library to help with curses programming (Python 3.3+ compatible)
From the project root directory::
$ python setup.py install
The easiest method is to just decorate your function, and use the injected ``scr`` argument::
from time import sleep
from ezcurses import curse
def main(scr, message_string):
w, h = scr.max_size()
scr.write(message_string, pos=(w // 2, h // 2))
if __name__ == '__main__':
main('Hello world!')
You can also use the Cursed context manager.
Here's an example with windows with backgrounds and borders and colors::
from ezcurses import Cursed
with Cursed() as scr:
w, h = scr.max_size()
win1 = scr.new_win(orig=(0, 0), size=(20, 20))
win2 = scr.new_win(orig=(20, 0), size=(20, 20))
win1.background('+', color='red')
win2.background('.', color=('green', 'blue'))
s = win1.getstr((1, 1), echo=True)
win2.write(s, (1, 1), color=('red', 'black'))
win1.write('Press q to quit', (1, 1), color=('black', 'red'))
while win1.getkey() != 'q':
Release Notes
- Add windows support with unicurses
- Readme example was bad
- Add multi_menu feature for selections spanning a screen
- Rename _msgs to Menu.items
- Much more intricate menu logic and new multi_menu.py example
- Fix menu origin in windows bug
- Make layout creatable with ``Screen.new_layout(border=True)``
- Add Layout feature for bootstrap like rows and columns
- Add Menu functionality and an example in examples/menu_example.py
- make it much more tolerable for floats, if user does math stuff
- add ``curse`` decorator
- rename main context manager to ``Cursed``
- fixed a few bugs in window without size
- lots of clean up and testing, fix README
- Make positional optional and a keyword ``pos`` for the ``getstr`` function
- Add documentation to API
- Make position optional for ``write`` and default (0, 0) like other funcs
- New features for curses windows
- get input, string and characters
- add strings with colors to the window
- add borders
- draw lines
- change background
- very functional as is
- Project created