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<img src="https://performancemedia.github.io/eventiq/assets/logo.svg" style="width: 250px">
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<em>Cloud native framework for building event driven applications in Python</em>
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*Note: This package is under active development and is not recommended for production use*
Version: 0.1.4
Documentation: https://performancemedia.github.io/eventiq/
Repository: https://github.com/performancemedia/eventiq
## About
The package utilizes `pydantic`, `async_timeout` and `python-json-logger` as the only required dependencies.
For messages [Cloud Events](https://cloudevents.io/) format is used.
Service can be run as standalone processes, or included into starlette (e.g. FastAPI) applications.
## Installation
pip install eventiq
## Multiple broker support (in progress)
- Stub (in memory using `asyncio.Queue` for PoC, local development and testing)
- NATS (with JetStream)
- Redis Pub/Sub
- Kafka
- Rabbitmq
- Google Cloud PubSub
- And more coming
## Optional Dependencies
- `cli` - `typer` and `aiorun`
- broker of choice: `nats`, `kafka`, `rabbitmq`, `redis`, `pubsub`
- custom message serializers: `msgpack`, `orjson`
- `prometheus` - Metric exposure via `PrometheusMiddleware`
- `opentelemetry` - tracing support
## Motivation
- [Celery](https://docs.celeryq.dev/en/stable/getting-started/introduction.html)
- [Dramatiq](https://dramatiq.io/)
- [Huey](https://huey.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
- [arq](https://arq-docs.helpmanual.io/)
However, those libraries don't provide a pub/sub pattern, useful for creating
event driven and loosely coupled systems. Furthermore, the majority of those libraries
do not support `asyncio`. This is why this project was born.
## Basic usage
import asyncio
from eventiq import Service, CloudEvent, Middleware
from eventiq.backends.nats.broker import JetStreamBroker
class SendMessageMiddleware(Middleware):
async def after_broker_connect(self, broker: "Broker") -> None:
print(f"After service start, running with {broker}")
await asyncio.sleep(10)
for i in range(100):
await broker.publish("test.topic", data={"counter": i})
print("Published event(s)")
broker = JetStreamBroker(url="nats://localhost:4222")
service = Service(name="example-service", broker=broker)
async def example_run(message: CloudEvent):
print(f"Received Message {message.id} with data: {message.data}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
## Scaling
Each message is load-balanced (depending on broker) between all service instances with the same `name`.
To scale number of processes you can use containers (docker/k8s), [supervisor](http://supervisord.org/),
or web server like gunicorn.
## Features
- Modern, `asyncio` based python 3.8+ syntax
- Minimal dependencies, only `pydantic`, `async_timeout` and `python-json-logger` are required
- Automatic message parsing based on type annotations (like FastAPI)
- Code hot-reload
- Highly scalable: each service can process hundreds of tasks concurrently,
all messages are load balanced between all instances by default
- Resilient - at least once delivery for all messages by default
- Customizable & pluggable message encoders (json, msgpack, custom)
- Json formatted logger
- Multiple broker support (Nats, Kafka, Rabbitmq, Redis, PubSub, and more coming)
- Easily extensible via Middlewares and Plugins
- Cloud Events standard as base message structure (no more python specific `*args` and `**kwargs` in messages)
- AsyncAPI documentation generation from code
- Twelve factor app approach - stdout logging, configuration through environment variables
- Out-of-the-box integration with Prometheus (metrics) and OpenTelemetry (tracing)
- Application bootstrap via `.yaml` file (see examples/configuration)