# EzInputs
EzInputs is built to get rid of the need to put while loops and try/except blocks around your type cast input() calls
#### The old way
while True:
num = input("Enter a number: ")
num = int(num)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid integer, try again")
#### **The EzInputs way**
import ezinputs
num = ezinputs.int_input()
Depending on how you measure it, ezinputs is about 10 times better!
### Docs & Useage
Before we begin, these functions are all in the ezinputs.py file that ships in this package. Therein, full documentation is given for each function.
#### Primitive types
In this section we will look at the 4 primitive input types ezinputs has to offer.
All basic input types have two optional arguments;
<code>prompt</code> - the input prompt shown to the user (function-specific default)
<code>error</code> - the message displayed when an invalid value is entered (function-specific default)
###### Integer input
>>> ezinputs.int_input()
Enter an integer: 5
###### Float input
>>> ezinputs.float_input()
Enter a float: 12.23
###### Boolean input
>>> ezinputs.bool_input()
Enter boolean: True
###### String input
Please just use the builtin python input(), this str_input() function is extremely redundant!
>>> ezinputs.str_input()
Enter a string: hello world!
'hello world!'
#### Collection types
In this section we will look at the 4 collection input types ezinputs has to offer
The collection inputs have additional optional arguments on top of the besic input arguments;
<code>astype</code> - the datatype required for values (defaults to str)
<code>count</code> - the number of items to retrieve (defaults to 1)
###### List input
>>> ezinputs.list_input(count=2, astype=int)
Enter item 1: 5
Enter item 2: 12
[5, 12]
###### Set input
>>> ezinputs.set_input(count=3, astype=float)
Enter item 1: 7.6
Enter item 2: 2
Enter item 3: 4
{2.0, 4.0, 7.6}
###### Tuple input
>>> ezinputs.tuple_input(count=3, astype=bool)
Enter item 1: a
Enter item 2: 1
Enter item 3: True
(True, True, True)
###### Dictionary input
>>> ezinputs.dict_input(count=3)
Enter key 1: sugar
Enter str value for sugar: 150g
Enter key 2: flour
Enter str value for flour: 400g
Enter key 3: insert_cake_ingredient_here
Enter str value for insert_cake_ingredient_here: some
{'sugar': '150g', 'flour': '400g', 'insert_cake_ingredient_here': 'some'}
###### Author
Will Johnson
Discord: \_\_wcj\_\_#3111
Email: 277willjohnson@gmail.com
Website: https://heyteach.co.uk/