# face-symmetrizer
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- Easy symmetrizer for an image contained face(s)
## Install
pip install face-symmetrizer
## How
- Here is an example image of two people
### Command
$ fsym -h
usage: fsym [-h] [-s] [-S] [-q] [-o dir] file [file ...]
Easy symmetrizer for an image contained face(s)
positional arguments:
file input image files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --show show images (default: False)
-S, --save save images (default: False)
-q, --quiet make log quiet (default: False)
-o dir, --outdir dir directory when saving images (default: .)
- Detect with window and save symmetrized images to [outimg](outimg)
$ fsym img/two_people.jpg -o outimg -s --save
[+]image: img/two_people.jpg
[+]2 face(s) was detected.
[+]face: 0 # open window when using `-s`
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-0.left_cropped.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-0.left_cropped_inner.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-0.left_cropped_outer.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-0.right_cropped.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-0.right_cropped_inner.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-0.right_cropped_outer.jpg
[+]face: 1 # open window when using `-s`
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-1.left_cropped.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-1.left_cropped_inner.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-1.left_cropped_outer.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-1.right_cropped.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-1.right_cropped_inner.jpg
[+]save: outimg/two_people.face-1.right_cropped_outer.jpg
### Library
- First, load an image
from face_symmetrizer import FaceSym
# load from local file path
f = FaceSym("img/two_people.jpg")
# or, load from URL
# f = FaceSym("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ageitgey/"
# "face_recognition/master/examples/two_people.jpg")
# ATTRS: ['image_location',
# 'f_img', 'f_img_PIL', 'image_size',
# 'face_locations', 'face_landmarks',
# 'mid_face_locations', 'face_count']
- Get & show a full image
f.get_full_image(show=True) #=> <PIL.Image.Image>
- Get & show an image of a rectangle drawn around a face.
f.get_face_box_drawed_image(show=True) #=> <PIL.Image.Image>
- Get & show cropped face(s)
f.get_cropped_face_images(show=True) #=> [<PIL.Image.Image>, ...]
- Get & show symmetrized images (face: 0)
f.get_symmetrized_images(show=True, idx=0)
#=> (left_cropped, left_cropped_inner, left_cropped_outer,
# right_cropped, right_cropped_inner, right_cropped_outer)
- Get & show symmetrized images (face: 1)
f.get_symmetrized_images(show=True, idx=1)