# Fastorch
[Pytorch](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch) is convenient and easy to use, while [Keras](https://github.com/keras-team/keras) is designed to experiment quickly. Do you want to possess **both** Pytorch's convenience and Keras' fast experimentation? The answer is *fastorch.*
## Traditional classification task training flow in pytorch
################################# import dependencies ###############################
import torch.nn as nn
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
################################# define your network ###############################
class network(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(network, self).__init__()
self.fc = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(1000, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 10),
def forward(self, x):
return self.fc(x)
################################## prepare dataset ##################################
class mydataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.x[item], self.y[item]
def __len__(self):
return self.x.size(0)
# for simplicity, randomly generate datas,
X = torch.randn(5000, 1000)
Y = torch.randint(0, 10, size=(5000,))
trainset = mydataset(X, Y)
train_loader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)
########################### assign optimizer and criterion ##########################
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.01)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
############################## define and run training ##############################
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
EPOCH = 10
net = network().to(device)
for epoch in range(EPOCH):
for x, y in train_loader:
x, y = x.to(device), y.to(device)
out = net(x)
loss = criterion(out, y)
print('Epoch %d -> loss: %.4f' % (epoch, loss.item()))
It's simple and straightforward, but is that enough? Below gives **fastorch resolution.**
## Training with fastorch
################################# import dependencies ###############################
import torch
import fastorch
################################# define your network ###############################
inherit from fastorch in your own network
class network(fastorch.models.Model):
def __init__(self):
super(network, self).__init__()
self.fc = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(1000, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 10),
def forward(self, x):
return self.fc(x)
################################## prepare dataset ##################################
# for simplicity, randomly generate datas,
X = torch.randn(5000, 1000)
Y = torch.randint(0, 10, size=(5000,))
#################################### run training ###################################
net = network()
net.fit(x=X, y=Y, optimizer='sgd', criterion='cross_entropy', batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epochs=1, verbose=1)
2100/5000 [========>***********] - 1s - 68ms/batch -batch_loss: 2.2993 -batch_acc: 0.1200
## Installation
Before installing Fastorch, please install the following **dependencies**:
- python >= 3.0 (3.6 is recommend)
- pytorch (1.0+ is recommend)
Then you can install Fastorchby using pip:
$ pip install fastorch
## Supports
When using `fastorch.models.Model`, make sure your network is **inherited** from `fastorch.models.Model`.
### - fastorch.models.Model
**fit**(*train_dataset*=None, *x*=None, *y*=None, *optimizer*=None, *criterion*=None, *transform*=None, *batch_size*=None, *epochs*=1, *verbose*=1, *print_acc*=True, *callbacks*=None, *validation_dataset*=None, *validation_split*=0.0, *validation_data*=None, *validation_transform*=None, *shuffle*=True, *initial_epoch*=0, *steps_per_epoch*=None, *device*=None, **kwargs)
+ *train_dataset*: training dataset, which inherited from `torch.utils.data.Dataset`. Make sure *x* and *y* are not None when *train_dataset* is None.
+ *x*: training data, it can be `Tensor`銆乣ndarray` or `List`. You need pass *x* and *y* when *train_dataset* is None.
+ *y*: training target, it can be `Tensor`銆乣ndarray` or `List`. You need pass *x* and *y* when *train_dataset* is None.
+ *optimizer*: model optimizer, it can be `str` or an instance of `pytorch optimizer`, when passing str('sgd', 'adam'), fastorch will automatically declare the corresponding pytorch optimizer.
+ *criterion*: loss function, it can be `str` or an instance of `pytorch objective function `, when passing str('mse', 'cross_entropy', etc.), fastorch will automatically declare the corresponding pytorch objective function .
+ transform: applying `torchvision.transforms` on *x* and *y* or *train_dataset*.
+ *batch_size*: training batch_size, default is 32 if not specified.
+ *epochs*: training stop epochs, default is 1 if not specified.
+ *verbose*: log display mode, 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = print each line.
+ *print_acc*: True or False, passing True if you are doing classification task.
+ *callbacks*: waiting for implemented.
+ *validation_dataset*: validation dataset, which inherited from `torch.utils.data.Dataset`.
+ *validation_split*: split validation data from training data's ratio, make sure *x* and *y* are not None when using this argument.
+ *validation_data*: tuple of validation x and validation y.
+ *validation_transform*: applying `torchvision.transforms` on *validation_data* or data split by *validation_split*.
+ *shuffle*: whether shuffle the training data.
+ *initial_epoch*: start training epoch.
+ *steps_per_epoch*: int or None, if specified, batch_size will be set as total_sample_nums / *steps_per_epoch*.
+ *device*: specify device, otherwise fastorch will set device according to `torch.cuda.is_available()`.
+ **kwargs: arguments used for `torch.utils.data.Dataloader`, etc.
**evaluate**(*dataset*=None, *dataloader*=None, *x*=None, *y*=None, *transform*=None, *batch_size*=None, *verbose*=1, *criterion*=None, *print_acc*=True, *steps*=None, *device*=None, **kwargs)
+ *dataset*: evaluate dataset, which inherited from `torch.utils.data.Dataset`. Make sure *dataloader* or *x* and *y* are not None when *dataset*is None.
