# Fattmerchant Python Client
This package aims to provide assitance while interacting with the
[Fattmerchant](https://fattmerchant.com/api-documentation/) rest API.
This is the official python client which is supported by fattmerchant and bugs/issues/feature-requests can be posted on the official [github](https://github.com/fattmerchantorg/fattmerchant_python_client) page.
## Python client documentation at [readthedocs](https://fattmerchant-python-sdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
build status
[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/fattmerchant-python-client/badge/?version=latest)](https://fattmerchant-python-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
## Install
# pre-req, you need Xcode cli tools:
xcode-select --install
brew update
brew install pyenv
Now, follow this guide to set up your \$PATH.
Make sure you have a `.zshrc` OR `.bash_profile` file:
# zsh
vim ~/.zshrc
# bash
vim ~/.bash_profile
For either Zsh or Bash, paste into your rc file:
# Init Pyenv (if it exists) for all new shells
if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
source ~/.zshrc
# OR
source ~/.bash_profile
**Now Install The Python Binary**
cd path/to/project
# First check python version
`python --version`
If python version comes up to be 3.x.x then skip to creating virtualenv
# this is the current version we use
pyenv install 3.8
# so far it's installed but not used
# use it globally
pyenv global 3.8
source ~/.zshrc
# or ~/.bash_profile
# Create Virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
# do this anywhere you have a python project
virtualenv venv
# source the venv
# Note that virtualenv activates the python versoin ONLY for your current session, (your terminal Tab)
`source venv/bin/activate`
# this will install yapf and everything else in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
_Note: If you get an error about zlib, then you may need to install with Homebrew before installing the python binary._
**When done using venv**
# within your venv session...
### VSCode Settings
In VScode install [Python Extensions](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python)
In `.vscode/settings.json` enter this:
"python.pythonPath": "venv/bin/python",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"python.formatting.provider": "yapf",
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": false,
"python.linting.enabled": true,
"restructuredtext.confPath": "${workspaceFolder}/docs/source"
Then, if VSCode asks you to install anything like flake8 just click "yes".
Then, Select the Python binary as `venv` in VSCode:
![select venv binary](./images/selectPython3.png)
## SDK Usage (For client)
Ensure that you have fattmerchant installed from pypi
create a new file fm_client.py
and put the following code
from fattmerchant.client import FMClient
fatt = FMClient(
API key can get requested from
## Test the package
Go to `tests/static_data` directory and create a file called "API_KEY" and
paste your API Key in this file.
(Sometimes this does not work as expected because of 1.Pasting the key with quotes 2.Having an extra line in the file.)
### This file is added to gitignore to make sure that you never accidentally commit it.
At the moment we jut have Basic_tests.py file working.
To test the file you can run
`python -m unittest tests\Basic_tests.py`
`python -m unittest tests/Basic_tests.py`
Developer should model their tests similar to what is written here.
Ideally there will be a separate file for each controller/module.
## Update Read the Docs
- If adding a model or controller, make sure you add the new `.rst` file too `controllers.rst` or `models.rst`
- Then add a new `.rst` file within the controllers or models directory in this format :
My New Model/Controller
.. automodule:: fattmerchant.controllers/model.my_new_model_or_controller
- Deploy changes (to master)
- Get login credentials to Read the Docs
- Once logged in, go into the `Fattmerchant Python SDK` project
- Go into the builds tab and click on the `Build Version` button, while `latest` is selected
- Verify docs are updated successfully.
## Release to PyPi
Increment version number in these files:
- ./setup.py
- ./docs/source/conf.py
source venv/bin/activate
# this will install yapf and everything else in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
make upload
If you get an auth error, before you fix your password and try again, clear the `dist` folder: `rm -f dist/*.gz && rm -f dist/*.whl`
The project is released here: https://pypi.org/project/fattmerchant/