Powerful Python wrapper over Etherscan API for data collection.
The Etherscan API has various inconsistencies between the endpoints such as encoding of values (hex vs base10) as well as the structure of data returned. This module simplifies and standardizes the structure of data that gets returned from Etherscan, as well as provides performance improvements such as parallelization in queries.
To install the package, simply run the following command:
.. code-block::
pip install etherscan_py
To use the package, initialize a client with your Etherscan API key.
.. code-block::
from etherscan_py import etherscan_py
client = etherscan_py.Client(YOUR_API_KEY)
Data Structures
The basic Etherscan Event data structure.
.. code-block::
class EtherscanEvent:
address: string
topics: [string]
data: string
block_height: int
timestamp: int
gas_price: int
gas_used: int
logindex: int
txhash: string
The basic Etherscan Event data structure, with additional information from the associated transaction that caused the event to be emitted.
.. code-block::
class EnrichedEvent(EtherscanEvent):
address: string
topics: [string]
data: string
block_height: int
timestamp: int
gas_price: int
gas_used: int
logindex: int
txhash: string
from_address: string
to_address: string
tx_input: string
nonce: int
position_in_block: int
value: int
The basic Etherscan Transaction data structure.
.. code-block::
class EtherscanTransaction:
txhash: string
block_height: int
timestamp: int
nonce: int
from_address: string
to_address: string
value: int
gas_price: int
tx_input: string
position_in_block: int
is_error: bool
These are the supported methods:
#. ``get_eth_price()``
.. code-block::
>>> client.get_eth_price()
>>> 229.16
#. ``get_latest_block_height()``
.. code-block::
>>> client.get_latest_block_height()
>>> 10309928
#. ``get_first_tx_block(address)``
.. code-block::
>>> client.get_first_tx_block('0x27054b13b1B798B345b591a4d22e6562d47eA75a')
>>> 4352086
#. ``get_tx_by_hash(txhash)``
.. code-block::
>>> res = client.get_tx_by_hash('0xb8b56002413bb6b8a0fbf7f986715a297d678ecfc4fdcd0b37d9a88048e5c68e')
>>> res.txhash
>>> '0xb8b56002413bb6b8a0fbf7f986715a297d678ecfc4fdcd0b37d9a88048e5c68e'
``get_all_events(address, topic, enriched_data=False, from_block=0, to_block='latest', thread_count=1)``
.. code-block::
>>> res = client.get_all_events(
address = '0x51c72befae54d365a9d0c08c486aee4f99285e08',
topic = '0x56f54e5e291f84831023c9ddf34fe42973dae320af11193db2b5f7af27719ba6'
>>> len(res)
>>> 72
``get_all_transactions(from_address, status, to_address='', fn_signature='', from_block=0, to_block='latest', thread_count=1)``
status is either 0,1 or 2.
.. code-block::
0: Failed
1: Successful
2: Both
fn_signature is the first 10-characters of a tx's input_data
.. code-block::
>>> res = client.get_all_transactions(
from_address = '0x274CeA454c35b6bB3fE07377E719e45dF9E3Cac6',
status = 2,
to_address = '0x51c72befae54d365a9d0c08c486aee4f99285e08'
>>> len(res)
>>> 14