+ *dataloader*: evaluate dataloader, which inherited from `torch.utils.data.Dataloader`. Make sure *dataset*or *x* and *y* are not None when *dataloader*is None.
+ *x*: test data, it can be `Tensor`銆乣ndarray` or `List`. You need pass *x* and *y* when *dataset* or *dataloader* is None.
+ *y*: test target, it can be `Tensor`銆乣ndarray` or `List`. You need pass *x* and *y* when *dataset* or *dataloader* is None.
+ transform: applying `torchvision.transforms` on *x* and *y* or *dataset*.
+ *batch_size*: evaluate batch_size, default is 32 if not specified.
+ *verbose*: log display mode, 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = print each line.
+ *criterion*: loss function, it can be `str` or an instance of `pytorch objective function `, when passing str('mse', 'cross_entropy', etc.), fastorch will automatically declare the corresponding pytorch objective function .
+ *print_acc*: True or False, passing True if you are doing classification task.
+ *steps*: int or None, if specified, batch_size will be set as total_sample_nums / *steps*.
+ *device*: specify device, otherwise fastorch will set device according to `torch.cuda.is_available()`.
+ **kwargs: arguments used for `torch.utils.data.Dataloader`, etc.
### - fastorch.functional
**fit**(*model*=None, *train_dataset*=None, *x*=None, *y*=None, *optimizer*=None, *criterion*=None, *transform*=None, *batch_size*=None, *epochs*=1, *verbose*=1, *print_acc*=True, *callbacks*=None, *validation_dataset*=None, *validation_split*=0.0, *validation_data*=None, *validation_transform*=None, *shuffle*=True, *initial_epoch*=0, *steps_per_epoch*=None, *device*=None, **kwargs)
+ *model*: your network, must be specify.
+ *train_dataset*: training dataset, which inherited from `torch.utils.data.Dataset`. Make sure *x* and *y* are not None when *train_dataset* is None.
+ *x*: training data, it can be `Tensor`銆乣ndarray` or `List`. You need pass *x* and *y* when *train_dataset* is None.
+ *y*: training target, it can be `Tensor`銆乣ndarray` or `List`. You need pass *x* and *y* when *train_dataset* is None.
+ *optimizer*: model optimizer, it can be `str` or an instance of `pytorch optimizer`, when passing str('sgd', 'adam'), fastorch will automatically declare the corresponding pytorch optimizer.
+ *criterion*: loss function, it can be `str` or an instance of `pytorch objective function `, when passing str('mse', 'cross_entropy', etc.), fastorch will automatically declare the corresponding pytorch objective function .
+ transform: applying `torchvision.transforms` on *x* and *y* or *train_dataset*.
+ *batch_size*: training batch_size, default is 32 if not specified.
+ *epochs*: training stop epochs, default is 1 if not specified.
+ *verbose*: log display mode, 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = print each line.
+ *print_acc*: True or False, passing True if you are doing classification task.
+ *callbacks*: waiting for implemented.
+ *validation_dataset*: validation dataset, which inherited from `torch.utils.data.Dataset`.
+ *validation_split*: split validation data from training data's ratio, make sure *x* and *y* are not None when using this argument.
+ *validation_data*: tuple of validation x and validation y.
+ *validation_transform*: applying `torchvision.transforms` on *validation_data* or data split by *validation_split*.
+ *shuffle*: whether shuffle the training data.
+ *initial_epoch*: start training epoch.
+ *steps_per_epoch*: int or None, if specified, batch_size will be set as total_sample_nums / *steps_per_epoch*.
+ *device*: specify device, otherwise fastorch will set device according to `torch.cuda.is_available()`.
+ **kwargs: arguments used for `torch.utils.data.Dataloader`, etc.
**evaluate**((*model*=None, *dataset*=None, *dataloader*=None, *x*=None, *y*=None, *transform*=None, *batch_size*=None, *verbose*=1, *criterion*=None, *print_acc*=True, *steps*=None, *device*=None, **kwargs)
+ *model*: your network, must be specify.
+ *dataset*: evaluate dataset, which inherited from `torch.utils.data.Dataset`. Make sure *dataloader* or *x* and *y* are not None when *dataset*is None.
+ *dataloader*: evaluate dataloader, which inherited from `torch.utils.data.Dataloader`. Make sure *dataset*or *x* and *y* are not None when *dataloader*is None.
+ *x*: test data, it can be `Tensor`銆乣ndarray` or `List`. You need pass *x* and *y* when *dataset* or *dataloader* is None.
+ *y*: test target, it can be `Tensor`銆乣ndarray` or `List`. You need pass *x* and *y* when *dataset* or *dataloader* is None.
+ transform: applying `torchvision.transforms` on *x* and *y* or *dataset*.
+ *batch_size*: evaluate batch_size, default is 32 if not specified.
+ *verbose*: log display mode, 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = print each line.
+ *criterion*: loss function, it can be `str` or an instance of `pytorch objective function `, when passing str('mse', 'cross_entropy', etc.), fastorch will automatically declare the corresponding pytorch objective function .
+ *print_acc*: True or False, passing True if you are doing classification task.
+ *steps*: int or None, if specified, batch_size will be set as total_sample_nums / *steps*.
+ *device*: specify device, otherwise fastorch will set device according to `torch.cuda.is_available()`.
+ **kwargs: arguments used for `torch.utils.data.Dataloader`, etc.