Falcon Resource Factory
|version| |Build Status| |License| |Wheel|
A simple falcon library that allows defining a single resource class to
handle requests for a single item as well as multiple items. While
though its not purely ``RESTful``, sometimes you require your resource
to support custom endpoints. The library allows you to define such
custom endpoints as well as part of the same single resource class.
Install the library using pip, or easy\_install.
$ pip install -U falcon-resource-factory
This library exposes a single class
``falcon_resource_factory.ResourceFactory`` which is used to add your
single resource class to falcon as shown below.
import falcon
from falcon_resource_factory import ResourceFactory
api = falcon.API()
class Resource(object):
def on_get(req, res, **kwargs):
# Return single object
def on_get_list(req, res, **kwargs):
# Returns list of objects
resource_factory = ResourceFactory()
resource_factory.add_routes(app, '/res', Resource())
The ``ResourceFactory`` instance will create two separate resources
internally called ``ResourceDetail`` and ``ResourceList`` for handling
single item and list of items respectively and register them with falcon
at appropriate routes. The generated resources have appropriate handlers
for all http methods supported by your resource which in turn just
wrappers around your resource handlers.
For eg for the resource defined above, the generated resources will look
like as follows
class ResourceDetail(object):
def on_get(req, res, **kwargs):
resource.on_get(req, res, **kwargs):
class ResourceList(object):
def on_get(req, res, **kwargs):
resource.on_get_list(req, res, **kwargs):
Custom Detail Identifier
``ResourceFactory`` creates the route for detail resource by appending a
resource identifier to the passed route. By default detail identifier is
``id`` but you can change it by passing it to ResourceFactory during
resource_factory = ResourceFactory(detail_identifier='uuid')
Custom Method Map
``ResourceFactory`` by default maps HTTP methods to handlers in the
resource by using ``<method> : on_<method>`` for detail resources and
``<method>: on_<method>_list`` for list resources. However both of them
are configiurable during initialization of ``ResourceFactory``. You can
pass a mapping of HTTP methods to methods of your resources for both
list and detail resources.
resource_factory = ResourceFactory(list_method_map={
'GET': 'on_get_collection',
'POST': 'on_post_collection'
}, detail_method_map={
'GET': 'get_obj',
'POST': 'post_obj'
class Resource(object):
def on_get_collection(req, res, **kwargs)
def on_post_collection(req, res, **kwargs)
def get_obj(req, res, **kwargs)
def post_obj(req, res, **kwargs)
Sometimes, you want to support api's that are not CRUD. In such
situations, purely RESTful approach suggests that you create more
resources instead of defining custom verbs. However, sometime its easier
to define custom endpoints/actions instead of mapping them to resources
which might not be that straightforward. ``ResourceFactory`` support
defining custom views by automatically creating separate resources for
each custom view and registering with falcon. You need to pass a list of
view specs to ``ResourceFactory`` during initialization and it takes
care of rest
resource_factory = ResourceFactory(custom_views=[
"route": "/action1/",
"view": "action1",
"methods": ['GET']
"route": "/action2/",
"view": "action2",
"methods": ['POST']
class Resource(object):
def on_get(req, res, **kwargs):
def action1(req, res, **kwargs):
def action2(req, res, **kwargs):
#### Contributing ``falcon-resource-factory`` is distributed under MIT
Fork the repository to your own account.
Clone the repository to a suitable location on your local machine.
$git clone https://github.com/loanzen/falcon-resource-factory.git
To update the project from within the project's folder you can run the
following command:
$git pull --rebase
##### Building
Install the project's dependencies.
$pip install -r requirements.txt
$pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
##### Feature Requests
I'm always looking for suggestions to improve this project. If you have
a suggestion for improving an existing feature, or would like to suggest
a completely new feature, please file an issue with my `Github
repository <https://github.com/loanzen/falcon-resource-factory/issues>`__
##### Bug Reports
You may file bug reports on `Github
repository <https://github.com/loanzen/falcon-resource-factory/issues>`__
##### Pull Requests
Along with my desire to hear your feedback and suggestions, I'm also
interested in accepting direct assistance in the form of new code or
documentation. Please feel free to file pull requests against my `Github
repository <https://github.com/loanzen/falcon-resource-factory/issues>`__
##### Tests
All pull request should pass the test suite which can launched simply
python setup.py test
.. |version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/falcon-resource-factory.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/falcon-resource-factory/
.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/loanzen/falcon-resource-factory.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/loanzen/falcon-resource-factory
.. |License| image:: http://img.shields.io/:license-mit-blue.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/falcon-resource-factory/
.. |Wheel| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/wheel/factory-resource-factory.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/falcon-resource-factory/