The ews ("Ein Wuerfel Sytem" is german for "One Die System") is a free rpg backend which covers char interaction and char management ->
Chars have attributes, abilities, edges/flaws, equipment and battle values (directly derived from the attributes and abilities).
Usage from command line:
- None yet.
- None yet.
- Creating Chars
Create and print a char from a tag-string
>>> from char import Char
>>> tag_string = ",2008:Human"
>>> char_from_tag = Char(source=tag_string, template=False)
template=False says: Go with the name inside the stored file or (if None is avaible) in the tagstring.
Else it would create a new name for it.
TODO: Change the default to template=False (some checking of other libs necessary for that)
>>> print char_from_tag
Name: Human
Sprache: Esperanto
TODO: Create a char from a char dict.
TODO: Print location of character file.
- Combat
Create two chars and let them fight one round.
>>> char1 = Char()
>>> char2 = Char()
>>> print char1.wounds, char2.wounds
[0, 0] [0, 0]
>>> char1.fight_round(char2)
>>> result = (char1.get_battle_result_values(), char2.get_battle_result_values())
>>> # Gives TP and wounds for Char 1 and 2
Let the two chars fight a battle with the one roll battle system.
>>> char1.fight_one_roll_battle(char2)
>>> result = (char1.get_battle_result_values(), char2.get_battle_result_values())
>>> # Dict for char1 and for char 2
TODO: Fight a whole battle with the complex battle system.
- Attributes
List all attributes. If the char has None, print a single space.
>>> char1.attributes
' '
- Skills and checks
List all skills. If the char has None, print a single space.
>>> char1.skills
{'Nahkampf': {'Grundwert': 12, 'Striche': 3, 'Zahlenwert': 12}}
Do a skill test (default target number is 9)
>>> print "Do we manage to cook a nice meal?"
Do we manage to cook a nice meal?
>>> result = char1.check_skill("cook")
Do a skill test against another target number.
>>> print "Do we manage to cook an exceptional meal?"
Do we manage to cook an exceptional meal?
>>> result = char1.check_skill("cook", MW=18)
TODO: Check how good we manage something.
TODO: Check if we manage to make a roll and how good we manage it.
- Competition (skill vs. skill and similar)
TODO: Let two chars compete for one round.
TODO: Let two chars do a full competition.
- Equipment
Get the current equipment of the char.
>>> for i in print[i]
{'Stoffkleidung': {'Name': 'Stoffkleidung', 'Schutz': 1}}
{'Waffenlos': {'Name': 'Waffenlos', 'Schaden': 1}}
>>> # TODO: Fix to make it nicer to use.
Get the current combat equipment of the char (armor and weapon).
>>> char1.weapon
{'Name': 'Waffenlos', 'Schaden': 1}
>>> char1.armor
{'Name': 'Stoffkleidung', 'Schutz': 1}
TODO: Change armor and weapon (and weapon skill).
TODO: Get the current clothes of the char.
TODO: Change the current clothes of the char.
- Improving Chars
Improve a char by a 3 points at random (about the value to get for one gaming session in a hreo setting).
>>> char1.upgrade(3)
Upgrade with a weighted list of attributes and skills which could be improved additionally to known skills and attributes.
>>> char1.upgrade(3, object=("weighted", [("attribute", "sensitivity", 1), ("skill", "cooking", 2)]))
Upgrade a specific skill or attribute.
>>> char1.upgrade(3, object=("skill", "talking senslessly"))
# TODO: Add attibute explicitely.
- Saving Chars
Save the changed (wounded but improved) Char as new template.
Commented out, because this creates new files.
>>> # = char1.amov.tagname
>>> #
Save the changed Char as a new char and get the new tag to call it again.
Commented out, because this creates new files.
>>> # tagstring = char1.amov.tagstring_without_name + # The tag to call the char
>>> #
>>> # char1_again = Char(source=tagstring, template=False)
- Finishing Chars off :)
And in the end: Die
>>> char1.die()
- Change char file format: an empty dict shoulnd't be represented by " " anymore, but by {} (the real yaml represenation of an empty dictionary).
Source URL (Mercurial): U{}
- renamed module to rpg-1d6:
ews 0.1
- created ews as rpg backend package.