# Evalidate
Evalidate is simple python module for safe eval()'uating user-supplied (possible malicious) logical expressions in python syntax.
## Purpose
Originally it's developed for filtering (performing boolean expressions) complex data structures e.g. find employees:
person.age>30 and person.salary>5000 or "Jack" in person.children
Or find cheap smartphones:
category="smartphones" and price<300 and stock>0
But also, it can be used for other expressions, e.g. arithmetical, like
## Install
pip3 install evalidate
## Security
Built-in python features such as compile() or eval() are quite powerful to run any kind of user-supplied code, but could be insecure if used code is malicious like `os.system("rm -rf /")`. Evalidate works on whitelist principle, allowing code only if it consist only of safe operations (based on authors views about what is safe and what is not, your mileage may vary - but you can supply your list of safe operations)
## TL;DR. Just give me safe eval!
from evalidate import safeeval, EvalException
src="a+b" # source code
# src="__import__('os').system('clear')"
c={'a': 1, 'b': 2} # context, variables which will be available for code
result = safeeval(src,c)
except EvalException as e:
print("ERR:", e)
Gives output:
In case of dangerous code:
output will be: `ERR: Operation type Call is not allowed`
## Exceptions
Evalidate throws exceptions `CompilationException`, `ValidationException`, `ExecutionException`. All of them
inherit from base exception class `EvalException`.
## Configure validation
Evalidate is very flexible, depending on parameters, same code can either pass validation or raise exception.
### safenodes and addnodes
Evalidate has built-in set of python operations, which are considered 'safe' (from author point of view). Code is considered valid only if all of it's operations are in this list. You can override this list by adding argument `safenodes` like:
result = evalidate.safeeval(src, context, safenodes=['Expression','BinOp','Num','Add'])
this will be enough for `1+1` expression (in src argument), but not for `1-1`. If you will try '1-1', it will report error: `ERROR: Validation error: Operaton type Sub is not allowed`
This way you can start from scratch and allow only required operations. As an alternative, you can use built-in list of allowed operations and extend it if needed, using `addnodes` argument.
For example, "1*1" will give error:
ERROR: Validation error: Operaton type Mult is not allowed
But it will work with addnodes:
result = evalidate.safeeval(src,c, addnodes=['Mult'])
Please note, using 'Mult' operation isn't very secure, because for strings it can lead to Out-of-memory:
and will raise runtime exception: `ERROR: Runtime error (OverflowError): repeated string is too long`
### Allowing function calls
Evalidate does not allow any function calls by default:
>>> from evalidate import safeeval, EvalException
>>> try:
... safeeval('int(1)')
... except EvalException as e:
... print(e)
Operation type Call is not allowed
To enable int() function, need to allow 'Call' node and add this function to list of allowed function:
>>> evalidate.safeeval('int(1)', addnodes=['Call'], funcs=['int'])
Attempt to call other functions will fail (because it's not in funcs list):
evalidate.safeeval('1+round(2)', addnodes=['Call'], funcs=['int'])
This will throw `ValidationException`.
Attributes calls (`"aaa".startswith("a")`) could be allowed (with proper `addnodes` and `attrs`) but
other indirect function calls (like: `__builtins__['eval']("print(1)")`) are not allowed,
### accessing attributes (attrs parameter), data as classes
If data represented as object with attributes (not as dictionary) we have to add 'Attribute' to safe nodes. Increase salary for person for 200, and additionaly 25 for each year (s)he works in company.
from evalidate import safeeval, EvalException
class Person:
p = Person()
data = {'p':p}
src = 'p.salary+200+p.age*25'
result = safeeval(src,data,addnodes=['Attribute','Mult'], attrs=['salary', 'age'])
print("result", result)
except EvalException as e:
### calling attributes
This code will not work:
Because: `evalidate.ValidationException: Operation type Call is not allowed`
To make it working:
print(safeeval('"abc".startswith("a")', addnodes=['Call', 'Attribute'], attrs=['startswith']))
## Functions
`safeeval()` is simplest possible replacement to `eval()`. It is good to evaluate something once or few times, where speed is not an issue. If you need to eval same code 2nd time, it will take same 'long' time to parse/validate code.
`evalidate()` is just little more complex, but returns validated safe python AST node, which can be compiled to python bytecode, and executed at full speed. (And this code is safe after evalidate)
`security.test_security()` checks configuration(nodes, funcs, attrs) against set of attacks.
### evalidate.safeeval()
result = safeeval(expression, context={}, safenodes=None, addnodes=None, funcs=None, attrs=None)
`safeeval` is higher-level wrapper of evalidate(), which validates code and runs it (if validation is successful). Throws exception if compilation(parsing), validation or execution fails.
`expression` - python expression like `salary+100` or `category="smartphones" and price<300 and stock>0`.
`context` - dictionary of variables, available for evaluated code.
`safenodes`, `addnodes`, `funcs` and `attrs` are same as in `evalidate()`
returns result of evaluation of expression.
### evalidate.evalidate()
node = evalidate(expression, safenodes=None, addnodes=None, funcs=None, attrs=None)
`evalidate()` is main (and recommended to use) method, performs parsing of python expession, validates it, and returns python AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) structure, which can be later compiled and executed. Evalidate does not evaluates code, use `compile()` and `eval()` after `evalidate()`.
>>> import evalidate
>>> node = evalidate.evalidate('1+2')
>>> code = compile(node,'<usercode>','eval')
>>> eval(code)
- `expression` - python expression `salary+100` or `category="smartphones" and price<300 and stock>0`.
