Open edX Theming Plugin
This plugin provides a stable place from where to create and launch your openedx theme.
Compatibility Notes
| Open edX Release | Version |
| Juniper | >= 1.0 < 2.0 |
| Koa | >= 2.0 < 3.0 |
| Lilac | >= 2.0 |
| Maple | >= 3.0 |
| Nutmeg | >= 4.0 |
| Olive | >= 5.0 |
**NOTE**: From Lilac version Django 2.2 is not supported, you should use Django 3.2 and eox-tenant >=4.0.
The following changes to the plugin settings are necessary. If the release you are looking for is
not listed, then the accumulation of changes from previous releases is enough.
.. code-block:: bash
EOX_THEMING_BASE_FINDER_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.j_finders'
EOX_THEMING_BASE_LOADER_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.j_loaders'
EOX_THEMING_SITE_THEME_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.j_models'
EOX_THEMING_CONFIGURATION_HELPER_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.j_configuration_helpers'
EOX_THEMING_THEMING_HELPER_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.j_theming_helpers'
EOX_THEMING_STORAGE_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.j_storage'
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'eox_theming.theming.storage.EoxProductionStorage'
EOX_THEMING_EDXMAKO_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.j_mako'
Koa (optional)**
.. code-block:: bash
EOX_THEMING_STORAGE_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.l_storage'
EOX_THEMING_EDXMAKO_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.l_mako'
Lilac - Maple - Nutmeg - Olive
.. code-block:: bash
EOX_THEMING_STORAGE_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.l_storage'
EOX_THEMING_EDXMAKO_BACKEND = 'eox_theming.edxapp_wrapper.backends.l_mako'
Those settings can be changed in ``eox_theming/settings/common.py`` or, for example, in ansible configurations.
**NOTE**: the current ``common.py`` works with Open edX lilac version.
Open edX devstack
- Clone this repo in the src folder of your devstack.
- Open a new Lms/Devstack shell.
- Install the plugin as follows: pip install -e /path/to/your/src/folder
- Restart lms/cms services.
- Install the plugin with OPENEDX_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS, this should be added in the config.yml.
- Restart lms/cms services.
Include a usage description for your plugin.
To start using eox-theming, we must make the settings shown in the tenant settings (if we don't have one created, create it and configure it), add some available settings to the tenant:
.. code-block:: json
For this, you must also make sure you have eox-tenant installed in your environment,
and to configure it we must locate the `common.py`_
file and set the ``USE_EOX_TENANT`` variable to ``True``
.. _common.py: https://github.com/eduNEXT/eox-tenant/blob/master/eox_tenant/settings/common.py#L52
Include the follow configuration in devstack.py:
.. code-block:: python
Production Django settings for eox_theming project.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
def plugin_settings(settings):
Set of plugin settings used by the Open Edx platform.
More info: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/openedx/core/djangoapps/plugins/README.rst
settings.STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'eox_theming.theming.storage.EoxDevelopmentStorage'
from lms.envs.common import _make_mako_template_dirs # pylint: disable=import-error
settings.TEMPLATES[1]["DIRS"] = _make_mako_template_dirs
Note that in ``COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS`` it must contain a list of directories where the folders of the themes to be tested are located.
Contributions are welcome! See our `CONTRIBUTING`_
file for more information - it also contains guidelines for how to maintain high code
quality, which will make your contribution more likely to be accepted.
.. _CONTRIBUTING: https://github.com/eduNEXT/eox-theming/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst