# AmLight Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC) Manager
The AmLight EVC Manager is a command line tool to help SDN operators in
managing Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVC), such as
creating/deleting/changing multiple EVCs at a time. It was created to
help AmLight network engineers in the daily operation of the AmLight SDN
network, which currently has more than one thousands flows and more than
ten OpenFlow switches in North and South America.
The AmLight EVC\_Manager requires Python 3.6+
# Features
The EVC Manager was created with the following major goals:
> - Supporting multiple backends, such as OESS and Kytos E-Line.
> - Supporting exporting EVCs to YAML or JSON files
> - Supporting creating/changing/deleting multiple EVCs via YAML files
> - Supporting moving EVCs out a specific link (or NNI)
> - Supporting forcing circuit reprovisioning
> - Supporting changing EVCs' paths
> - Supporting exporting monitoring data using Zabbix LLD format for
> integration with Zabbix
> - Supporting multiple queries:
> - Get VLANs in use in a specific UNI or NNI
> - Get EVCs using a specific UNI or NNI
> - Get EVC utilization
> - Get list of EVCs with under-provisioned paths
> - Get EVCs using backup paths
> - Get list of devices and links
> - Compare and report two EVC dumps
# Current Version
The current EVC Manager is 0.3. The following major features are supported:
> - Supporting for OESS 1.0.9 backend
> - Supporting exporting all EVCs to YAML or JSON files
> - Supporting creating/changing/deleting multiple EVCs via YAML files
> - Supporting for EVC creation using VLAN ranges
> - Supporting moving EVC out a specific link (or NNI)
> - Supporting changing EVCs' paths
> - Supporting multiple queries:
> - Get EVC using a specific UNI
> - Get EVC using a specific NNI
> - Get EVC using backup paths
Version 0.4 is scheduled for March 2020 with the following features:
> - Supporting exporting monitoring data using Zabbix LLD format for
> integration with Zabbix
> - Supporting for Kytos MEF E-Line backend
> - Supporting forcing EVC reprovisioning
> - Supporting multiple queries:
> - Get VLANs in use in a specific UNI
> - Get circuit utilization
> - Get circuit with under-provisioned paths
> - Get list of devices and links
# Using the evc manager
The EVC Manager should run as a Python module and installed directly from pip repository.
Before using the EVC Manager, make sure you have Python3 and PIP for your environment.
Then, prepare the environment using the following steps:
Create a Python virtual environment:
python3 -m venv py3-evc_manager
source py3-evc_manager/bin/activate
Install git. Then, close the repo and install all requirements
pip install evc_manager
There are two options to run EVC Manager. As a script at the Shell or as a module in your
To run EVC Manager as a script, just run using the syntax below:
python3.6 -m evc_manager [-h] (-L | -A | -R | -C | -D | -M | -X)
[--move-from-nni MOVE_FROM_NNI] [-f SOURCE_FILE]
[--has-uni-interface HAS_UNI_INTERFACE]
[--has-uni-tag-value HAS_UNI_TAG_VALUE]
[--has-nni-name HAS_NNI_NAME]
[--has-nni-name-primary HAS_NNI_NAME_PRIMARY]
[--has-nni-name-backup HAS_NNI_NAME_BACKUP] [-u USER]
[-V] [-v {info,warning,debug}] [-q]
[-y | -Y | -j | -z | -n] [-T TO_TABLE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-L, --list-evc List all EVCs and output them using YAML
-A, --add-evc Add EVCs provided in the YAML file
-R, --add-range-evcs Add a range of EVCs provided in the YAML file
-C, --change-evc Change EVCs provided in the YAML file
-D, --delete-evc Delete all EVCs provided in the YAML file
-M, --move-evc Move one or all EVCs out the NNI provided.
-X, --template Create a template folder with YAML files to help.
