# EnergyPlus Regressions
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[![Run Tests](https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlusRegressionTool/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlusRegressionTool/actions/workflows/test.yml)
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## Overview
This library provides tools for performing regressions between EnergyPlus builds.
Developers often propose changes to EnergyPlus for:
- New feature development
- Defect repair
- Refactoring for structure or performance
When a developer proposes these changes, those code changes must be tested prior to accepting them into the main branch.
A continuous integration system runs the tests and provides results, but there can be a sometimes lengthy delay waiting on those results, depending on how busy the system is at that time.
This set of tools provides a way to run these regressions locally.
## Usage
This tool works on all three major platforms: Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu (LTS).
GitHub Actions test on multiple platforms, and it is regularly used on all three as well.
To install the tool, simply `pip` install it into your Python environment (either system or virtual environment)
The project page on PyPi is: https://pypi.org/project/energyplus-regressions/.
- Download using Pip (`pip install energyplus-regressions`).
- Once installed into the Python install, there will be a binary available to run: `energyplus_regression_runner`.
## Development
For setting up a development environment to do _work_ on this tool, the steps are pretty minimal:
- Install Python, if needed
- Clone this repository (`git clone https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlusRegressionTool`)
- Install dependencies (`pip3 install -r requirements.txt`)
## Documentation
Program documentation, including user guide and typical workflows, are available in the documentation.
This documentation is written using RST with Sphinx, and published on [ReadTheDocs](https://energyplusregressiontool.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
## Testing
Exhaustive unit tests have been added to the "underneath the hood" code, like the functions that calculate diffs and run builds.
The unit tests are run on [Github Actions](https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlusRegressionTool/actions).
The GUI code is not unit tested, but tested routinely on all platforms.