# fastHistory 2 - speed up your terminal!
- [Intro](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/blob/master/README.md#Intro)
- [Supported systems](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/blob/master/README.md#Supported-OSs)
- [Install](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/blob/master/README.md#How-to-install)
- [Update](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/blob/master/README.md#How-to-update)
- [Commands and syntax](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/wiki/Commands-and-syntax)
- [Copyright and dependencies](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/blob/master/README.md#Copyright-and-dependencies)
- [License](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/blob/master/README.md#License)
Store, search and automatically paste all your favourite commands directly in your terminal with a **new and faster way**!
With the new [TDLR-pages](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr) integration, you can quickly discover and select more than 10000 ready-to-use command examples, directly in your terminal.

# Intro
### Why you need it?
How often do you need to reuse a command but you cannot remember it (with all the needed options/flags)?
# example of a common but not so 'easy-to-remember' bash command from my bash history
$ tar -xvzf file.tar.gz
How many times do you search the same commands on Google, over and over?
> 42 times.. yes.. based on my experience the answer is [42](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/history/42-the-answer-to-life-the-universe-and-everything-2205734.html)
And how many times have you told yourself to store this *super* useful command but you didn't?
> I saved them all ..totally, with a good and detailed explanation for each command
if you know what I am talking about, **fastHistory** is the tool you are looking for!
### Usage sample
**fastHistory** can save your commands directly from your terminal, all you need is a **#**
$ tar -xvzf file.tar.gz #
\-- fastHistory will store 'tar -xvzf file.tar.gz' in its local database
You can specify one or more **tags**
$ tar -xvzf file.tar.gz #untar #extract #archive
or a **description**
$ tar -xvzf file.tar.gz #@extract compressed files from archive
or **both**
$ tar -xvf archive.tar.gz #untar @extract compressed files from archive
To search the saved commands, all you need is **f**
and the selected command wiil be **automatically pasted** into your terminal!
$ f
For each stored command you can get a quick summary from the man page
**note**: this feature does not cover the syntax of all commands

And easily edit the tag and description fields

Furthermore, you can easily export/import all data to make __backups__ or to share your commands with a different machine
$ f --export
$ f --import fastHistory_2020-03-02.db
### Discover new commands
In the *Discovery* mode, you can easily find examples of commands from the [TDLR-pages](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr), a collection of community-maintained help pages. The search works both by command name and description. Furthermore, the **+** icon shows you which command is already installed on your system.

### Offline feature
**FastHistory** does not need any internet connection, so **you can use it also offline**!
# Supported OSs
fastHistory can work in any OS with `python3` and a `bash` terminal
`zsh` is also supported!
### List of tested OSs:
| OS | OS Version | Shell | Python versions | fastHistory version | Test mode | Comment |
| ---------- |:----------:| ------:|-------------:| -------------------:|----------:| ---------:|
| Ubuntu | 16.04, 18.04, 20.04* | bash | 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 | latest | unittest | * [xclip](https://howtoinstall.co/en/xclip) may need to be installed to enable the copy-to-clipboard feature |
| macOS | 10.15 | bash | 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 | latest | unittest | python3 needs to be [installed](https://docs.python-guide.org/starting/install3/osx/) |
| Fedora | 29 | bash | 3.5 | 2.0.0 | manual | pip3 requires the [`--user` ](https://developer.fedoraproject.org/tech/languages/python/pypi-installation.html) flag |
| Debian | 9 | bash | 3.5 | 2.3.6 | manual | |
| Debian | 10 | zsh* | 3.7 | 2.0.0 | manual | *[syntax limitation](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory#Commands-and-syntax) |
| Windows* | 10 (1809) | bash | 3.6 | 2.4.1 | manual | *using the [Windows Subsystem for Linux](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/ubuntu-2004-lts/9n6svws3rx71) (WSL) you can execute and store [Windows commands](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/interop#run-windows-tools-from-linux) |
# How to install
### Requirements
- `python3`
- `python3-pip` (only for pip3 installation)
## Install with pip3
1. `pip3 install fasthistory`
2. `$HOME/.local/bin/f`
3. close and reopen your terminal
**Note**: be sure to not use `pip` (python2) nor `sudo` (install it only for the current user)
## Install with installer.sh (offline mode)
1. download the latest release with this *easy-to-type* link or manually download [it](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/releases)
- `wget mkcn.me/f`
2. move it to the target system
2. extract it and run the installer with the target user
- `tar -xvzf f`
- `cd fastHistory-X.X`
- `./installer.sh`
4. close and reopen your terminal
5. (optional) delete installation files
- `rm -r f fastHistory-X.X`
#### All in one-line
`cd $(mktemp -d /tmp/f.XXXXX) && wget https://mkcn.me/f && tar -xvzf f && ./fastHistory-*/installer.sh && cd -`
# How to update
### Update with f (available from 2.1.1)
1. `f --update`
2. close and reopen your terminal
### Update with pip3
1. `pip3 install -U --no-cache-dir fasthistory`
2. `f`
3. close and reopen your terminal
### Update with installer.sh
- same steps as [installation](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/blob/master/README.md#Install-with-installersh)
**Note**: to update from the 1.x.x version your need to follow [these steps](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/wiki/How-to-migrate-from-1.x.x-to-2.x.x)
# How to uninstall
1. download the installer script and make it executable
- `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkcn/fastHistory/master/installer.sh`
- `chmod +x installer.sh`
2. run it with the uninstall flag
- `./installer.sh -u`
**Note**: `pip3 install fasthistory` is not sufficient to uninstall fastHistory
# Commands and systax
Find out more about commands and syntax in the [Wiki](https://github.com/mkcn/fastHistory/wiki/Commands-and-syntax) section
# Copyright and dependencies
* https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr
* **goal**: collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
* **changes**: The [page](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/tree/main/pages) folder has been copied to support offline mode and the syntax modified to improve the search speed
* **code section**: ```fastHistory/tldr/tldr/```
* https://github.com/wong2/pick
* **goal**: python module modified to build the command-selection menu
* **code section**: ```fastHistory/pick```
* https://github.com/rcaloras/bash-preexec
* **goal**: bash script used to hook the commands from the terminal
* **code section**: ```fastHistory/bash/bash-preexec.sh```
* https://pypi.org/project/pyperclip/
* **goal**: copy-to-clipboard feature
* **code section**: ```(optional) pip module```
* https://pypi.org/project/bashlex/
* **goal**: parse commands to fill the 'Man page info' section
* **code section**: ```(optional) pip module```
# License
The license for this is the same as that used by GNU bash, GNU GPL v3+.