-75fe-4d2e-9d49-45c543f5c825` |`[840539006]` |`[COVID-19]`|`2020-02-23T13:26:58-06:00`|
### 2. Get All Patients with Sepsis
# import FHIRPACK
import fhirpack as fp
# instantiate a connected PACK for the specified FHIR API base
pack = fp.PACK("http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR5")
# retrieve all conditions containing the term sepsis
conditions = pack.getConditions(searchParams={"_content": "sepsis"})
# get the respective patients
patients = conditions.getPatients().explode()
# display the specified FHIR elements of the patients
| |name.given |name.family |address.country |address.city |birthDate|
|0 |`[[Herbert]]` |`[Hoover]` |`None` |`[Everytown` |`1990-07-04`|
|1 |`[[Aaron697]]` |`[Stiedemann542]` |`[US]` |`[Westford]` |`1946-03-29`|
|2 |`[[Aaron697]]` |`[Stiedemann542]` |`[US]` |`[Westford]` |`1946-03-29`|
|3 |`[[Aaron697]]` |`[Stiedemann542]` |`[US]` |`[Westford]` |`1946-03-29`|
|4 |`[[Aaron697]]` |`[Stiedemann542]` |`[US]` |`[Westford]` |`1946-03-29`|
|5 |`[[Aaron697]]` |`[Stiedemann542]` |`[US]` |`[Westford]` |`1946-03-29`|
|6 |`[[Charlesetta336], [Charlesetta336]]` |`[Kihn564, Pouros728]` |`[US]`|`[Falmouth]` |`1943-12-17`|
|7 |`[[Hiram237]]` |`[Kertzmann286]` |`[US]` |`[Fall River]` |`1999-06-07`|
|11 |`[[Tim]]` |`[Shabad]` |`None` |`None` |`1980-01-01`|
:information_source: For more examples and a deep-dive into FHIRPACK, please take a look at the [example jupyter notebooks](docs/examples).
## CLI
FHIRPACK also provides a CLI for easy and quick data exploration.
The CLI can be invoked by using `python -m fhirpack.cli` or `fp` once FHIRPACK has been installed.
> fp --help
Usage: fp [OPTIONS]
The pack for your FHIR server.
--version Show the version and exit.
-s, --source TEXT URL of the FHIR server or path to json files.
-e, --environment TEXT Path to Dotenv file containing configurations.
-d, --destination TEXT Location of the output.
-o, --operation TEXT Operations to retrieve data.
-p, --params TEXT Provide additional search parameters.
-v, --verbose Print results in verbose format.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
CLI usage is analogous to the general `fhirpack` dataflow.
| Python | CLI |
| ------ | ------ |
| `pack.getPatients(["1"])` | `fp -o "getPatients 1"` |
| `pack.getPatients(["1", "181", "525"])` | `fp -o "getPatients 1, 181, 525"` |
| `PACK(envFile=".env.example").getPatients(["1"])` | `fp -e .env.example -o "getPatients 1"` |
| `pack.getPatients(searchParams={}).gatherSimplePaths(["name.family"])` | `fp -o "getPatients" -p all -o "gatherSimplePaths name.family"` |
| `pack.getPatients(searchParams={"family":"Koepp"})` | `fp -o "getPatients" -p "family = Koepp"` |
:warning: Operations spanning mutliple spaces have to be quoted.
# Bugs and Feature Requests
Please report any bugs you find on [our main GitLab Tracker](https://gitlab.com/fhirpack/main/-/issues) or here as well.
If you want to contribute a fix or feature, you're welcomed to create a pull request from your fork/branch or create a merge request on [our main GitLab repository](https://gitlab.com/fhirpack/main) according to our [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.rst).
# Attribution and License
If you're using FHIRPACK, feel free to reach out over [Twitter](https://twitter.com/jdsalaro), [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/fhirpack/shared_invite/zt-16f0dt3rr-76L6OKQIMOFbG2IKYnVLqA) or [e-mail](mailto:jayson.salazar@uk-essen.de)
FHIRPACK is released under the [MIT](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), see [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) for more information.