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Python package including different extinction laws and dust maps. Useful to
- get E(B-V) for a set of coordinates (or list of coordinates) from different
- distant sources (IRSA, NED)
- local maps (SFD98, Schlafly 2014, Planck 2013, Green 2015)
- compute the ISM transmission for different extincion laws
- CCM89: Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (`<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1989ApJ...345..245C>`_)
- OD94: O'Donnell (`<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1994ApJ...422..158O>`_)
- FM98: Fitzpatrick & Massa (1998)
- G08: Goobar (`<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008ApJ...686L.103G>`_)
To install::
git clone https://github.com/nicolaschotard/extinctions.git
pip install extinctions/
To install in a local directory ``mypath``, use::
pip install --prefix='mypath' extinctions/
and do not forget to add it to your PYTHONPATH.
To upgrade to a new version (after a ``git pull`` or a local modification), use::
pip install --upgrade (--prefix='mypath') extinctions/
To install a release version (no release version available yet)::
pip install http://github.com/nicolaschotard/extinctions/archive/v0.1.tar.gz
Also works with the master::
pip install (--upgrade) https://github.com/nicolaschotard/extinctions/archive/master.zip
In the future, release versions will be listed at this `location
`extinctions` has a few python dependencies listed in the `requirements
<requirements.txt>`_ file. To install them all, use::
pip install -r requirements.txt
Requirements are:
- numpy==1.11.2
- scipy==0.17.1
- matplotlib==1.5.1
- seaborn==0.7.0
- pyyaml==3.11
- astropy==1.2.1
- requests==2.10.0
- astroquery==0.3.1
- wget==2.2
- healpy==1.9.1
Dust map setup
You can automatically download the dust maps listed in the `maps.yaml
<extinction/data/maps.yaml>`_ file using the script `get_maps.py`. It
will, by default, put them in $HOME/.extinction/maps, but other
locations are of course possible (option `--outdir`). If you choose to
store them in an other diretory, you must set a $MAPSDIR environment
variable pointing to it. Already existing maps in the output directory
will not be downloaded again.
The available dust maps are:
- `SFD98 <http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/foreground/dust_map.cfm>`_, full sky Healpy format
- SFD98 `north <http://www.sdss3.org/svn/repo/catalogs/dust/trunk/maps/SFD_dust_4096_ngp.fits>`_ and `south <http://www.sdss3.org/svn/repo/catalogs/dust/trunk/maps/SFD_dust_4096_sgp.fits>`_ dust maps
- `Planck <http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/Planck/release_1/all-sky-maps/previews/HFI_CompMap_ThermalDustModel_2048_R1.20/index.html>`_
- `Schlafly 2014 <http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/foreground/fg_ebv_map_info.cfm>`_
- `Green 2015 <http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/foreground/fg_ebv_2015_map_info.cfm>`_
Download the maps
To download the extinction maps listed above, use the script
`get_maps.py`. The following options are available::
get_maps.py -h
usage: get_maps.py [-h] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--update] [--list]
[--select SELECT] [--exclude EXCLUDE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--outdir OUTDIR Output directory in where to put the dust maps
--update Update the maps directory in case of changes of maps.yaml
--list List of available maps and exit
--select SELECT Select maps to download (coma separated)
--exclude EXCLUDE Exclude map(s) (coma separated).If the select option is
used, the exclude option will be ignored.
Get E(B-V)
Here is an example of how to get the value of E(B-V) for a set of
coordinates (RA,DEC):
.. code:: python
In [1]: ra, dec = 340.83, -9.59 # could also be arrays or list of ra/dec
In [2]: from extinctions import reddening
In [3]: red = reddening.Reddening(ra, dec) # ra dec can also be lists of coordinates
INFO: Loading the maps from local directory /home/chotard/.extinction/maps/
- green is loaded
- schlafly is loaded
- sfd is loaded
- planck is loaded
You can then get E(B-V) from different sources:
.. code:: python
# from the local maps
In [4]: red.query_local_map(dustmap='sfd')
Out[4]: 0.047723956233310674
In [5]: red.query_local_map(dustmap='schlafly')
Out[5]: 0.062566755984547445
In [6]: red.query_local_map(dustmap='planck')
Out[6]: 0.052058338535565914
In [7]: red.query_local_map(dustmap='green')
Out[7]: 0.035786284169101318
# from the SFD98 north/south maps using `sncosmo`
In [8]: red.from_sncosmo()
Out[8]: array([ 0.0473752])
# Using astroquery
In [9]: red.from_astroquery()
Downloading http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu//workspace/TMP_XG1Joz_30445/DUST/340.8300_-9.5900.v0001/extinction.tbl
|==============================================================================================| 4.3k/4.3k (100.00%) 0s
Out[9]: [0.047377326565143825]
Make some plots
To have a look at the different extinction laws amd dust maps, you can
use the script `extinction_plots.py`.