--move-from-nni MOVE_FROM_NNI
Move out of the provided NNI
-f SOURCE_FILE, --source-file SOURCE_FILE
Source YAML file used by options -A or -D
Destination YAML file used by options -L
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Provide pass for authentication
-P, --prompt_password
Prompt pass for authentication
-O OESS_URL, --oess-url OESS_URL
Use OESS backend. Provide OESS's URL
-K KYTOS_URL, --kytos-url KYTOS_URL
Use Kytos E-Line backend's URL.
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v {info,warning,debug}, --verbose {info,warning,debug}
Set Verbose Level (info|warning|debug)
-q, --quiet Set Quiet Mode
-y, --to-yaml Print using YAML.
-Y, --to-yaml-minimal
Print using YAML but only the smallest set of
mandatory attrs.
-j, --to-json Print using JSON.
-z, --to_zabbix Converts output to Zabbix LLD format
-n, --to-screen Print EVC's names to screen instead of to files
-T TO_TABLE, --to_table TO_TABLE
Converts output to a table format. Use Syntax:
-s GEN_STATS_PER_NNI, --gen_stats_per_nni GEN_STATS_PER_NNI
List number of EVCs per NNI-s Any: list all NNIs To
filter use -s NNI[:JSON]
Use a provided shortcut file. Default is .evc_manager
--has-uni-device HAS_UNI_DEVICE
Filter output based on the UNI's device
--has-uni-interface HAS_UNI_INTERFACE
Filter output based on the UNI's interface
--has-uni-tag-value HAS_UNI_TAG_VALUE
Filter output based on the UNI's tag value (VLAN ID)
--has-nni-name HAS_NNI_NAME
Filter output based on the NNI's name
--has-nni-name-primary HAS_NNI_NAME_PRIMARY
Filter output when NNI's name is in primary path
--has-nni-name-backup HAS_NNI_NAME_BACKUP
Filter output when NNI's name is in backup path
-u USER, --user USER Backend user for authentication
-t TENANT, --tenant TENANT
Backend user group for authentication
To use EVC_Manager as a Python module, follow these steps. The INPUT is just an example and
represents the input you mean to submit to the evc_manager (use option -h to discover all options):
from evc_manager import EvcManager, get_cli
INPUT = ['-u', 'admin',
'-t', 'admin',
'-p', 'sparc123',
'-O', '',
'-v', 'info',
'-f', './add_evcs.yaml',
evc_mgr = EvcManager(get_cli(INPUT))
final_result = evc_mgr.run()
Attention: Avoid using option --password with admin accounts. Your password might be stored
in your Bash history\!\!
# EVC data modeling
To help modeling EVCs, the following data model was created:
version: 1.0
name: Circuit Name
unis: List of User-to-Network Interfaces
- device: network device's name
interface_name: network device's interface_name
interface_description: network device's interface_description
mac_addresses: list of MAC addresses connected to the network interface
tag: interface TAG type
type: Type could be MPLS or VLAN
value: VLAN ID or MPLS tag or [start, end] for VLAN ranges.
metrics: Circuit required metrics
min_bw: minimum bandwidth
max_delay: maximum delay acceptable in milliseconds
max_hops: max number of hops
avoid_shared: if circuit should avoid shared links
provisioning_time: when the circuit should be created
decommissioning_time: when the circuit should be terminated
requested_paths: list of paths, in a priority list. 'Any' if no physical path is required.
tenant: group name
priority: circuit priority
external_id: any external ID if needed
monitoring: monitoring requirements
trace: if data plane path tracing is required
active: True or False
interval: interval between tests
trace: if control plane path tracing is enough
active: True or False
interval: interval between tests
notification: notification requirements
- workgroup1
- workgroup2
- user1@email
- user2@email
current_config: Current configuration
backend: backend or technology being used
current_path: # list of links being used
is_backup: is it using a backup path?
is_optimized: is it using under-provisioned links? (not enough BW, delay higher that required, etc.)
is_active: True if between provisioning time and decommissioning time
Data models are provided on folder libs.models.