fforms: Functional HTML forms for Python
|Travis CI build status (Linux)| |Coverage Status|
``fforms`` is a Python HTML form validation library that allows you to
take control of the validation and rendering while minimizing
boilerplate and awkward constructions. ``fforms`` does not provide any
widgets or rendering assistance beyond ease of access to form values
and validation errors. It does, however, let you define and use custom
validators with extreme ease. Read on to see how!
``fforms`` is a pure Python package with no dependencies, so
installing it should be very straightforward. It's tested on Python
3.3 through 3.6. [#3.3]_
1. **Option A**: ``pip install fforms``
2. **Option B**: download the source code, change into the working
directory, and run ``python setup.py install``
- A familiar interface for use in views
.. code:: python
form = fforms.bind_dotted(registration_form, request.POST, request.FILES)
if request.method == 'POST':
if form.is_valid():
data = form.clean_data
# do stuff with the data
return redirect("/url/to/redirect")
return render_template("template-name.html", form=form)
- Logical data structures that allow easy access from templates
.. code:: html+jinja
{% set field = form.username %}
<input type="text"{#
#} value="{{ field.raw_data|default("", True) }}"{#
#} {% if field.error %}class="invalid"{% endif %}{#
#} name="field.full_name">
{% if field.error %}
<span class="error-msg">{{ field.error }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% for field in form.attendees %}
<input type="text" name="{{ field.full_name }}">
{% endfor %}
- Easy to add custom validators
.. code:: python
myform['product_id'].validator = validators.from_regex(
"Please provide a valid product ID in the format XX-NNN-NNNN")
myform['state'].validator = validators.one_of(
"ME", "NH", "VT",
msg="We only serve the Northeast")
def funky_validator(data):
left, right = data[:4], data[4:]
if (int(left, 16), right) not in VALUES:
raise ValidationError("Invalid format", data)
# more funky tests
return process(left, right) # Set the field value
myform['funky-field'].validator = funky_validator
- Internationalization using your choice of framework.
.. code:: python
def translate_msg(msg, kwargs):
# msg is a str.format-formatted string, and kwargs has all the
# field values.
msg = _(msg)
kwargs = {key: _(val) for key, val in kwargs.items()}
return msg.format(**kwargs)
fforms.validators.DeferredMessage.process_message = translate_msg
- Pure Python with no outside dependencies. Don't bring in a gigantic
web framework just to use their forms library
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Getting started
To use ``fforms``, you'll first need to define a schema for your
form. This is most easily accomplished by using
``fforms.schema.make_from_literal`` as follows
.. code:: python
from fforms import make_from_literal, validators, bind_dotted
schema = make_from_literal({
'username': validators.from_regex("^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,25}"),
'password': validators.chain(
validators.limit_length(min=8, max=128),
"{field.name} must contain lowercase letters"),
"{field.name} must contain uppercase letters"),
validators.from_regex("[0-9]", "{field.name} must contain numbers"),
"{field.name} must contain special characters")
'password2': validators.ensure_str,
'email': validators.email,
'address': {
'street': validators.chain(validators.ensure_str,
'street2': validators.ensure_str,
'zip_code': validators.chain(validators.from_regex("^[0-9]+$"),
validators.limit_length(min=5, max=5)),
'state': validators.one_of("ME", "NH", "VT", "MA")
'tags': [
{'name': validators.ensure_str}
schema.validator = validators.chain(
schema.validator, # The default is validators.all_children
validators.key_matcher("password", "password2",
"Please ensure the two passwords match"))
schema['tags'].validator = validators.chain(
validators.limit_length(min=1, max=8)
Once you have a schema object, you can bind it to data to create a
bound form object
.. code:: python
form = bind_dotted(schema, {
'username': 'felipeochoa',
'password': '123abcDEF!@#',
'password2': '123ABCdef!@#',
'email': 'me@example',
'address.street': '123 Main St.',
'address.street2': 'Unit 1',
'address.zip code': '1234',
'tags:0.name': 'tag1',
'tags:1.name': 'tag2',
assert not form.is_valid()
for field in form:
print("%s %r (%s)" % (field.name, field.clean_data, field.error))
Which will print out::
username 'felipeochoa' (None)
password '123abcDEF!@#' (None)
password2 '123ABCdef!@#' (None)
tags [{'name': 'tag1'}, {'name': 'tag2'}] (None)
address None ()
email 'me@example' (Enter a valid email address.)
(address does not have an error message of its own; all the errors are
in its children).
