fast_html is a fast, minimalist HTML generator.
It is an alternative to templating engines, like Jinja,
for use with, e.g., `htmx <>`__.
- use familiar python syntax
- use efficient concatenation techniques
- optional automatic indentation
Unlike other HTML generators (e.g. `Dominate <>`__) that use python objects to represent HTML snippets,
fast_html represents HTML snippets using string `generators <>`__
that can be rendered extremely fast using ``join``.
(see `here <>`__)
Like other HTML generators, one needs to remember:
- the name of some tags and attributes is changed (e.g., ``class_`` instead of ``class``, due to Python parser)
- there may be conflicts of function names with your code base
``pip install fast_html`` or copy the (single) source file in your project.
Don't forget to `add a star on GitHub <>`_ ! Thanks.
>>> from fast_html import *
A tag is created by calling a function of the corresponding name,
and rendered using ``render``:
>>> print(render(p("text")))
Tag attributes are specified using named arguments:
>>> print(render(br(id="1")))
<br id="1">
>>> print(render(br(id=None)))
>>> print(render(ul(li("text", selected=True))))
<ul><li selected>text</li></ul>
>>> print(render(ul(li("text", selected=False))))
The python parser introduces some constraints:
- The following tags require a trailing underscore: ``del_``, ``input_``, ``map_``, ``object_``.
- The following tag attributes require a trailing underscore: ``class_``, ``for_`` (and possibly others).
In fact, the trailing underscore in attribute names is always removed by fast_html,
and other underscores are replaced by ``-``.
For example, the htmx attribute ``hx-get`` is set using ``hx_get="url"``.
>>> print(render(object_("text", class_="s12", hx_get="url")))
<object class="s12" hx-get="url">text</object>
>>> print(render(button("Click me", hx_post="/clicked", hx_swap="outerHTML")))
<button hx-post="/clicked" hx-swap="outerHTML">Click me</button>
The innerHTML can be a list:
>>> print(render(div(["text", span("item 1"), span("item 2")])))
<div>text<span>item 1</span><span>item 2</span></div>
The innerHTML can also be a list of lists:
>>> print(render(div(["text", [span(f"item {i}") for i in [1,2]]])))
<div>text<span>item 1</span><span>item 2</span></div>
The innerHTML can also be specified using the ``i`` parameter,
after the other attributes, to match the order of rendering:
>>> print(render(ul(class_="s12", i=[
... li("item 1"),
... li("item 2")]
... )))
<ul class="s12"><li>item 1</li><li>item 2</li></ul>
You can create your own tag using the ``tag`` function:
>>> def my_tag(inner=None, **kwargs):
... yield from tag("my_tag", inner, **kwargs)
>>> print(render(my_tag("text")))
When debugging your code, you can set global variable ``indent`` to ``True``
(or call ``indent_it(True)``) to obtain HTML with tag indentation, e.g.,
>>> indent_it(True); print(render(div(class_="s12", i=["text", span("item 1"), span("item 2")])))
<div class="s12">
item 1
item 2