Eve Auth JWT's fork
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An OAuth 2 JWT token validation module for `Eve <http://python-eve.org>`_.
To install eve-auth-jwt, simply:
$ pip install eve-auth-jwt-fork
At Eve initialization::
from eve import Eve
from eve_auth_jwt import JWTAuth
app = Eve(auth=JWTAuth, settings=SETTINGS)
This module reads its configuration form Eve settings. Here is the list of new directives:
* ``JWT_SECRET`` (required): Defines the symetric secret token secret used to de/encode the token (async keys support is a TODO).
* ``JWT_ISSUER`` (required): Defines the required token issuer (``iss`` claim).
* ``JWT_AUDIENCES``: Defines a list of accepted audiences (``aud`` claim). If not provided, only tokens with no audience set will be accepted. The resource level ``audiences`` parameter is also available.
* ``JWT_ROLES_CLAIM``: Defines the claim name for roles. If set, Eve roles check will be activated, and any resources with ``allowed_roles`` set will require to have those roles present in the defined token's claim.
* ``JWT_SCOPE_CLAIM``: Defines the claim name for scope. If set and the token has a claim of the same name containing the string ``viewer``, only ``GET`` and ``HEAD`` methods will be granted. All other values are ignored and added to the list of exposed roles with the ``scope:`` prefix.
Reading Roles
If access is granted, the authentication module exposes roles and token's claims thru ``get_authen_roles()`` and ``get_authen_claims()`` methods. You may access those values from your event hook as follow::
def my_hook(...)
resource_def = app.config['DOMAIN'][resource_name]
auth = resource_def['authentication']
if 'somerole' in auth.get_authen_roles():
# grant some finer access
Securing custom routes
JWT Authorization can be applied to any custom routes using the `@requires_token` wrapper. This annotation will only provide *audience and role access control*. User level access must be written manually.
Example of audience access control::
from eve_auth_jwt import requires_token, get_request_auth_value
@app.route('/my_resource/download', methods=['GET'])
def csv_download():
# Allows all users with myAudience to access download
account_id = get_request_auth_value()
if check_user(account_id):
return generateCSV(account_id)
Example of `myAdmin` access control::
from eve_auth_jwt import requires_token
@app.route('/admin/my_resource/download', methods=['GET'])
@requires_token(audiences=['myAudience'], allowed_roles=['myAdmin'])
def csv_download():
account_id = request.args.get('account_id', None)
return generateCSV(account_id)
Access the parsed JWT token values
The parsed JWT token values are stored in the `flask.g` dict, but custom functions exist to aid in reading the values. The values are only available after the JWT token integrity check and user authorization occurs.
Example of access the parse JWT token fields::
from eve_auth_jwt import get_request_auth_value, get_authen_claims, get_authen_roles
def my_fn():
# Request authentication value as a str
account_id = get_request_auth_value()
# JWT claims as a dict[str]
payload = get_authen_claims()
# Roles as arr[str]
roles = get_authen_roles()
Different JWTAuth on different endpoints
Eve supports both global authentication of the whole API, and endpoint-level authentication. If one wish to use different secret keys and/or issuers on certain endpoints, it is possible to create instances of JWTAuth which overrides the global config values of ``JWT_SECRET`` and ``JWT_ISSUER``.
The secret key and issuer can be set through the JWTAuth constructor or as properties on instances of JWTAuth.
Example usage::
from eve import Eve
from eve_auth_jwt import JWTAuth
second_auth = JWTAuth('custom secret', 'specific issuer')
app = Eve(auth=JWTAuth, settings=SETTINGS)
def different_secret():
return 'Success with custom secret!'
All source code is licensed under the `MIT License <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rs/eve-auth-jwt/master/LICENSE>`_.