# Exoskeleton
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Machine Learning and other applications make it necessary to download thousands or sometimes hundreds of thousands of files.
Using a high-speed-connection carries the risk to run an involuntary denial-of-service attack on the servers that provide those files and webpages.
Exoskeleton is a Python framework that helps you build a crawler / scraper that avoids too high loads on the connection and instead runs permanently and fault tolerant to ultimately download all files.
Its main functionalities are:
* Managing the download queue and document data within a MariaDB database.
* Avoid processing the same URL more than once.
* Working through the queue by either
* downloading files to disk,
* storing the page source code into a database table,
* storing the page text,
* or making PDF-copies of webpages.
* Managing already downloaded files:
* Storing multiple versions of a specific file.
* Assigning labels to downloads, so they can be found and grouped easily.
* Sending progress reports to the admin.
# Documentation
## How To Use Exoskeleton
* [Installation and Requirements](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/installation.md)
* [Create a Bot](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/create-a-bot.md)
* [Dealing with result pages](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/parse-search-results.md)
* [Avoiding duplicates](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/avoiding-duplicates.md)
* [The Queue: Downloading files / Saving the page code / Creating PDF](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/handling-pages.md)
* [Bot Behavior](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/behavior-settings.md)
* [Progress Reports via Email](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/progress-reports-via-email.md)
* [File Versions and Labels](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/versions-and-labels.md)
* [Using the Blocklist](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/blocklist.md)
## Example Uses
* [Downloading an Archive](https://www.ruediger-voigt.eu/exoskeleton-download-an-archive.html) : A quite complex use case requiring some custom SQL. This is the actual project that triggered the development of exoskeleton.
## Technical Documentation
* [Contributing](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/contributing.md)
* [Database Structure](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/database-schema.md)
* [Testing](https://github.com/RuedigerVoigt/exoskeleton/tree/master/documentation/testing-exoskeleton.md)
## Example
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import exoskeleton
# Create a bot
# exoskeleton makes reasonable assumptions about
# parameters left out, like:
# - host = localhost
# - port = 3306 (MariaDB standard)
# - ...
exo = exoskeleton.Exoskeleton(
database_settings={'database': 'exoskeleton',
'username': 'exoskeleton',
'passphrase': ''},
# True, to stop after the queue is empty, Otherwise it will
# look consistently for new tasks in the queue:
bot_behavior={'stop_if_queue_empty': True},
# => Will be saved in the target directory. The filename will be the
# chosen prefix followed by the database id and .txt.
{'example-label', 'foo'})
# => Duplicate will be recognized and not added to the queue,
# but the labels will be associated with the file in the
# database.
# => Nonexistent file: will be marked, but will not stop the bot.
# Save a page's code into the database:
# Use chromium or Google chrome to generate a PDF of the website:
# work through the queue: