# Exploration
## Overview
This program provides data types for representing the exploration of
spaces that can defined (or abstracted) in terms of discrete decisions,
such as videogame levels with multiple rooms and also other things like
conversation trees or a city block grid.
It represents space using a `DecisionGraph`, which is a multi-di-graph
indicating the transition(s) between decisions, which can include
information about prerequisites for transitions as well as effects a
transition might have on the world. There is also a convention for
representing unexplored regions using specially-tagged nodes of the
graph. An `Exploration` is a sequence of `DecisionGraph`s, along with a
sequence of decisions indicating where the explorer was at each step, a
sequence of transitions indicating which transition was taken at each
step, and a sequence of states indicating extra state at each step. These
representations were developed with Metroidvania games in mind.
Core capabilities include:
- Representing exploration processes as a series of decisions including
partial information about not-yet-explored decisions.
- Creating maps and explorations from various text formats, including
exploration journal formats.
- Reasoning about reachability modulo transition requirements in terms of
powers that must be possessed and/or tokens that must be spent for a
transition. TODO
- The ability to represent fairly sophisticated game logic in the
`DecisionGraph`, and even construct playable maps. Game logic that
can't be captured this way can still be represented through making
custom changes to maps between exploration steps. TODO
## Dependencies:
- Python version 3.8+
- `networkx` For underlying graph structures.
- `pytest` for testing, install with `[test]` option to get it automatically.
## Installing
Just run `pip install exploration`. The `egtool` script should be
installed along with the module.
You can then run `python -m exploration.tests` to run tests.
## Getting Started:
The `egtool` script provides a command-line interface to core
functionality. The `exploration.main` module provides equivalent entry
points from Python. `exploration.core` provides the main types and
explains how they fit together.
## Plans
- Better support for open-world games, where decisions are not as closely
linked to virtual space structure.
## Changelog
- v0.6.1 fixes egtool.py script to include new optional command-line args
instead of mandatory args.
- v0.6.0 adds Graphviz Dot format support (both import and export) and
fixes up some bugs with the JSON import/export. Also changes tags so
that they have values instead of just being part of a set. Analysis
tools have expanded a bit and a system of metafunctions for
automatically applying smallest-unit analysis tools to larger units
has been added so we don't have to re-write "apply this to each
situation" a bunch of times. Analysis tools are set up to run every
tool on a file and write results to a CSV file (see `main.py` for
analysis tool configuration). The `egtool.py` script now accepts
command-line options but falls back to interactive prompting.
Finally finished describeProgress and overhauled analysis tests so
that we don't have any xfails right now. Adds 'extinguish' and
'complicate' journal entry types to better support mistaken
- v0.5.1 reorganizes some testing code out of the import-module run path.
- v0.5 includes a few bugfixes over 0.4, and most notably a stable syntax
for entering relative mode at the current location, as well as an 'F'
entry type for "fulfills" to note power equivalence. It also
introduces the first real analysis tool, which just counts the number
of unexplored options at each step of the graph.
- v0.4 introduces the 'actionPart' target type so that you can do 'oa' to
observe an action without taking it. It also introduces long-form
entry types and targets: you can just write out the full name of an
entry type, possibly followed by an @ and either a full or
abbreviated target type. Hopefully this helps make things more
accessible for beginners. There are also now a few built-in debug
commands available for printing relvant stuff. More may be added as
they become popular. It also introduces equivalences, stored in the
`DecisionGraph`, which allow powers (but not tokens) to count as
being obtained when one of a set of other requirements is met
instead. The 'fulfills' journal entry can add these.
- v0.3 is a pretty big overhaul. Changes journal format a bit (zones are
now easier to deal with). Adds command-line interface (`__main__.py`
via API in `main.py`). Adds interactive script `egtool`. Adds JSON
serialization and `__eq__` methods for `DecisionGraph` and
`Exploration` types. Fills out 'edit' effect type with a new
`Command` syntax which is it's own tiny DSL for editing
graphs/explorations. Also adds aliases in the journal format so that
it's easier to store/recall complex but repeated patterns. Extends
testing code quite a bit and fixes a fair number of bugs found via
those tests, although coverage is still incomplete. This version
pushes module compatibility up to 3.10 since the type checking code
is to tightly intertwined with the actual runtime code in places to
be easily separable and it uses 3.10 features. One final big change:
the default journal format has changed so that 'g' is for tag, 't'
(which used to be tag) is for 'retrace', and 'r' (which used to be
retrace) is for 'return'). 'R' is no longer used by the default
format. Note that until 1.0, there may continue to be some
instability in the default journal format.
- v0.2 Journal functionality (`journal.py`) is working at a basic level,
with a few things still to-do (e.g., edit effects). Design has
changed since previous versions. The zone system now works, although
needs more testing. Design will be iterated on so the API and
particularly the journal format is not 100% stable yet. Changed
version support from 3.7+ to 3.8+ because of needing typing.Literal.
- v0.1.2 Core functionality (`core.py`) is working & tested, with the
exception of the zones system. Journals are not working, and tests
for those have been disabled for now. Could be used for
representation purposes, but is not yet complete. This version is
effectively the first alpha release since I'm demoing at the PCG
workshop. Note most of the 'core capabilities' are still TODO.
- v0.1.1 Still pre-alpha as it's in the process of being re-architected a
bit, but some core functionality is present if rough (e.g.,
`core.DecisionGraph` and `core.Exploration`).
- v0.1 Initial pre-alpha upload.