# Ender Turing
Ender Turing is a solution for voice content understanding, analytics and business insights.
Check [enderturing.com](https://enderturing.com/) for details.
## Installation
$ pip install enderturing
For using streaming speech recognition functions, you'll also need FFmpeg installed.
$ sudo apt install ffmpeg
MacOS homebrew:
$ brew install ffmpeg
For other OS, please follow FFmpeg installation guides.
## Quick Start
import asyncio
from enderturing import Config, EnderTuring, RecognitionResultFormat
# create configuration
config = Config.from_url("https://admin%40local.enderturing.com:your_password@enterturing.yourcompany.com")
et = EnderTuring(config)
# access sessions list
sessions = et.sessions.list()
# get recognizer for one of configured languages
recognizer = et.get_speech_recognizer(language='en')
async def run_stream_recog(f, r, result_format):
async with r.stream_recognize(f, result_format=result_format) as rec:
text = await rec.read()
return text
# recognize specified file
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = loop.create_task(run_stream_recog("my_audio.mp3", recognizer, result_format=RecognitionResultFormat.text))
## Usage
SDK contains two major parts:
- Using Ender Turing REST API
- Speech recognition
## Using Ender Turing API
All API calls are accessible via an instance or `EnderTuring`. API methods are grouped, and each
group is a property of `EnderTuring`. Examples:
from enderturing import Config, EnderTuring, RecognitionResultFormat
et = EnderTuring(Config.from_env())
# access sessions list
sessions = et.sessions.list()
# working with ASR
# accessing raw json
et.raw.create_event(caller_id='1234', event_data={"type": "hold"})
## Access Configuration
To access API, you need to know an authentication key (login), authentication secret (password), and
installation URL (e.g. https://enderturing.yourcompany.com/)
There are multiple ways to pass config options:
- from environmental variables (`Config.from_env()`).
- creating `Config` with parameters (e.g. `Config(auth_key="my_login", auth_secret="my_secret"")`)
- using Enter Turing configuration URL (`Config.from_url()`)
## Creating Speech Recognizer
There two options to create a speech recognizer:
### If you have access to API configured:
recognizer = et.get_speech_recognizer(language='en')
### If you know URL and sample rate of desired ASR instance:
from enderturing import AsrConfig, SpeechRecognizer
config = AsrConfig(url="wss://enderturing", sample_rate=8000)
recognizer = SpeechRecognizer(config)
## Recognizing a File
`SpeechRecognizer.recognize_file` method returns an async text stream. Depending on parameters,
each line contains either a text of utterance or serialized JSON.
If you are only interested in results after recognition is complete, you can use the `read()` method. E.g.
async with recognizer.recognize_file("my_audio.wav", result_format=RecognitionResultFormat.text) as rec:
text = await rec.read()
If you prefer getting words and phrases as soon as they are recognized - you can
use the `readline()` method instead. E.g.
async with recognizer.recognize_file(src, result_format=RecognitionResultFormat.jsonl) as rec:
line = await rec.readline()
while line:
# Now line contains a json string, you can save it or do something else with it
line = await rec.readline()
## Working With Multichannel Audio
If an audio file has more than one channel - by default system will recognize each channel and
return a transcript for each channel. To change the default behavior - you can use `channels`
parameter of `SpeechRecognizer.recognize_file`. Please check method documentation for details.
Sometimes an audio is stored as a file per channel, e.g., contact center call generates two files:
one for a client and one for a support agent. But for analysis, it's preferable to see transcripts
of the files merged as a dialog. In this scenario, you can use
`recognizer.recognize_joined_file([audio1, audio2])`.
## License
Released under the MIT license.