# fhandleio
A simple library for easy file handling
## Installation
1. To install, type the command:
pip install fhandleio
2. And you are done!
## Basics
You are able to read, write, append, and create new files. These are the four basics for file handling.
Saving and loading data will be explained in a bit
from fhandleio import fhandleio
data = fhandleio.read("filename") # Takes the entire file
data = fhandleio.readb("filename") # Reads via bytes
data = fhandleio.readl("filename", index) # Index where the line is read
data = fhandleio.readls("filename") # Takes all lines and puts in a list
data = fhandleio.write("filename", message) # Overrides file and writes message
data = fhandleio.writeb("filename", data) # Writes in byte format
data = fhandleio.writels("filename", message) # Writes in lines
data = fhandleio.append("filename", message) # Adds to bottom of file
data = fhandleio.appendb("filename", data) # Append bytes
data = fhandleio.create("filename") # If file exists, creates error
And a bonus one for here is to check if a file exists
if fhandleio.check_file("filename"):
print("File exists!")
## Saving & Loading Data
You also have a major ability to save and load data in this library as well. The process is straightforward, and easy to follow.
fhandleio.save_data(filename=filename, data=data, override=False, hashing=True, mode="txt")
The function has five parameters:
* Filename - The Name of File (**NO EXTENSIONS**)
* Data - Data to Store (*Usually dictionaries*)
* Override - If it should Override Current Save File
* Hashing - If it should encrypt data first
* Mode - txt, py, json, pickle
fhandleio.load_data(filename, hashed=False, mode="pickle")
The function has only three parameters:
* Filename - The Name of File (**NO EXTENSIONS**)
* Hashed - If the data was encrypted from save
* Mode - txt, py, json, pickle
## Other Functions
There are some smaller functions you can also use with the library
Read the file, but only the amount of bytes you have
data = fhandleio.chunk_read("yellow.txt", 64) # Reads 64 bytes of yellow.txt
Returns integer file descriptor used for I/O requests by system
num = fhandleio.fileno("what.mp3")
Gets byte size for file
size = fhandleio.get_size("hi.txt")
Check if contents of a file are empty
if fhandleio.is_empty("yo.txt"):
print("Empty file alert")
Gets the raw object for a file
object = fhandleio.raw("some.txt")
Give it a set of position to tell what is and continue the text from there. (Uses file seek and tell)
stuff = fhandleio.seek_and_tell("hey.txt", (2, 0))
The confusing part is `(2, 0)`
* The first is offset - position of where you want to start
* Second is from_where - 0 is beginning, 1 is current, 2 is end of file
Setting the size of the file to a specific byte size
fhandleio.trunc("somefile.txt", 1024) # Sets size to 1024 bytes