# Introduction
A simple python console script to let me convert [epr](https://github.com/sshaw/export-pull-requests) files to [Markdown](https://www.howtogeek.com/448323/what-is-markdown-and-how-do-you-use-it/).
Typical export-pull-requests file that I generate use the following CLI invocation:
epr hasii2011/gittodoistclone --milestone=5 --export=issues --token=myToken --state=closed > release-0.98.0.csv
The various columns are in this format:
A [CSV](https://file.org/extension/csv) line like this:
hasii2011/PyUt,Issue,359,hasii2011,Fix warning in PyutLink.setType,closed,03/23/22 09:50:04,03/23/22 13:56:09,https://github.com/hasii2011/PyUt/issues/359
Gets converted to a Markdown line like this:
* [359](https://github.com/hasii2011/PyUt/issues/359) Fix warning in PyutLink.setType
# Overview
The basic command structure is:
Usage: epr2md [OPTIONS]
--version Show the version and exit.
-i, --input-file TEXT The input .csv file to convert. [required]
-o, --output-file TEXT The output .md file.
--help Show this message and exit.
By default, epr2md assumes that the input file has a `.csv` suffix and the output file has a `.md` suffix.
However, epr2md is flexible and can deduce file names and suffixes. The best option is if you do not specify the output file. Then epr2md deduces that the output file is the same as the input file name with the .md suffix. For example:
```epr2md -i release-6.5.4.csv```
causes pyut2xml to write to a file named TestFileV10.xml
The command line:
```epr2md -i release-6.5.4 -o release-6.5.4```
reads from release-6.5.4.csv and writes to release-6.5.4.md
Another simple example:
```epr2md -i release-6.5.4```
causes pyut2xml to reads from a file named TestFileV10.csv and write to a file named release-6.5.4.md
# Installation
```pip install epr2md```
Written by Humberto A. Sanchez II <mailto@humberto.a.sanchez.ii@gmail.com>, (C) 2022
## Note
For all kind of problems, requests, enhancements, bug reports, etc.,
please drop me an e-mail.

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