# ESNEFT Analysis - Diabetes Inequalities
[![status: experimental](https://github.com/GIScience/badges/raw/master/status/experimental.svg)](https://github.com/GIScience/badges#experimental)
## Table of contents
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Setup](#setup)
* [Retrieve Data](#retrieve-public-data)
* [Download](#download)
* [Process](#process)
* [Aggregate By Practice Level](#aggregate-by-practice-level)
* [Aggregate By LSOA Level](#aggregate-by-lsoa-Level)
* [Visualise](#visualise)
* [Practice Map](#practice-map)
* [LSOA Map](#lsoa-map)
* [Further Documentation](#additional-documentation)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [License](#license)
* [Contact](#contact)
## Installation
Installation is possible via `pip` as shown below.
python3 -m pip install esneft_tools
py -m pip install esneft_tools
#### Install within a Virtual Environment (optional)
python -m venv esneft_tools
source esneft_tools/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install esneft_tools
py -m venv esneft_tools
py -m pip install esneft_tools
If running scripts is disabled on your system then run the following command before activating your environment.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
#### Geospatial Dependencies (optional)
Additional geospatial utilities may be optionally installed as below.
Note these packages have non-trivial dependencies and automatic installation may not work on all systems.
An additional optional dependency, OSMnx, must be installed by the user.
Please refer to the [OSMnx documentation](https://osmnx.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) for further installation instructions.
<summary><strong>Clear here for code</strong></summary>
python3 -m pip install esneft_tools[geo]
py -m pip install esneft_tools[geo]
## Setup
The logging level of `esneft_tools` can be set via the `setVerbosity()` function.
import logging
from esneft_tools.utils import setVerbosity
from esneft_tools import download, process, visualise
## Retrieve Public Data
### Download
#### From Host
Each of the `esneft_tools.download.getData().fromHost()` functions retrieve a static copy of a particular data set from GitHub.
A local copy of these tables is saved to `./.data-cache/` by default.
Each can be obtained individually but it is recommended to retrieve all data, as below.
# Instantiate data download class.
getData = download.getData(cache='./.data-cache')
# Retrieve all data as dictionary (recommended)
data = getData.fromHost('all')
* `all` **(default)**
* Retrieve all of the below data in dictionary format (**recommended**).
* `postcodeLSOA`
* Postcode -> LSOA (2011) lookup Table from [ArcGIS](https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/ons::national-statistics-postcode-lookup-2021-census-november-2022/about)
* `imdLSOA`
* Indices of Deprivation by LSOA in England from [National Statistics (.gov.uk)](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/845345/File_7_-_All_IoD2019_Scores__Ranks__Deciles_and_Population_Denominators_3.csv/preview)
* `populationLSOA`
* LSOA population estimates, by age and sex, from [ONS](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/datasets/lowersuperoutputareamidyearpopulationestimates)
* `ethnicityLSOA`
* Proportion of ethnicity minorities (non-white) by LSOA from [NOMIS](https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/query/select/getdatasetbytheme.asp?opt=3&theme=&subgrp=)
* `areaLSOA`
* Land hectare measures by LSOA from [ArcGIS](https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/ons::standard-area-measurements-latest-for-2021-statistical-geographies-in-england-and-wales-v2-1/about)
* `gpRegistration`
* GP registration by LSOA [NHS Digital](https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/patients-registered-at-a-gp-practice/metadata)
* `gpPractice`
* GP Practice information from [NHS Digital](https://digital.nhs.uk/services/organisation-data-service/file-downloads/gp-and-gp-practice-related-data)
* `gpStaff`
* GPs by GP Practices from [NHS Digital](https://digital.nhs.uk/services/organisation-data-service/file-downloads/gp-and-gp-practice-related-data)
* `qof`
* Quality and Outcomes Framework, 2021-22 from [NHS Digital](https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/quality-and-outcomes-framework-achievement-prevalence-and-exceptions-data/2021-22)
* `geoLSOA`
* LSOA GeoJSON from [UK Data Service](https://statistics.ukdataservice.ac.uk/dataset/2011-census-geography-boundaries-lower-layer-super-output-areas-and-data-zones)
* `esneftLSOA`
* List of LSOAs within ESNEFT trust.
