ElasticSearch Import Utility (esimport)
Tool exists to index content from a CSV in ElasticSearch.
To index the contents of a CSV file (where the first row contains field
names) into an ElasticSearch server, you must supply the -s, -f, -i and
-t arguments. If the specified index or type does not exist within the
specified ElasticSearch server, it will be created when the module
executes. The following example will index data from data.file into
ElasticSearch at http://myserver:9200/myindex/mytype:
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s myserver:9200 -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype
- -s *server* (may either be a hostname:port or fully qualified, i.e.
- -f *filepath* (location of tab-delimited file to import data from)
- -i *index*\ name\_ (name of the target index within ElasticSearch)
- -t *type*\ name\_ (name of the target document type within
Further help available via the script:
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport --help
Additional Options
Custom Delimiter
The default delimiter for the operation is a ",", but you may specify different delimiters via the -d argument.
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s myserver:9200 -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype -d '|'
- -d *delimiter* (the delimiter separating columns within the CSV)
Clear Existing Data First
When indexing data in ElasticSearch, you may optionally clear the
existing ElasticSearch type before data is added by including the -rm
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s myserver:9200 -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype -rm
- -rm (removes all documents of given type within the specified index
on ElasticSearch)
Mapping is the definitiion of the field names and value types of a
document indexed within ElasticSearch. Characteristics such as field
type, whether a field is searchable, and whether to include a timestamp
may all be defined in a map.
*Please note:* If the specified mapping does not match the field names
in the tab-delimited file, you should supply a field translation file
(described below).
A mapping file can be specified by adding the -m parameter to the
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s myserver:9200 -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype -m /path/to/mapping.json
- -m *mapping*\ filepath\_ (location of JSON formatted mapping file for
specified type)
Maps should be provided in JSON format, as seen below and on the
ElasticSearch website.
Sample mapping for a document type "tracks"
.. code:: JSON
"tracks" : {
"properties" : {
"genre" : {
"type" : "string"
"album" : {
"type" : "string"
"ISRC" : {
"type" : "string"
"recordCompany" : {
"type" : "string"
"artist" : {
"type" : "string"
"songToken" : {
"type" : "integer"
"durationInSeconds" : {
"type" : "integer"
"title" : {
"type" : "string"
More details on mapping may be found in `ElasticSearch's mapping
reference <http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/mapping/>`__.
Field Translations
If the original field names from the CSV file need to be altered or
filtered during the import, you may provide a field translations file.
The first row of this file should consist of the original field names,
separated by the specified delimiter; the second, the new names, again
separated by the specified delimeter.
*Please note:* Any original field names omitted from the first row, will
be omitted from the indexed data as well. This is a handy way to filter
the columns at time of indexing if that is necessary.
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s myserver:9200 -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype -rm -m /path/to/mapping.json -n /path/to/field/name/translations.file
- -n *field*\ translation\_filepath\_ (location of CSV field
translation file for specified type)
Sample Field Name Translations File
Basic Auth
If login credentials are required, add the arguments -user and -pass
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s https://myserver.com -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype -user exampleuser -pass examplepassword
Verify SSL
If ElasticSearch requires SSL, the -nv setting can be used to bypass certificate verification if necessary.
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s https://myserver.com -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype -user exampleuser -pass examplepassword -nv
Bulk Index Count
You may specify the max number of records to index at time (defaults to 1000) by using the `-bc` argument.
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s https://myserver.com -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype -user exampleuser -pass examplepassword -bc 500
You may specify the timeout (defaults to 60) for communication with Elasticsearch using the `-T` argument..
.. code:: Bash
python -m esimport -s https://myserver.com -f /path/to/import/data.file -i myindex -t mytype -user exampleuser -pass examplepassword -T 30
- Python libraries
- ``rawes``: `Github <https://github.com/humangeo/rawes>`__ \|
`documentation <https://github.com/humangeo/rawes#rawes>`__
- ElasticSearch