Face Recognition
Face Recognition Based on Facenet
Built using `Facenet <https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet>`__'s
state-of-the-art face recognition built with deep learning. The model
has an accuracy of 99.2% on the `Labeled Faces in the
Wild <http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/>`__ benchmark.
- Out of Box Working Face Recognition
- Choose Any Pre-Trained Model from Facenet
- For training just provide the proper folder structure
- Faster than other available solutions
- You need Python(2.6 to 3.5) installed
- X-based System supported *(does work on Windows but not tested)*
.. code:: python
pip install facenet_recognition
**Create setup as follows:**
1. Create input directory eg: input\_images
2. Create aligned images directory eg: aligned\_images *Create this
directory we will store aligned images here*
3. Create pre-trained model directory eg: pretrained\_facenet\_model
*Download Pre-Trained model from
`Facenet`* and keep it
in the pre\_model directory
4. Create my trained classifier directory eg: my\_classifier *In this
directory we will save our trained model*
Let's Begin
For Facial Recognition we need to align images as follows:
.. code:: python
import facenet_recognition
*Above command will create our input images into aligned format and save
it in given aligned images folder*
Train & Test Classifier on Images
After we have aligned images now we can train our classifier.
.. code:: python
pre_model='./pretrained_facenet_model/20170511-185253.pb' #locaiton of pret-trained model from Facenet
my_class ='./my_classifier/my_classifier.pkl' #location where we want to save
test_classifier_type = 'svm' #type of model either svm or nn
weight= './my_classifier/model_small.yaml' #local stored weights
facenet_recognition.test_train_classifier(aligned_images,pre_model,my_class,weight,test_classifier_type,nrof_train_images_per_class=30, seed=102)
*Mininum Required Image per person*: *1* *Number of Images for Training
per Person*: *30 (configurable)*
Train Classifer on Images(only Training)
This API is used to Train our Classifier on Aligned Images
.. code:: python
pre_model='./pretrained_facenet_model/20170511-185253.pb' #locaiton of pret-trained model from Facenet
my_class ='./my_classifier/my_classifier.pkl' #location where we want to save
test_classifier_type = 'nn' #type of model either svm or nn
weight= './my_classifier/model_small.yaml' #local stored weights
*Mininum Required Image per person*: *1* *Number of Images for Training
per Person*: *30 (fixed)*
Test Classifer on Images
This API is used to test our Trained Classifer
.. code:: python
pre_model='./pretrained_facenet_model/20170511-185253.pb' #locaiton of pret-trained model from Facenet
my_class ='./my_classifier/my_classifier.pkl' #location where we want to save
test_classifier_type = 'nn' #type of model either svm or nn
weight= './my_classifier/model_small.yaml' #local stored weights
*Mininum Required Image per person*: *1*
- **Ishwar Sawale** -- `Visit Portfolio <http://ishwarsawale.com>`__
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the
`LICENSE.md <LICENSE.md>`__ file for details
- Big Thanks to David Sandberg for Facent
- Inspired by Dlib based library face\_recognition
0.1.4 (2018-28-03)
* First beta release.