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FedSim is a comprehensive and flexible Federated Learning Simulator! It aims to provide the researchers with an easy to develope/maintain simulator for Federated Learning.
See documentation at `here <https://fedsim.varnio.com/en/latest/>`_!
.. code-block:: bash
pip install fedsim
That's it! You are all set!
Design Architecture
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/varnio/fedsim/3387a994664853c599094a72b342b8f7f3dba0f2/docs/source/_static/arch.svg
:width: 90%
Minimal example
Fedsim provides powerful cli tools that allow you to focus on designing what is truly important.
Simply enter the following command to begin federatively training a model.
.. code-block:: bash
fedsim-cli fed-learn
The "MNIST" dataset is partitioned on 500 clients by default, and the FedAvg algorithm is used to train a minimal model with two fully connected layers.
A text file is made that descibes the configuration for the experiment and a summary of results when it is finished. Additionally, a tensorboard log file is made to monitor the scores/metrics of the training.
The directory that these files are stored is (reconfigurable and is) displayed while the experiment is running.
.. image:: https://github.com/varnio/fedsim/blob/main/docs/source/_static/examples/one_line_train.gif?raw=true
Hooking scores to cli tools
In case you are interested in a certain metric you can make a query for it in your command.
For example, lets assume we would like to test and report:
* the accuracy score of the global model on global test dataset both every 21 rounds and every 43 rounds.
* the average accuracy score of the local models every 15 rounds.
Here's how we modify the above command:
.. code-block:: bash
fedsim-cli fed-learn \
--global-score Accuracy score_name:acc21 split:test log_freq:21 \
--global-score Accuracy score_name:acc43 split:test log_freq:43 \
--local-score Accuracy split:train log_freq:15
.. image:: https://github.com/varnio/fedsim/blob/main/docs/source/_static/examples/add_metrics.gif?raw=true
.. image:: https://github.com/varnio/fedsim/blob/main/docs/source/_static/examples/tb_ex.png?raw=true
Check `Fedsim Scores Page <https://fedsim.varnio.com/en/latest/reference/fedsim.scores.html>`_ for the list of all other scores like Accyracy or define your custom score.
Changing the Data
Data partitioning and retrieval is controlled by a ``DataManager`` object. This object could be controlled through `-d` or `--data-manager` flag in most cli commands.
In the following we modify the arguments of the default ``DataManager`` such that ``CIFAR100`` is partitioned over 1000 clients.
.. code-block:: bash
fedsim-cli fed-learn \
--data-manger BasicDataManager dataset:cifar100 num_partitions:1000 \
--num-clients 1000 \
--model SimpleCNN2 num_classes:100 \
--global-score Accuracy split:test log_freq:15
Notice that we also changed the model from default to ``SimpleCNN2`` which by default takes 3 input channels.
You can learn about existing data managers at `data manager documentation <https://fedsim.varnio.com/en/latest/reference/fedsim.distributed.data_management.html>`_ and Custom data managers at `this guide to make Custom data managers <https://fedsim.varnio.com/en/latest/user/data_manager.html>`_.
.. note::
Arguments of the constructor of any component (rectangular boxes in the image of design architecture) could be given in `arg:value` format following its name (or `path` if a local file is provided).
Among these component, the algorithm is special, in that the arguments are controlled internally. The only arguments of the algorithm object that could be directly controlled in your commands is the algorithm specific ones (mostly hyper-parameters).
.. code-block:: bash
fedsim-cli fed-learn --algorithm AdaBest mu:0.01 beta:0.6 ...
Feed CLI with Customized Components
The cli tool can take a locally defined component by ingesting its path.
For example, to automatically include your custom algorithm by the a command of the cli tool, you can place your class in a python file and pass the path of the file to `-a` or `--algorithm` option (without .py) followed by colon and name of the algorithm definition (class or method).
For instance, if you have algorithm `CustomFLAlgorithm` stored in a `foo/bar/my_custom_alg.py`, you can pass `--algorithm foo/bar/my_custom_alg:CustomFLAlgorithm`.
.. code-block:: bash
fedsim-cli fed-learn --algorithm foo/bar/my_custom_alg_file:CustomFLAlgorithm mu:0.01 ...
The same is possible for any other component, for instance for a Custom model:
.. code-block:: bash
fedsim-cli fed-learn --model foo/bar/my_model_file:CustomModel num_classes:1000 ...
