
"ErroRCalcS" is a GUI-tool to calculate uncertainties by using the uncertainties and the PyQt5 packages.
## update 0.3.1
In version 0.3.1 there are some new features:
* you can chose now where to save the formula file via the 'save here'-button
* you can open the file directly by clicking 'open'
* the Program checks the internetconnection in order to chose from where to open the usage.md
* completely new structure: some functions have been moved from GUI. py and calc. py to a new script (add. py) to make the program code easier to read.
Furthermore some bugs were fixed.
## Usage / funktion
The aplication starts with a window with different input fields (see picture below):
- variable (name of variable, e.g. d)
- value (Value of variable e.g. 7.1)
- error (correspondending error on the variable, e.g. 0.8 or 0,8)
- formula (desired formula, using the variables and further values and arithmetic characters

By clicking on the 'add-variable' button, the entries are written to files in a folder named '.\_\_log\_\_'. By clicking on the 'calculation' button, the formula entry is also written to a file in the '.\_\_log\_\_' and 'calc.py' starts running, and writes the calculation and the result in files into the '.\_\_log\_\_'.
Variables can be overwritten.
By selecting a format behind 'Safe used Formula for' the used formula for error propagation is written into a file named 'saved_formula.txt' in the current directory. By clicking the 'save-here'-button you can chose, where to save the used formula. Clicking the 'open'-button leads directly to the file where the formula was saved in.
If LaTex is selected, the formula is also written to the .txt file. You can copy this into a .tex document. If you import there the 'amsmath' module (\usepackage{amsmath}), you can use this formula without editing.
## Input and Result Examples
### General Inpus
| variable | value | error | formula | result |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| V, T, n | 2, 283.5, 4.3 | 0, 0.5, 0.03 | (n\*8.314\*T)/V | 5067.591+/-36.467 |
| x | 4.3 | 1.1 | sin(x)*3.5 | -3.2066+/-1.5431 |
| y | 3.254 | 0.032 | log10(y) | 0.5124175+/-0,0042709 |
| x, y | 4.3, 3.254 | 1.1, 0.032 | log(x)\*\*y | 3.4156+/-1.9497 |
### Arithmetic Characters
| characters and operators | meaning | example |
| ----- | ----- | ----- |
| + | plus | 4+2=6 |
| - | minus | 4-2=2 |
| \* | multiplication | 4\*2=8 |
| / | division | 4/2=2 |
| \*\* | exponent | 4\*\*2=16 |
| sqrt(x) | square root | sqrt(4)=2 |
| log(x) | natural logarithm | log(2.71828)=1 |
| logY(x) | logarithm with base Y | log10(2.71828)=0.4343 |
| sin(x) | sinus in radian | sin(1)=0.8415 |
| cos(x) | cosinus in radian | cos(1)=0.5403 |
| tan(x) | tangens in radian | tan(1)=1.5574 |
| asin(x) | arcsinus in radian | asin(1)=1.5707 |
| acos(x) | arccosinus in radian | acos(1)=0 |
| atan(x) | arctangens in radian | atan(1)=0.7854 |
| exp(x) | exponentialfunktion of e^(x) | exp(2)=7.3891 |
## Requirements
- Python >= 3.4
- uncertainties
- PyQt5
## Installation
errorcalcs can be installed by `pip3 install errorcalcs` (Linux) or simply `pip install errorcalcs` (Windows). You can run the GUI with following code:
from errorcalcs.errorcalcs import run\_e\_c