# Enchainté SDK - Python
This SDK offers all the features available in the Enchainté Toolset:
- Write messages
- Get messages proof
- Validate proof
- Get messages details
## Installation
The SDK can be installed with PIP as follows:
$ pip install enchaintesdk
## Usage
The following examples summarize how to access the different functionalities available:
### Prepare data
In order to interact with the SDK data must be processed through the Message module.
There are several ways to generate a Message:
from enchaintesdk import Message
# From a dict
d = {'data': 'Example Data'}
# From a hash string (hex encoded 64-chars long string with no "0x" prefix)
# From a hex encoded string (with no "0x" prefix)
# From a string
Message.fromString('Example Data')
# From a bytes
Message.fromBytes(b'Example Data')
# Retrieve the computed message
Message.fromBytes(b'Example Data').getHash()
### Send messages
This example shows how to send data to Enchainté.
from enchaintesdk import EnchainteClient, Message, EnchainteSDKException, ConfigEnv
import os
api_key = os.getenv("ENCHAINTE_APIKEY", default='api_key')
client = EnchainteClient(api_key, environment=ConfigEnv.TEST)
messages = [Message.fromString('Example Data 1')]
send_receipt = client.sendMessages(messages)
print('sendReceipt status: ', send_receipt[0].status)
except EnchainteSDKException:
### Get messages status
This example shows how to get all the details and status of messages:
from enchaintesdk import EnchainteClient, Message, EnchainteSDKException, ConfigEnv
import os
apiKey = os.getenv("ENCHAINTE_APIKEY", default='apiKey')
client = EnchainteClient(apiKey, environment=ConfigEnv.TEST)
messages = [
Message.fromString('Example Data 1'),
Message.fromString('Example Data 2'),
Message.fromString('Example Data 3')
m_receipts = client.getMessages(messages)
for mr in m_receipts:
print("MessageReceipt: {{anchor_id: {}, client:{}, message:{}, status:{}}}".format(
mr.anchor, mr.client, mr.message, mr.status))
except EnchainteSDKException:
### Wait for messages to process
This example shows how to wait for a message to be processed by Enchainté after sending i:
from enchaintesdk import EnchainteClient, Message, EnchainteSDKException, ConfigEnv
import os
api_key = os.getenv("ENCHAINTE_APIKEY", default='api_key')
client = EnchainteClient(api_key, environment=ConfigEnv.TEST)
messages = [Message.fromString('Example Data 1')]
send_receipt = client.sendMessages(messages)
anchor = client.waitAnchor(send_receipt[0].anchor)
print("Anchor: {{id: {}, blocks:{}, network:{}, root: {}, status:{}}}".format(
anchor.id, anchor.block_roots, anchor.networks, anchor.root, anchor.status))
except EnchainteSDKException:
### Get and validate messages proof
This example shows how to get a proof for an array of messages and validate it:
from enchaintesdk import EnchainteClient, Message, EnchainteSDKException, ConfigEnv
import os
apiKey = os.getenv("ENCHAINTE_APIKEY", default='apiKey')
client = EnchainteClient(apiKey, environment=ConfigEnv.TEST)
messages = [
Message.fromString('Example Data 1'),
Message.fromString('Example Data 2'),
Message.fromString('Example Data 3')
proof = client.getProof(messages)
timestamp = client.verifyProof(proof)
# or simply: timestamp = client.verifyMessages(messages)
print('When were our messages sent to blockchain? : {}'.format(is_valid_boolean))
except EnchainteSDKException:
### Full example
This snippet shows a complete data cycle including: write, message status polling and proof retrieval and validation.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from enchaintesdk import EnchainteClient, Message, EnchainteSDKException
import random
import time
import os
def randHex(l):
''' Helper function to generate a random message.'''
val = [int(random.uniform(0, 256)) for x in range(0, l)]
result = ''
for n in val:
result += ('%x' % n)
return result
def main():
apiKey = os.getenv("API_KEY", default='apiKey')
client = EnchainteClient(apiKey)
messages = [Message.fromString(randHex(64))]
send_receipt = client.sendMessages(messages)
print('Message sent to Enchainté. Waiting for anchor to be processed ...')
print('Anchor retrieved. Getting Message proof ...')
proof = client.getProof(messages)
print('Verifying proof ...')
timestamp = client.verifyProof(proof)
if timestamp <= 0:
print('Data not registered on the blockchain.')
except EnchainteSDKException as e:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# execute only if run as a script