# ⚡Evergy Client
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A simple utility that you can use to login to your Evergy account and retrieve you meter readings.
- **[Documentation](https://evergy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)**
- **[Source Code](https://github.com/lawrencefoley/evergy)**
> **Note: This is an unofficial utility that uses Evergy's non-public API.**
> Previously known as "KCPL"
## Install
pip install evergy
## Usage
from evergy.evergy import Evergy
evergy = Evergy("<evergy-username>", "<evergy-password>")
data = evergy.get_usage()
print("Today's kWh: " + str(data[-1]["usage"]))
### Output
The last element from the `get_usage()` will be the latest data. The `usage` is in kilowatt-hours. I believe the `peakDateTime` is the
time during that day when your usage was the highest and the `peakDemand` is how many kilowatts you were drawing at that time.
Latest data:
'period': 'Saturday',
'billStart': '0001-01-01T00:00:00',
'billEnd': '0001-01-01T00:00:00',
'billDate': '2021-09-18T00:00:00',
'date': '9/18/2021',
'usage': 14.7756,
'demand': 3.7992,
'avgDemand': 0.0,
'peakDemand': 3.7992,
'peakDateTime': '12:45 p.m.',
'maxTemp': 71.0,
'minTemp': 71.0,
'avgTemp': 71.0,
'cost': 18.5748,
'isPartial': False
## Related Projects
- [KC Water](https://github.com/patrickjmcd/kcwater): A similar project developed by [Patrick McDonagh](https://github.com/patrickjmcd). Check it out!
## Development
### Setup
python -m pip install --upgrade virtualenv
virtualenv venv
### Code Formatting
Install the dev dependencies and run `isort` and `flake8` to properly format the code.
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
isort evergy/
flake8 evergy/
### Build Docs
Windows PowerShell:
pip install -r docs/requirements_docs.txt
docs\make.bat clean; docs\make.bat html
### Release New Version
- Bump `__version__` in `evergy/__init__.py`
git commit -m "Bump version"
git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "v1.0.1"
git push --tags
### Build Wheel
> The `--no-isolation` flag tells it to use the existing virtual env
python -m build --no-isolation --wheel
### Upload to PyPi
#### Test
twine upload --verbose --repository testpypi dist/*
#### Prod
twine upload --verbose --repository pypi dist/*