# eraInterimDownload
Tools for downloading era Interim physical parameters on an area.
Era Interim is a product of ECMWF and provide a full range of product which are describe in
mkdir PATH/TO/INSTALL <br>
cd PATH/TO/INSTALL/eraInterimDownload <br>
git clone git+git://github.com/yoannMoreau/eraInterimDownload.git <br>
sudo pip install https://software.ecmwf.int/wiki/download/attachments/23694554/ecmwf-api-client-python.tgz
python python/landsat_theia.py -help <br>
( or you cas Use pip to install eraInterimDownload )
<h2>Overview: What can eraInterimDownload do?</h2>
eraInterimDownload has a main function, allow download of parameters on a area in an automatic way
<u>Four paramaters are mandatory: <br><br></u>
<b> --Code of Parameters <EraInterimCode></b><br>
A list of code which define parameters desired. Code reference can be found on http://old.ecmwf.int/publications/library/ecpublications/_pdf/era/era_report_series/RS_1_v2.pdf<br>
</u>CODE PARAMETERS Exemple :</u><br>
total precipitation : 228 <i>[m of water]</i><br>
2 meters temperature : 167 <i>[K]</i><br>
maximum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : 201 <i>[K]</i><br>
minimum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : 202 <i>[K]</i><br>
surface pressure : 134 <i>[Pa]</i><br>
2 meters dewpoint : 168 <i>[K]</i><br>
10 meters eastward wind component X X 165 <i>[m s-1]</i><br>
10 meters northward wind component X X 166 <i>[m s-1]</i>
<b>--Interval needed : </b><br>
init date <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>' AND end date <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>'
<b>--Area needed </b><br>
shapefile <pathToShapefile> (srs is not important because it will be reprojected in WGS84)
--Extend <xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin> in WGS84
<b>EXAMPLES :</b><br>
<i>--temperature on a shapefile during the first to the second of january <br></i>
python eraInterimDownload.py -c 167 -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -s PATH_TO_SHAPE'<br>
<i>--pressure on a area during the first month of 2015 on a specific extend<br></i>
python eraInterimDownload.py -c 134 -i 2015-01-01 -e 2015-02-01 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin'<br>
<u>Five paramaters are optional: </u><br><br>
<b>--Time <EraInterim Time> (default 00)'</b><br>
The time for starting modelisation. It could be 00h 06h,12h or 18h (selection in 00,06,12,18).
Default is 0.
A list is possible for that parameter
python eraInterimDownload.py -c 168 -i 2013-11-08 -e 2013-12-09 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin -t 00,06,12,18'
<b>--Step <EraInterim Time> (default 0)' </b><br>
The step of modeling.
If step 0 is chosen, then only analysed fields, which are produced for 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC, are available.
If step 3, 6, 9 or 12 is selected then only forecast fields which are produced from forecasts beginning at 0000 and 1200 UTC, are available.
Some parameters are not possible within some of the possibilities.
Check the documentation for more information.
default is 0.
A list is possible for that parameter
python eraInterimDownload.py -c 168 -i 2013-11-08 -e 2013-12-09 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin -p 0,6'
<b>--Grid <grid spacing on °.arc> (default 0)'</b>
The spacing of final raster. grid possible : 0.125/0.25/0.5/0.75/1.125/1.5/2/2.5/3
default is 0.75
python eraInterimDownload.py -c 168 -i 2011-10-01 -e 2011-10-02 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin -g 0,125'
<b>--Outfile <Path to downloaded Raster> (default /home/user/eraInterim)'</b>
python eraInterimDownload.py -c 168 -i 2011-10-01 -e 2011-10-02 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin -o PATH/TO/FILE'
All downloaded raster are netcdf with a code_DateInit_DateEnd.nc name
<b>--proxy <proxy : True/False></b> (default False)
Sometimes a proxy definition is needed for downloading from external network.
When this option is activated, a proxy user/key/site could be defined to overpass it
<h2>Important Notes </h2>
All downloaded and processed images are stored by default in your home directory in eraInterim forlder: ~/eraInterim
To Do List
Improve console output<br>
Allow grid download<br>
Maintain with bug error <br>