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# The ESCAPE OSSR library
The eOSSR Python library gathers all the developments made for the OSSR. In particular, it includes:
- an API to programmatically access the OSSR, retrieve records and publish content
- functions to map and crosswalk metadata between the CodeMeta schema adopted for the OSSR and Zenodo internal schema
- functions to help developers automatically contribute to the OSSR, in particular using their continuous integration (see also code snippets)
Code: [https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/escape2020/wp3/eossr](https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/escape2020/wp3/eossr)
Documentation: [https://escape2020.pages.in2p3.fr/wp3/eossr/](https://escape2020.pages.in2p3.fr/wp3/eossr/)
## Former stable versions
- v0.6: [](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6475946)
- v0.5: [](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6352039)
- v0.4: [](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6326454)
- v0.3.3: [](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5592584)
- v0.2 : [](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5524913)
## Install
Commands to be run in your terminal.
### For users
cd eossr
pip install .
You can also run it with docker:
docker run -it gitlab-registry.in2p3.fr/escape2020/wp3/eossr:latest
[Visit our registry](https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/escape2020/wp3/eossr/container_registry) to see the available docker containers.
Note that `latest` tag always point to the latest stable released container.
### For developers
git clone https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/escape2020/wp3/eossr.git
cd eossr
pip install -e .
#### Running tests
To run tests locally, run:
pip install -e ".[tests]"
pytest eossr
Some tests will be skiped if `SANDBOX_ZENODO_TOKEN` is not defined in your environment variables.
If you want to run these tests, you will need to create a [sandbox zenodo token](https://sandbox.zenodo.org/account/settings/applications/tokens/new/) and add it to your env:
export SANDBOX_ZENODO_TOKEN="your_sandbox_token"
## Online CodeMeta validator for the OSSR
The eOSSR powers an online validator for your CodeMeta metadata and to convert it to Zenodo metadata.
[Just follow this link (running on mybinder)](https://mybinder.org/v2/git/https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.in2p3.fr%2Fescape2020%2Fwp3%2Feossr/HEAD?urlpath=voila%2Frender%2Fdocs%2Fmetadata%2Fvalidate_codemeta.ipynb)
## License
## Cite
To cite this library, please cite our ADASS proceedings:
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2212.00499},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.00499},
author = {Vuillaume, Thomas and Garcia, Enrique and Tacke, Christian and Gal, Tamas},
keywords = {Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM), FOS: Physical sciences, FOS: Physical sciences},
title = {The eOSSR library},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022},
copyright = {arXiv.org perpetual, non-exclusive license}
If you used the library in a workflow, please cite the version used as well, using the cite section in [the Zenodo page](https://zenodo.org/record/5592584#.YiALJRPMI-Q) (right column, below the `Versions` section).