# FairGrad: Fairness Aware Gradient Descent
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FairGrad, is an easy to use general purpose approach to enforce fairness for gradient descent based methods.
# Getting started:
You can get ```fairgrad``` from pypi, which means it can be easily installed via ```pip```:
pip install fairgrad
# Documentation
The documenation can be found at [read the docs](https://fairgrad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)
# Example usage
To use fairgrad simply replace your pytorch cross entropy loss with fairgrad cross entropy loss.
Alongside, regular pytorch cross entropy arguments, it expects following extra arguments.
y_train (np.asarray[int], Tensor, optional): All train example's corresponding label
s_train (np.asarray[int], Tensor, optional): All train example's corresponding sensitive attribute. This means if there
are 2 sensitive attributes, with each of them being binary. For instance gender - (male and female) and
age (above 45, below 45). Total unique sentive attributes are 4.
fairness_measure (string): Currently we support "equal_odds", "equal_opportunity", "accuracy_parity", and
"demographic_parity". Note that demographic parity is only supported for binary case.
epsilon (float, optional): The slack which is allowed for the final fairness level.
fairness_rate (float, optional): Parameter which intertwines current fairness weights with sum of previous fairness rates.
# Note this is short snippet. One still needs to models and iterators.
# Full worked out example is available here - @TODO
from fairgrad.torch import CrossEntropyLoss
# define cross entropy loss
criterion = CrossEntropyLoss(fairness_related_meta_data=fairness_related_meta_data)
# Train loop
for inputs, labels, protected_attributes in train_iterator:
output = model(inputs)
loss = criterion(output, labels, protected_attributes, mode='train')
We highly recommend to **standardize features** by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.
This can be done using standard scalar module in sklearn.
# Citation
title={FairGrad: Fairness Aware Gradient Descent},
author={Maheshwari, Gaurav and Perrot, Micha{\"e}l},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.10923},