You can use this code in your views or templates in a conventient
.. code:: python
def my_view(request):
form = bind_dotted(registration_form, request.POST, request.FILES)
if request.method == 'POST':
if form.is_valid():
data = form.clean_data
# do stuff with the data
return redirect("/url/to/redirect")
return render_template("template", form=form)
.. code:: html+jinja
{% if form.error %}
<span class="error-msg">form.error</span>
{% endif %}
{# more stuff #}
{% for field in form.tags %}
<input type="text" value="{{ field.value }}" name="{{ field.full_name }}">
{% endfor %}
Detailed Documentation
``fforms`` operates on three basic concepts: Schema, Validators, and
Think of a schema like an unbound form. It contains the blueprint for
bound forms: field names, definitions, and validators. Schema form
trees that describe the form you are validating, so some schema can
have child schema that perform validation/conversion on a part of the
received data. Schema can be one of the following types
- **MapSchema** Like a Python dictionary, mapping names to
- **SequenceSchema** A variable length list where all sub-schema are
of the same kind.
- **LeafSchema** Does not contain any children of its own.
All three types of schema support their own validation, in addition to
any validation that their children might perform. E.g., if you have a
schema defined as
.. code:: python
user_schema = {
'username': limit_length(max=25),
'password': ensure_complexity(numbers=True, uppercase=True),
'password2': ensure_str,
You can add a higher-level validator ``key_matcher('password',
'password2')`` that additionally verifies that the two values
match. You could then compose that schema into another one, e.g.
.. code:: python
many_users_schema = [
'username': limit_length(max=25),
'password': ensure_complexity(numbers=True, uppercase=True),
'password2': ensure_str,
This new schema would accept a list of ``username`` / ``password`` /
``password2`` combinations, which would be useful if you had to create
multiple users at the same time. You could then add a new validator
to, say, ensure no more than 5 users are created at a time
We've seen a few validators already, but haven't yet defined what they
are or what they do. Mechanically, validators are simply functions of
one value that produce another value. The argument is the value
attached to the field that the validator must check and/or
transform. For example, the ``as_int`` validator is defined as follows
.. code:: python
def as_int(data):
"Extract an integer from the data."
return int(data)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValidationError("{field.name} must be a whole number", data)
Each schema can have two validators
- **Validator**: The validator stored under ``schema.validator`` will
be called after the ``form.is_valid`` method is called and will take
``field.raw_data`` as its input. The output from this validator will
be stored as ``field.clean_data``. If the validator raises
``ValidationError``, the message from the error will be extracted
and set as ``field.error``, and ``field.clean_data`` will be left as
``None``. For schema with children, validators typically pass
through the data unmodified, leaving all conversion to leaf
nodes. In principle though, parent validators could modify the
values generated by the child validators; **parent validators are
run after child validators**. Though schema only have one validator,
the nature of validators means that multiple validators can be easily
composed into a bigger one.
- **Pre-processor**: The validator stored under
``schema.pre_processor`` will take the raw data provided to the
field and transform it into a (still serialized) value. The return
value of the validator will be saved as
``field.raw_data``. Pre-processing validators are called as soon as
the field is bound, so should not do much validation work. In
particular, the return value should still be "raw" (i.e.,
serialized), since ``field.raw_data`` will be used directly in
templates. Most applications should have no need to override the
default pre-processor, which is a no-op. A notable exception is to
provide a serialized value for any files passed in via
``request.FILES`` or similar.
Forms (technically ``BoundField`` objects) marry the ``Schema`` with
data to be validated. Forms are typically created by calling
``Schema.bind`` or another helper function like
``bind_to_dotted``. Forms provide a nice API for accessing errors and
cleaned data. Like schema, forms are nodes in a tree structure (that
mirrors the schema they were built for).
Once you have a form object, calling its ``is_valid`` method will
return ``True`` if validation succeeded for the schema and ``False``
if it didn't. You will then be able to access the fields' ``.error``
and ``.clean_data`` arguments. The ``.error`` attribute stores a
string with the error message provided by the validator that rejected
the data. The ``.clean_data`` stores a de-serialized value that can
by passed to other parts of your application.
.. |Travis CI build status (Linux)| image:: https://travis-ci.org/felipeochoa/fforms.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/felipeochoa/fforms
.. |Coverage Status| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/felipeochoa/fforms/badge.svg
:target: https://coveralls.io/r/felipeochoa/fforms
.. [#3.3] On Python 3.3 on Windows, the email validator won't work
with addresses using IPv6 domain names.