Burrows Delta
By Thomas Wood, https://freelancedatascientist.net, Fast Data Science https://fastdatascience.com
Source code at https://github.com/woodthom2/faststylometry
Tutorial at https://freelancedatascientist.net/fast-stylometry-tutorial/
Python library for calculating the Burrows Delta.
Burrows' Delta is an algorithm for comparing the similarity of the writing styles of documents, known as forensic stylometry https://fastdatascience.com/how-you-can-identify-the-author-of-a-document
* A useful explanation of the maths and thinking behind Burrows' Delta and how it works: https://programminghistorian.org/en/lessons/introduction-to-stylometry-with-python#third-stylometric-test-john-burrows-delta-method-advanced
Python 3.6 and above
pip install faststylometry
Usage examples
Demonstration of Burrows' Delta on a small corpus downloaded from Project Gutenberg.
We will test the Burrows' Delta code on two "unknown" texts: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, and Villette by Charlotte Bronte. Both authors are in our training corpus.
You can get the training corpus by cloning https://github.com/woodthom2/faststylometry, the data is in faststylometry/data.
To create a corpus and add books, the pattern is as follows:
.. code:: python
corpus = Corpus()
corpus.add_book("Jane Austen", "Pride and Prejudice", [whole book text])
Here is the pattern for creating a corpus and adding books from a directory on your system. You can also use the method util.load_corpus_from_folder(folder, pattern).
.. code:: python
import os
import re
from faststylometry.corpus import Corpus
corpus = Corpus()
for root, _, files in os.walk(folder):
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith(".txt") and "_" in filename:
with open(os.path.join(root, filename), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
text = f.read()
author, book = re.split("_-_", re.sub(r'\.txt', '', filename))
corpus.add_book(author, book, text)
If you have books of different lengths in your corpus, you may want to split it into segments of the same length. The following command will split all
.. code:: python
split_corpus = corpus.split(1000)
Example 1
Load a corpus and calculate Burrows' Delta
.. code:: python
from faststylometry.util import load_corpus_from_folder
from faststylometry.en import tokenise_remove_pronouns_en
from faststylometry.burrows_delta import calculate_burrows_delta
train_corpus = load_corpus_from_folder("faststylometry/data/train")
test_corpus_sense_and_sensibility = load_corpus_from_folder("faststylometry/data/test", pattern="sense")
calculate_burrows_delta(train_corpus, test_corpus_sense_and_sensibility)
returns a Pandas dataframe of Burrows' Delta scores
Example 2
Using the probability calibration functionality, you can calculate the probability of two books being by the same author.
.. code:: python
from faststylometry.probability import predict_proba, calibrate
predict_proba(train_corpus, test_corpus_sense_and_sensibility)
outputs a Pandas dataframe of probabilities.
Who to contact
Thomas Wood at Fast Data Science https://fastdatascience.com