- `safenodes` - list of allowed nodes. This will *override* built-in list of allowed nodes. e.g. `safenodes=['Expression','BinOp','Num','Add'])`
- `addnodes` - list of allowed nodes. This will *extend* built-in lsit of allowed nodes. e.g. `addnodes=['Mult']`
- `funcs` - list of allowed function calls. You need to add 'Call' to safe nodes. e.g. `funcs=['int']`
- `attrs` - list of allowed attributes. You need to add 'Attribute' to attrs. e.g. `attrs=['salary']`.
evalidate() throws `CompilationException` if cannot parse source code and `ValidationException` if it doesn't like source code (if code has unsafe operations).
Even if evalidate is successful, this doesn't guarantees that code will run well, For example, code still can have `NameError` (if tries to access undefined variable) or `ZeroDivisionError`.
evalidate uses [ast.parse()](https://docs.python.org/3/library/ast.html#ast.parse) and returns [AST node](https://docs.python.org/3/library/ast.html#node-classes).
>It is possible to crash the Python interpreter with a sufficiently large/complex string due to stack depth limitations in Python’s AST compiler.
In my test, works well with 200 nested int(): `int(int(.... int(1)...))` but not with 201. Source code is 1000+ characters. But even if evalidate will get such code, it will just raise `CompilationException`.
### evalidate.security.test_security
Evalidate is very flexible and it's possible to shoot yourself in foot if you will try hard. `test_security()` checks your configuration (addnodes/safenodes, funcs, attrs) against given list of possible attack code or against built-in list of attacks. `test_security()` returns True if everything is OK (all attacks raised ValidationException) or False if something passed.
This code will never print (I hope).
from evalidate.security import test_security
test_security() or print("default rules are vulnerable!")
But this will fail because nodes/funcs leads to successful validation for attack (suppose you do not want anyone to call `int()`)
from evalidate.security import test_security
attacks = ['int(1)']
test_security(attacks, addnodes=['Call'], funcs=['int'], verbose=True)
It will print:
Testing attack code:
Problem! Attack passed validation without exception!
## Examples
### Filtering by user-supplied condition ###
from evalidate import safeeval, EvalException
depot = [
'book': 'Sirens of Titan',
'price': 12,
'stock': 4
'book': 'Gone Girl',
'price': 9.8,
'stock': 0
'book': 'Choke',
'price': 14,
'stock': 2
'book': 'Pulp',
'price': 7.45,
'stock': 4
#src='stock==0' # books out of stock
src='stock>0 and price>8' # expensive book available for sale
for book in depot:
result = safeeval(src,book)
if result:
except EvalException as e:
print("ERR:", e)
With first src line ('stock==0') it gives:
{'price': 9.8, 'book': 'Gone Girl', 'stock': 0}
With second src line ('stock>0 and price>8') it gives:
{'price': 12, 'book': 'Sirens of Titan', 'stock': 4}
{'price': 14, 'book': 'Choke', 'stock': 2}
Note, it uses simple and slow function safeeval(). Each call of safeeval it will parse and validate same source code, and it's not effective. But it's OK if you have small set of elements to check.
For better example check `examples/products.py` in repo. It uses dataset "products" from https://dummyjson.com/ and it's much more effective on large lists.
# print all 100 products
# Only cheap products, 8 matches
./products.py 'price<20'
# smartphones (5)
./products.py 'category=="smartphones"'
# good smartphones
./products.py 'category=="smartphones" and rating>4.5'
# cheap smartphones
./products.py 'category=="smartphones" and price<300'
### Validate, compile and evaluate code
import evalidate
def test(src):
node = evalidate.evalidate(src)
except evalidate.CompilationException:
print("Bad source code:", repr(src))
except evalidate.ValidationException:
print("Dangerous code:", repr(src))
code = compile(node,'<usercode>','eval')
result = eval(code,{},data)
print("result:", result)
except Exception as e:
# almost any kind of exception can happen here
print("Runtime exception:",e)
srclist=['one+two+3', 'one+two+3+os.system("clear")', '', '1/0']
for src in srclist:
## Similar projects and benchmark
While asteval can compute much more complex code (define functions, use python math libraries) it has drawbacks:
- asteval is much slower (evalidate can be used at speed of eval() python bytecode)
- user can provide source code which runs very long time and consumes many resources
evalidate is good to run short same code against different data.
## Benchmarking
We use `evalidate-vs-asteval.py` which is in benchmark/ directory of repository
$ ./evalidate-vs-asteval.py
Src: a+b
Context: {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
Runs: 100000
asteval: 3.538s
asteval (reuse interpreter): 1.232s
safeeval: 2.384s
evalidate/compile/eval (reuse compiled code): 0.017s
0.017s vs 1.232s
## Read about eval() risks
- https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201206/eval_really_is_dangerous.html
- https://netsec.expert/posts/breaking-python3-eval-protections/
- https://realpython.com/python-eval-function/
Note: realpython article shows example with nice short method of validation source (using `code.co_names`),
but it's vulnerable, it passes "bomb" from Ned Batchelder article (bomb has empty `co_names` tuple) and crash interpreter. Evalidate can block this code and similar bombs (unless you will intentionally configure evalidate to pass specific bomb code. Yes, with evalidate it is hard to shoot yourself in the foot, but it is possible if you will try hard).
## More info
Want more info? Check source code of module, it's very short and simple, easy to modify
## Contact
Write me: yaroslaff at gmail.com