# ESMF Branch Summary Tool
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ESMF Branch Summary Tool automate summarizing ESMF Framework test results across
multiple permutations.
## Whats New?
* Using a sqlite3 database to aggregate results and ensures unique entries
can be added but not removed as each final summary is generated directly from the underly database.
* Can generate a larger history with the ```--number``` flag.
* Build Results have been added
## How Does it Work?
A user can run the tool by calling it with only the ```repo_path``` argument.
In this case, the tool fetches all remote branches and and generates permuations for processing in the form of *machine_name/branch_name*.
### Important!
It's important to understand that each **machine_name** has a corresponding branch, thought no referred to as branches.
Similiarly, **branch_name** refers to the branch of the ESMF Framework being tested, though it is represented as a root directory in the corresponding **machine_name** branch.
#### Example:
To check the test results of the *develop* branch on machine *Cheyenne*, you would look in the *Cheyenne* branch in the root folder *develop*.
## Flow
Continuing from our example above in which we invoked the tool with only the ```repo_path`` argument:
* Git fetch new changes
* If no branches have been supplied via the command line, fetch all the remote branches. (Otherwise, use only the branch(es) specified with the -b flag)
* Generate permutations for each branch/machine and itterate over them creating summaries.
* Checkout the *branch* that corresponds to the machine_name
* For each hash request with the ```--number``` flag, gather all ```build.log``` and ```summary.dat``` files that contain said hash.
* Search through the matching files for test results and build results for each permutation of *hash/branch/machine* and update the underlying database.
* Checkout the *summary* branch and generate summary files for each unique hash (as INSERT OR REPLACE)
* Write the summary files, commit, and push to *Summary* branch.
## Installation
Use the package manager [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) to install esmf-branch-summary tool.
pip install esmf-branch-summary
## Usage
usage: esmf_branch_summary.py [-h] [-b BRANCHES [BRANCHES ...]] [-n NUMBER] [-l LOG] repo_path
esmf_branch_summary aggregates esmf framework test results from other branches into a summary file .
positional arguments:
repo_path path to esmf-artifacts-merge
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
branch(es) to summarize. All by default. Example --name develop feature_1 feature_2
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
number of commits to compile from most recentExample --number 10
-l LOG, --log LOG Provide logging level. Example --log debug', default='info'
If no branch is specified, the tool will checkout all remote branches from the repository and summarize each
if the necessary assets are available.
The ```--numer``` flag allows you to build summaries for more than the most recent branch hash.
The ```--log``` flag takes standard Python logging options.
## License