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> The project is currently under heavy development, and focusing on **PyTorch** and the **recommendation** scenario.
## About
**Enscale** is an `instant distributed computing` library based on the **Ray Train** and **Ray Data**, which is scalable, efficient, and easy-to-use. It accelerates the development of any ML/DL training workload, on any cloud or local, at any parallelism size.
### Goals
- Launch any interactive ML/DL workloads **instantly** on your laptop or to any cloud
- **Scale** your own single-machine neural network modules to a native **distributed** manner
- Apply **heterogeneous** architecture
- **Data scientist-friendly** API
- **Sparse** and **dense feature** definitions
### Non-Goals
- Not a neural network library, there are only some benchmark modules provided.
## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
- Python version >= `3.7.1`
- Packages
- requests >= `2.26.0`
- ray >= `1.9.2`
- torch >= `1.9.1`
- pandas >= `1.3.5`
- pyarrow >= `6.0.1`
### Installation
#### Using Pre-compiled Wheels
# CPU version
pip install enscale
#### From Source
git clone https://github.com/ryantd/enscale
cd enscale
pip install -e .
### Runtime environment
The library can launch **locally** or on any **cloud provider** with Ray set up.
- If you want to launch on the cloud, go through this [doc](https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/cluster/cloud.html#launching-cloud-clusters) to set up your Ray Cluster. And then you can use `environ_validate(n_cpus=N, cluster_endpoint="ray://<head_node_host>:<port>")` to connect your cluster.
- Or just use `environ_validate(n_cpus=N)` to have a local experience.
You can add more native `ray.init` arguments, just put them into `environ_validate` call. Like `environ_validate(n_cpus=N, ignore_reinit_error=True)` to make Ray suppresses errors from calling `ray.init()` a second time.
### Lightning example
> See more hands-on and advanced examples [here](examples/readme.md), like heterogeneous support and sparsity definition.
The following example requires `sklearn` to be installed. And `tqdm` is optional, which enables progress reporting.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from enscale.util import pprint_results, load_benchmark_dataset
from enscale.model.ctr import DeepFM
from enscale import NeuralNetTrainer, environ_validate
# ray environment setup
environ_validate(n_cpus=N_DATA_PROCESSOR + N_WORKERS)
# load dataset and sparsity definition pre-defined
datasets, feature_defs, dataset_options = load_benchmark_dataset(
# set your own dataset by `data_path="criteo_mini.txt"`
# trainer setup
trainer = NeuralNetTrainer(
# module and dataset configs
module=DeepFM, # your own nn.Module or built in modules
"dense_feature_defs": feature_defs["dense"],
"sparse_feature_defs": feature_defs["sparse"],
# trainer configs
# logger callbacks
# computation abstract on distributed
# run and print results
results = trainer.run()
## Architecture

## Roadmap
- Heterogeneous Strategy on Distributed Training
- [x] Sync Parameter Server
- [ ] Aync Parameter Server
- [ ] Hybird Phase 1: use sync or async for the dense or sparse component as you like, under homogeneous architecture
- [ ] Hybird Phase 2: you can choose async PS for the sparse component, and sync Ring Allreduce (like PyTorch's DDP) for the dense component
- Framework Support
- [x] PyTorch: no specific plan to support other frameworks
- Advanced Parallel Mechanism
- [ ] Heavy integrated [torchrec](https://github.com/pytorch/torchrec)
- Accelerator Support
- [ ] GPU: complete inspection required
## Reference
- [Ray and Ray Train](https://github.com/ray-project/ray): Ray Train is a lightweight library for distributed deep learning, allowing you to scale up and speed up training for your deep learning models. Docs [here](https://docs.ray.io/en/master/train/train.html).
- [DeepCTR-Torch](https://github.com/shenweichen/DeepCTR-Torch): Easy-to-use, modular and extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models.
## License
Enscale is MIT licensed, as found in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.