* `esneftOSM`
* OpenStreetMap (OSM) data for ESNEFT area from [Geofabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de/europe/great-britain/england.html)
#### From Source
Alternatively, the `.fromSource()` method can be used to retrieve each dataset directly from its public source.
By default, `esneft_tools` will retrieve the source data that matches the `fromHost()` methods.
Each source URL can be updated to newer versions by providing a YAML file to `download.getData()` as shown below.
An example of the YAML file is shown [here](./README_files/sourceURL.yaml).
<summary><strong>Clear here for code</strong></summary>
# Instantiate data download class.
getData = download.getData(sourceURL='sourceURL.yaml', cache='./.data-cache')
# Retrieve a specific dataset from host.
# Note: "all" does not work with .fromSource().
imdLSOA = getData.fromSource('imdLSOA')
### Processing
#### Aggregate by Practice Level
The `getGPsummary` function aggregates the downloaded data to practice level statistics.
GPsummary = process.getGPsummary(**data, iod_cols='IMD')
| Field | Description |
| --- | --- |
| *OrganisationCode* | Practice Service Code |
| IMD | Mean Index of Multiple Deprivation of Registered Patients |
| Patient | Total Registered Patients |
| QOF-DM | QOF achievement for Diabetes mellitus (max 76) |
| DM-prevalance | Prevalence of Diabetes mellitus |
| PCDS | Postcode |
| OpenDate | Opening Date |
| CloseDate | Closing Date |
| Status | Service Status (e.g. Active) |
| PrescribingSetting | Service Type (e.g. GP Practice) |
| currentStaff | Current Practitioners |
| departedStaff | Total Departed Practitioners |
| meanStaff | Average Working Practitioners |
| annualStaffTurnover | Mean Annual % Practitioner Turnover |
| Lat | Latitude of Site |
| Long | Longitude of Site |
| patientPerGP | Total Registered Patient per Average Practitioner Count |
| ESNEFT | Boolean Flag of Practices within ESNEFT |
| Node | Closest OSM Map Node to Site |
#### Aggregate by LSOA Level
The `getLSOAsummary` function aggregates the downloaded data LSOA level statistics.
LSOAsummary = process.getLSOAsummary(**data, iod_cols='IMD')
| Field | Description |
| --- | --- |
| *LSOA11CD* | LSOA (2011) Code |
| LSOA11NM | LSOA (2011) Name |
| Age (median) | Median Age of Population |
| Population | Population Estimate (2011 Census) |
| LandHectare | Land Area (Hectares) |
| Patient | Total Registered GP Patients |
| IMD | Index of Multiple Deprivation |
| IMD (q5) | Index of Multiple Deprivation (quintiles) |
| DM-prevalance | Prevalence of Diabetes mellitus |
| Density | Population Density |
| ESNEFT | Boolean Flag of LSOAs within ESNEFT |
### Visualise
### Practice Map
fig = visualise.scatterGP(GPsummary[GPsummary['Status'] == 'Active'], minCount=250)
<br> *Map of Practice Distributions within ESNEFT (Plotly Interactive)*
### LSOA Map
fig = visualise.choroplethLSOA(LSOAsummary, data['geoLSOA'], colour='IMD')
<br> *Choropleth Map of LSOA Domains within ESNEFT coloured by IMD (Plotly Interactive)*
## Further Documentation
Refer to the [additional documentation](./README_files/docs.md) for further examples of functionality.
## Contributing
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.
1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`)
4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
5. Open a Pull Request
See [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for detailed guidance.
## License
Distributed under the MIT License. _See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for more information._
## Contact
If you have any other questions please contact the author, [Stephen Richer](mailto:stephen.richer@proton.me?subject=[GitHub]%20esneft_tools).