More about cli commands
For help with cli check `fedsim-cli documentation <https://fedsim.varnio.com/en/latest/clidoc/index.html>`_ or read the output of the following commands:
.. code-block:: bash
fedsim-cli --help
fedsim-cli fed-learn --help
fedsim-cli fed-tune --help
Python API
Fedsim is shipped with some of the most well-known Federated Learning algorithms included. However, you will most likely need to quickly develop and test your custom algorithm, model, data manager, or score class.
Fedsim has been designed in such a way that doing all of these things takes almost no time and effort. Let's start by learning how to import and use Fedsim, and then we'll go over how to easily modify existing modules and classes to your liking.
Check the following basic example:
.. code-block:: python
from logall import TensorboardLogger
from fedsim.distributed.centralized.training import FedAvg
from fedsim.distributed.data_management import BasicDataManager
from fedsim.models import SimpleCNN2
from fedsim.losses import CrossEntropyLoss
from fedsim.scores import Accuracy
n_clients = 1000
dm = BasicDataManager("./data", "cifar100", n_clients)
sw = TensorboardLogger(path=None)
alg = FedAvg(
model_def=partial(SimpleCNN2, num_channels=3),
criterion_def=partial(CrossEntropyLoss, log_freq=100),
partial(Accuracy, log_freq=50),
partial(Accuracy, log_freq=40),
report_summary = alg.train(rounds=50)
Side Notes
* Do not use double underscores (`__`) in argument names of your customized classes.
0.9.0 (2022-09-21)
* make all user methods in algorithms static (no self argument).
* better encapsulation.
* expand definition of storage for read and write protection.
0.8.3 (2022-09-18)
* add option for valid split on global data in basic dta manager.
0.8.2 (2022-09-12)
* changed image paths to links from github in readme
0.8.1 (2022-09-12)
* fix a minor bug with a link in readme
0.8.0 (2022-09-12)
* some major revision to documentation
* some enhancement to FedProx compatibility with v0.7+
0.7.0 (2022-09-10)
* algorithms got more secure with local storage
* redefined model architectures
* fixed bug in default step closure'
* made random seed more consistent
0.6.2 (2022-08-31)
* fixed some errors in docstring of central FL algorithms
* add sample balance param to to identifiers of data manager
0.6.1 (2022-08-17)
* fixed bug in ``partition_global_data`` of ``BasicDataManager``
* some changes in default values for better log storage and aggregation
0.6.0 (2022-08-16)
* changed the name of cli directory
* added cli tests
* added support for pytorch original lr schedulers
* improved docs
* added version option to fedsim-cli
0.5.0 (2022-08-15)
* completed lr schedulers and generalized them for all levels
* changed some argument names and default values
0.4.1 (2022-08-12)
* fixed bugs with mismatched loss_fn argument name in cli commands
* changed all ``eval_freq`` arguemnts to unified ``log_req``
0.4.0 (2022-08-12)
* changed the structure of scores and losses
* made it possible to hook multiple local and global scores
0.3.1 (2022-08-09)
* added advanced learning rate schedulers
* properly tested r2r lr scheduler
0.3.0 (2022-08-09)
* added fine-tuning to cli, `fed-tune`
* cleaner cli
* made optimizers and schedulers user definable
* improved logging
0.2.0 (2022-08-01)
* cleaned the API reference in docs
* changed cli name to `fedsim-cli`
* improved documentation
* improved importing
* changed the way custom objects are passed to cli
0.1.4 (2022-07-23)
* changed FLAlgorithm to CentralFLAlgorithm for more clearity
* set default device to cuda if available otherwise to cpu in fed-learn cli
* fix wrong superclass names in demo
* fix the confusion with `save_dir` and `save_path` in DataManager classes
0.1.3 (2022-07-08)
* the documentation is redesigned and mostly automated.
* documentation now is available at https://fesim.varnio.com
* added code of coduct from github tempalate
0.1.2 (2022-07-05)
* changed ownership of repo from fedsim-dev to varnio
0.1.1 (2022-06-22)
* added fedsim.scores which wraps torch loss functions and sklearn scores
* moved reporting mechanism of distributed algorithm for supporting auto monitor
* added AppendixAggregator which is used to hold metric scores and report final results
* apply a patch for wrong pypi supported python versions
0.1.0 (2022-06-21)
* First major pre-release.
* The package is restructured
* docs is updated and checked to pass through tox steps
0.0.4 (2022-06-14)
* Fourth release on PyPI.